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Tt Homestay


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:) @wsag


Homestay is tax free upto £750, you have to provide breakfast, but no other meal, the room has to have wardrobe space and drawer space etc, thats why they come and check. Rooms can't be any higher than the first floor without fire escapes, or fire doors etc. It is illegal to accept paying guests without registering, but I think there may be worse laws to break......


As for not having nice visitors, I've never heard of anyone not having any? I had someone stay this year for the first time (freebie, relatives in a bike club had promised a friend accomodation, then couldn't deliver due to unforeseen circumstances), and they were an absolute pleasure. It was really nice to see their pleasure in seeing the island for the first time, and it felt like an honour to introduce them to what we perhaps take for granted.


It is a great deal more than sticking a few quid in your back pocket generally I think.


A good post.


The tax limit is now £1500. It was due for revision anyway but it seems more people will be staying for the whole TT fortnight next year.


Stookie, you make some very good points and show your reservations. Please don't be offended by any abusive or foul language you may read in this thread. (Imagine it as being in a pub which is a cross between the Star Wars bar and the London Hilton and the myriad pubs in between, except when an oaf comes up to you to chat you simply ignore them :) ).


If you really want to experience the TT I would suggest you go ahead - the chances are very much in your favour that you will have pleasant people in your home. You can even request 'middle aged middle class couple' I suppose, although there is nothing to say such people will be any 'better' than any others.


So - be a real part of it and go Homestay and help someone out. I hope by next TT you have made some new friends and have had an amazing two TT weeks!!


Oh - and you might even consider putting that extra money on a deposit for a small motorcycle to learn on - but that is another story!

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