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A Simple Story From China


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There is nothing wrong stemming population growth by bringing in contraception and giving a woman control of her body, but China went far further than that, taking control away in the most coercive manner possible.  The Chinese communist party immiserated its population through disastrous economic policies during the Great Leap Forward, the great famine and Cultural Revolution, while other countries were developing and going through just as steep a demographic transition.

Click here It'll take you through to the gap minder site.  Are China's efforts so much better than other countries?  But the others did it without coercion and violence and by unleashing people's talents rather than regimenting people into political madness all in praise of Communism.

There were better paths than China's.

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On 11/12/2008 at 9:49 AM, Freggyragh said:

Japan too has a lot of poverty - but, perhaps more shocking, it is often post-capitalist poverty. When the effects of the bursting of the 'Bubble Economy' started to hit in the nineties a lot of middle-class, middle-income, middle-management types found themselves out of work and in negative equity - http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/spl/hi/asia...less/html/1.stm

I'd still take Japan  over it's neighbours or most other places in the world.

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I hope this link to Gapminder works as the data is interesting.

You don't need coercive violence against women and babies and families to go through demographic transition.  It is simply, given the CCP's mindset that it is the hammer, it is hardly surprising it treats every problem as though they were a nail.


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