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T T 2007 Domain Name Auction


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About a week ago, I noticed that no-one had yet registered the domain names TT2007.im and 2007TT.im, so I put my name down for them. The registrations went through ok, and I've just put both names up for auction on Ebay.


The proceeds of this auction will be divided up as follows:


- 50% will go to an Isle of Man based charity chosen by the highest bidder.


- The other 50% will go to SID, to help keep the group going, and realise some of our ideas.


Personally, I think that there aren't any better domain names out there for next year's TT centenary than these two - short, to the point, and with the proper '.im' ending - you can't get any better, really..


The corresponding .com domains are already registered and in use, and I was a little surprised, and a little dissapointed, that the Island's own top level domain had not yet been used in the same way to promote what promises to be the biggest bike festival in the world next year - it's 100 years of TT, so don't miss out on your chance to own the best domain names for it!



TT 2007 Domain Name Auction



The auction will run for 10 days from today, and ends at 09:35am on the 11th of August.

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I was a little surprised, and a little dissapointed, that the Island's own top level domain had not yet been used in the same way to promote what promises to be the biggest bike festival in the world next year


Imagine your disappointment when it's bought by an opportunist who wants to direct it to a bunch of pay ads...


Seriously, you can't moan about a top level domain not being used properly when all you've done is register it and auction it off to the highest bidder. Touch of hypocrisy there chief.


Good luck with it, but I think you'll find that there's very few people with any awareness of the TLD of .im outside of these shores. Anyone who guesses at it will be hitting the .com addresses.

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Good luck with it, but I think you'll find that there's very few people with any awareness of the TLD of .im outside of these shores. Anyone who guesses at it will be hitting the .com addresses.

So I guess it's time we work on that then.. Look at the .tv TLD - a little nation in the pacific ocean, yet their TLD is used quite a lot by now - why not try and achieve the same for .im? You know, all that talk about this being a "forward thinking e-Island", etc..


It's not a bad TLD for a website - just imagine if the guys at the stock exchange got of their backsides and registered a.im (oh dear, someone might actually do that now..) - it'be ace!


As to people buying it to place stupid ads on it - I can always pull the auction early if I think the buyer might be dodgy, and I would obviously prefer for the new registrant to be based on the Island, as the names should really be used properly for next year's TT - there's nothing stopping people from getting in touch with me if they think they have a proper use for them - until then, though, they will stay registered in my name, so no-one can place silly ads under the best domain name for the greatest bike festival on earth...

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Look at the .tv TLD - a little nation in the pacific ocean, yet their TLD is used quite a lot by now


There's a reason that .tv is popular and I'm sure if you think a little more about it, the reason will become clear.


As to people buying it to place stupid ads on it - I can always pull the auction early if I think the buyer might be dodgy, and I would obviously prefer for the new registrant to be based on the Island, as the names should really be used properly for next year's TT - there's nothing stopping people from getting in touch with me if they think they have a proper use for them - until then, though, they will stay registered in my name, so no-one can place silly ads under the best domain name for the greatest bike festival on earth...


Thing is, they can promise you the Earth and say all the right things, but as soon as you've handed it over you've resigned any sort of control you had over it and they can do what they want.


Despite your charitable intentions, the other 50% of revenue generated is marked to fund an organisation that you run. To me, this makes this nothing more than cybersquatting, sorry.


I'm also somewhat puzzled as to why this isn't in the Adverts section...

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Look at the .tv TLD - a little nation in the pacific ocean, yet their TLD is used quite a lot by now


There's a reason that .tv is popular and I'm sure if you think a little more about it, the reason will become clear.



There was an article on the TV TLD some years' ago. It was just sheer luck that the national abbreviation created a TLD which has obvious attractions for media compnies. It was expected to boost the Tuvalu economy quite some which was a Godsend, bearing in mind their main source of income is stamps! I also seem to recall that the islands are sinking into the sea and won't be around for very much longer.

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what is the reserve on this item out of interest?

The reserve price has already been met, and was based on the cost price for the domains.


I also seem to recall that the islands are sinking into the sea and won't be around for very much longer.

Hm..think we can have their TLD as well then? As a kind of inter-island e-commerce economical co-operation... :)


There's a reason that .tv is popular and I'm sure if you think a little more about it, the reason will become clear.

Yes, I'm obviously aware of that, but it should still not stop people from trying to promote what IMO is a good TLD with loads of potential - I've seen that some people on ebay seem to try and flog it along the lines of "instant messaging" - might not be the most creative sales pitch of all times, but I'm sure with a bit of thinking something better can be achieved...


Despite your charitable intentions, the other 50% of revenue generated is marked to fund an organisation that you run. To me, this makes this nothing more than cybersquatting, sorry.

Technically, I guess this is true, but I see it more as a creative way to raise funds with good intentions behind it - I might be part of SID, but any funds received will go back to the island in one way or another, as we are not operating for any profit..

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Wasn't all the childish shit from Energy FM regarding the use of a TT domain?


This looks like a fun charidy auction, but as an actual usable domain name, it's worthless. If I wanted to put up a mega tt 2007 website, I could register 2007tt.net, iom-tt2007.com, iomtt2007.com all for a fiver each, and still anyone who matters would just go to iomtt.com because it's already out there providing what the fans actually want.


Good luck like, but I can't help but wonder how much it'll make beyond your ton outlay. There are some daft folks around though, especially on ebay :)

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