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Two Charity Events Last Weekend - Your Views


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In fact if you venture to your newsagents today and pick up the Manx Independent you will see that it is once again referred to as a charity football match.


What page?

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In fact if you venture to your newsagents today and pick up the Manx Independent you will see that it is once again referred to as a charity football match.


What page?



Its page ten - it says a charity football match in the first paragraph. Further down in the same story it says "Organisers said that 50p from the sale of every childs tickets and £1 from every adult ticket would go to the Craigs Heartstrong foundation" Clearly indicating that £1 per adult and 50p for kids.


The media are causing the confusion. They must like using the term charity.

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The media are causing the confusion. They must like using the term charity.


I'll be looking in the paper next week for the retraction following the complaint that will be undoubtedly submitted by the organisers to clear up the confusion.

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I don't know the guy in question but Manx Crab Syndrome springs to mind with this topic....


I know this Guy. I believe someone earlier said 'Wide boy' - they were being polite!


Looking at this, I belive Mr Watson has been quite happy for people to talk about this as a 'Charity' event as it would only have been good advertising for him - yet failed to point out just how little money is going to charity. When compared to the stars in their eyes event, he looks positivley mercenary.


People who know Mr Watson will not at all be surprised by all this. His future Missus has been heard before this event bragging about how the profits from this charity event were going to pay for a carribean holiday.


Also, this guy's attitude to us Manx Sucks. He's a typical come-over from Ireland who loves to moan about the Isle of Man yet loves us when people are in his shop or he's doing 'Charity' ( LOL! ) work.

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And as if by magic the accused appears!


Let me clear up lots of confusion here.


The event was advertised as a football match with 50p from a childs, and £1 from an adults ticket going towards the charity. You’re all clever enough to use the internet but not to see clearly on the ticket and the posters the donation to the charity. All printed material by our shop confirmed the donation. All radio interviews with me backed this up. Keith Lunt of the charity and I also sat down and discussed it at great length.


In the end of the day we are a business, a going concern, call it what you like but this is our living. We are clear and honest in what we do however we’re forever ridiculed in doing so. Why should we give anything to charity? Do plumbers, builders, bankers etc donate from a big job or a bonus? To us the match is just another product that our shop sells.


The newspapers haven’t helped us in any why shape or form. Many have mentioned that we didn’t complain in the build up to them referring to our event as a charity game, well if you seen us getting any advertising up front you’re a better man than me. We got nothing, ziltch, bugger all. The week of the event they state that Denis Irwin and Ian Rush were coming, news to me! The kick off was 1pm, it was in aid of Craigs Heartstrong, and tickets were being sold from all co-ops! All news to me!


During my heated phone call to the editor he apologised and would get to the bottom of it. A return call later basically said that “why do we bother printing anything when all I do is complain” Any wonder I complain when they continuously balls things up? I was also asked “why it took me 5 days to complain” my retort was “tad busy answering 3,000 odd phone calls confirming kick off time!!


As the game approached I came up with the idea of a penalty shoot out with local companies donating £50 towards the charity, hence boosting the fund by another £500. A user stated that if he thought that was the star prize for his £1 ticket he wouldn’t have bothered buying one. I don’t think the winners of the signed Real Madrid, Liverpool shirts, 1 of 4 signed balls, several signed photographs etc would think so. Again items we supplied from our shop and not donated by others.


We have no government funding, nothing came free. Good luck to Scott Christian of Stars in their eyes, the concept, the money raised is fantastic. But you should all remember we had 23 hotel rooms, 23 flights, 20 appearance fee’s, Police, Band, food, signage, printing etc etc to pay for.


How much money from the Viking festival or the TT gigs went to charity? Not a cent, how much government funding went into it? £££££$$$$$$£££££ When you go to the cinema do you expect a percentage to go to charity, no, and why should it.


If anyone can provide any material printed by our shop showing that the match was in aid of Craigs Heartstrong we’ll give you a full refund. We have no control over newspapers or radio. Ignorant, uniformed and mislead by baffling fools. We done everything right and this is the thanks we get for it. Next year is England v World XI.


Read this now and read it well. Not a penny is going to charity because of the negativity. If you don’t want to attend, then don’t, if you do, thank you for your support.


We gave 80 tickets out to local schools, many more to competitions. I recently organised “An evening with Jack Charlton” for the charity. The committee came to me and asked for my help. When asked “how much do you want for doing this” my reply was “nothing, I’m really honoured to be asked” 15k + they made from that and good luck to them. How many of you knew that???


A few have mentioned the local involvement on the pitch. Was it a bad thing for making a dream come true for a few locals? Was it not a great advertisement when many homegrown footballers held their own against former European Cup, and League winners? As for calling me a fat Chris Waddle, I’ve been called worst! Is bringing so many ex players to the Island a bad thing? Many complain about nothing to do, yet when someone tries to be different they’re torn apart.


How many times in our shop are we asked to donate a prize for a school function or a memorial fund? We loose count.


Many have stated that I’m a wide boy and gobby. Gobby, granted I have my moments, however if you translate someone who forms their own opinions and not by jumping on band wagons, someone who stands up for right and hates injustice as being gobby, then hang me out to dry. Wide boy though, hhhmmmm do I drive a flash motor, am I covered in designer labels? I think not. Don’t get me wrong, I’m making my way in life, but certainly not living the high life.


We are only a phone call away, why instead of believing the negative worthless moaners why not call and clear up your concerns?? I’m quoted in hating the Manx, yet again misinformed. I love the Island and it’s been a great home for over 20 years. I will however admit to hating the small minority infected with Manx crab syndrome. “If you place one’s head above the trenches expect to be shoot at, however if no-one take that chance one will never gain ground”


I suggest sausage that you come from behind your seamen stained computer, that’s if you can remove your low centre of gravity arse and do something worthwhile instead of denying a small country of their entire year of foodstuffs and making libellous comments from the safety of your lard lined darkened vault!


I trust the above mail has answered many questions and for those of you that’ll will never like me no-matter what I do, at least I’m trying. You won’t knock me down. I thank Manxman for an impartial view, others for defending us, and those that have criticised all I ask is that you collate the facts before putting forward an ill informed opinion.


A great quote I’ve learnt on my why to having broad shoulders is “ as long as I’m taking the shit, some other poor bugger is being left alone”




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Next year is England v World XI.


I'll look forward to that. Not the match mind. Just the claims of Gascoigne, Waddle et al appearing then turning up to see Carlton Palmer, Andy Sinton and Geoff Thomas sharing the field with a bunch of Manx lads plucked from The Heron at the last minute

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Excellent reply and well put.


One thing I am surprised of though is that after 20 years over here you were surprised at the cynism of a small minority. If you become high profile in the Isle of Man prepare to be shot at, dont let the b.....s grind you down and continue to support charities as I do from my buisness ventures. Every £ you give helps.




All the functions etc you have promoted have been enjoyed by many people and you have brought over some very high profile legends that most of us on the rock would have normally only seen on the telly. One that will always stay in my memory was the night with George Best. And so bloody what you have made a few bob out of it, exactly as I do everyday of the week when I set off too work.

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