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Two Charity Events Last Weekend - Your Views


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The irony of all ironies that a w@nker like lee can't spell semen ! love it !


The lardy arse description is much better suited to yourself than me fella, trust me !


At the end of the day we all have a choice on what we attend and I would rather wipe me arse on £50 than give it to you and judging by the views expressed on this forum and amongst my circle of friends (yes I have lots !!) i am not in a 'minority'


Bye for now !!

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Many thanks for your support billyonemate, mission etc etc. As for you martyblueboy tut tut tut


Now calling me a wanker is one thing (I've been called worse!) but at least I have the balls to face people and not from the comfort of an armchair. So you and your circle of friends dislike me sausage, I couldn't honestly give a rats arse. I'm not on this site to have a top trump style battle on who's got the most mates.


Why don't you visit me in our little store on Duke Street, I'd love to see you wipe your arse on a £50. I'm in from 9.30am until 2pm everyday.


You may bring some of your friends too, you might need them to hold up your spineless excuse of a body!


I must go now sausage, up to my eye's in holiday brochures!!!




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I must go now sausage, up to my eye's in holiday brochures!!!





HA HA HA HA HA ? You can afford a holiday and you can get brochures all on your own.


Clever and hilariously funny all at once, well done !!!!

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Two events happened this weekend billed as charity events in aid of Craigs Heartstrong foundation, a very worthwhile cause.


Number 1 was a football match organised by Lee Watson who has organised many similar charity events


Number 2 was Stars In Their Eyes organised by Scott Christian who organises this one event each year


Both events cost £12.50 or £7.50 admission


100 % of that ticket money plus all other funds raised from the stars in their eyes event went to the charity


However if you went to the football match only 6-8 % of your money went to the charity


Would like your views on the events ?


Do you think the pricing and contributions to the charity is fair ?


Do you think some people would be duped by the fact both were billed as charity events but there is such a huge disparity in contributions from ticket prices ?


Where does the rest of the money from this football match go ?


Does the organiser of the football match make any money ?




Returning to your original post on the subject - it appears that you really owe Mr Watson an apology since, as he has explained, the football match was never intended to be billed as a charity event.

If you are too small a person to be able to grasp that, then you are clearly not worth taking any notice of.

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I would owe an apology if I thought that both the radio and newspapers suddenly decided to call the event a charity event purely by themselves with no input from anyone at all. Unfortunately I don't believe this and I think others are naive to do so. If this was the case I assume the apology will be on the radio and in this weeks newspapers ?!!


And as the personal insults began from Mr Watson himself I would suggest the apology should be issued in my direction


But to be honest I dont really feel the need for an apology. I am not too upset and think I will be able to pick myself up and move on !


The views on this thread are very polarised and I am glad to stick on the side of the argument where I currently reside.



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Piffle and squib! I've heard some pants in my time but this just about takes the jaffa. Not entirely sure what the entire hullaballoo is about, something to do with football I gather. Quite impartial of course but f**k my old boots................what a load of crinkly b*llocks.


As far as I can see, some guy on your island (is that the right term to use or is it a country of some sort, forgive my ignorance but it is of course best known by Johnny Depps description of it as...............and I quote "a piece of shit" Anyway, don't pay that no never mind as the white trash say) organised something to relieve the tedium of being stuck on what is at best, somewhere slightly restrictive with lots of unpleasant peope (not all of you of course but one thing you so rightly point out Sausage is that you may well not be in the minority, no surprise there then.) I digress, so this guy does something, albeit a nancy boys game in my humble opinion but something nevertheless, gives some hicks a good time, makes a living from it, drops some green on a charity etc etc. and some retard, nothing better to do, redneck hill billies complain about it!! Holy f*cking sh1t, you need to get out more. Where's your f*cking donation ladies? Too f*cking busy massaging your f*cking egos and belly aching about other people, crucifying them from behind that thin veneer of feigned holier than f*cking thou pseudo intelligence that wouldn't have to be scratched too deeply to be able to watch the poisonous pus of envy leak out. Matron once told me that "There are those that can and those that do." Of course I haven't a f*cking clue what she was talkling about because I was exceedingly drunk at the time and I've done f*ck all since.





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Definately the old 'Manx Crabs' out again.


It seems that there are a lot of people on the Island with an aversion to anyone who gets off their backside and does anything!

Probably because it demands certain character traits which are sometimes a bit overpowering.


The same people complain that there is nothing going on, but persecute the very people who try to make things happen.

Not much has changed since my dad was a 'come over' then!

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Sausage gets pwned. Result.


ATEOTD, the charity's made some money, Lee's made some money & the majority of the punters have gone away happy. What's the problem ?


All credit to Lee for having the balls to put something like this on. It's always the same on the IOM, you stick your neck out to do something worthwhile & the jealous crabs will do everything they can to make you sorry you ever did.

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What can I say?


Never thought I would gain allies in the form of The Equalizer and The Bastard. Never the less, this sausage (no doubt a chipolata) has disliked me for some time, and no doubt always will no matter what I do. Many thanks to Jacqueline and lonan3 for your impartial view. I take everything I do very seriously and I never pretend to be something special. I’ve done more than most but am under no illusion, as I have much more to learn.


The Isle of Man is what you make it, and I’m trying to make it more enjoyable for a few with ambitions for many. Someone mentioned that I’ve a track record of failing to bring over the advertised star. Let’s just take a closer look at that…..to date I’ve brought over 102 celebrities to the Island. The only let down I’ve had was Paul Gascoigne due to the fact that the Sun newspaper had accused him of beating up his step-daughter 3 day’s prior to the visit. It say’s a lot for our and the Islands reputation on the after dinner circuit when with only 3 day’s notice before the event we replace the accused Mr Gascoigne with a Knight. Yes, Sir Geoff Hurst. Sir Geoff quoted “because of what Sir Bobby Charlton said on his last visit to the Island, I thought I’d help the guys out”


Whilst I’m typing what I hope is my last reply on this thread, I must say that my business partner James is gutted he’s not been mentioned!! He’s been there from word go and is quite “put out” at his lack of acknowledgement.


So let’s hear it for James Collier too……..



<i posted an ad here and didn't pay for it>


How do you like those apples sausage??? :D

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Apples ? At least you can spell that I suppose and your staying away from seaman again !!


Anyway this is my last post too. I see there have been over 1500 views of this thread so my work is done !


Far from knocking anyone who does anything, afraid you have got the wrong person as you will not find any evidence of me making any similar statements about any other events


I just like to know that if I am going to attend an event advertised (rightly or wrongly) as a charity event, my cash goes to that charity, so those are the events I attend.


Seems to be a much used and convenient counter argument...you try and do something different and people in the Isle of Man knock you down....bollocks. I think the Isle of Man is a wonderful place and there are great things being done out there which I support regularly.


But in my final statement I have to concede Lee has managed to make a name for himself on the rock. 99% of the time you only have to mention his name and the immediate response follows ".....is a cunt!". Amazing and you must be proud of such notoriety.


Anyway keep up the sales of goods shown earlier on this thread, your doing a grand job keeping the 'Moochers Market' spirit alive


Over and out, my sausage is sizzled !!

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Yah, just run away and hide - you'd never have the guts to go and tell Lee what you thought to his face, you just accuse him of being a thief and a fraudster anonymously on a forum that he doesn't read, then resort to petty insults when the facts make you look like a total fool. You da man !

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