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Has Mel Gibson Lost It?


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MEL GIBSON’S career in Hollywood appeared close to collapse yesterday, as ABC Television cancelled the actor’s planned mini-series on the Holocaust, and the influential talk show host Barbara Walters told viewers: “I don’t think I want to see any more of Mel Gibson’s movies.”


The sheriff’s department continued to withhold Mr Mee’s report, although it has confirmed that Gibson asked the officer: “Are you a Jew?” then blamed all wars in the world on the Jews.


He asked to meet Jewish leaders, “with whom I can have a one-on-one discussion to discern the appropriate path for healing”.


However, Jewish groups are still furious about Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ, a movie which blamed the execution of Jesus Christ on the Jews — a tactic which, many Jews argue, has been used as part of antiSemitic propaganda for centuries. Controversy over the film intensified when Gibson, a conservative Catholic, refused to denounce his father for making statements that the Holocaust was “mostly fiction”.


Is this what happens when actors get carried away with their sense of self importance and forget that they're only popular for being entertainers?

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Gibson’s family are strongly anti-Semitic.


His old man is a history revisionist who denies the holocaust for starters.


What’s more he (Gibson Snr.) even left the roman catholic church in the 1960s when the pope announced that the church absolved the Jews for the death of Jesus and left the US as he thought it was becoming ‘immoral’. He was one to talk about immorality.


Gibson Snr. was a regular attendee at history revisionist meetings arranged by Duke, Irving, et al who were promoting the lie that the mass extermination of European Jewry by the Nazis even happened.


Here are a few excerpts from a radio interview given by Gibson Snr.


On the 'Holocaust': '"It's all -- maybe not all -- fiction, but most of it is," he said, adding that the gas chambers and crematoria at camps like Auschwitz would not have been capable of exterminating so many people.'


"Do you know what it takes to get rid of a dead body?” he asked

“ To cremate it? It takes a litre of petrol and 20 minutes. Now, six million of them? They (the Germans) did not have the gas (petrol) to do it. That's why they lost the war."


"They (the Jews) claimed that there were 6.2 million in Poland before the war, and they (the Jews) claimed after the war there were 200,000 -- therefore he must have killed 6 million of them... They simply got up and left. They were all over the Bronx and Brooklyn and Sydney, Australia, and Los Angeles."


He also is said to have commented that that the infamous WWII concentration camps run by the Nazis were work camps and were not used for genocidal purposes.


On the Jews:


"They're after one world religion and one world government. That's why they've attacked the Catholic Church so strongly, to ultimately take control over it by their doctrine."


He was repoprted in the NY Times as saying that "Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan should be lynched" and that Gibson had "called for the government to be overthrown."


He (Gibson) has Jews as


“intensely ethnocentric money- and power-seekers.” Also anti-Christian but that this was actually only a part of a wider hostility: "


Is the Jew still actively anti-Christian?” Gibson asked (rhetorically), “He is, for by being a Jew, he is anti-everyone else."


The Anti-Defamation League amongst many others has rightly condemned Gibson's words.


There is also concern with not just the censorship, cuts, and insertion of pro-Jewish, or at least not overtly ANTI - Jewish statements which Mel Gibson agreed to make in The Passion of the Christ, but that there was even a NEED for this to have been done in the first place.


The ADL, like many others, is disgusted by the tone and content of Gibson Snr’s public remarks and statements especially after Mel Gibson's has said that his father has never lied to him when the matter of the tone and content of The Passion was raised and remember, The Passion is Gibsons own work for the most part..


Draw your own conclusions about these people. I have.

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Gibson’s family are strongly anti-Semitic.


blah blah blah


So what? You're strongly anti-Islam.


My stance is based on knowledge and fact.


His and those of his ilk is based on raw bigitry and prejudice supported by NO fact, just hatred.

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Gibson’s family are strongly anti-Semitic.


blah blah blah


So what? You're strongly anti-Islam.


My stance is based on knowledge and fact.


His and those of his ilk is based on raw bigitry and prejudice supported by NO fact, just hatred.


Ah that's ok then. You're right and everyone else is wrong. Your bigotry and prejudice is obviously a softer fluffier kind then...



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Ah that's ok then. You're right and everyone else is wrong. Your bigotry and prejudice is obviously a softer fluffier kind then...




Not at all. In my case it's neither prejudice OR bigotry. It's knowledge and experience.


If more people understood islam, REALL understood islam, there would probably be rioting in the streets on most major cities in the UK and beyond.



There may well soon be.

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My dad's bigger than your dad....come on its pathetic.


One rule for one but not for others....strange how you can flame the entire Islamic nation without any bother at all...but dare to say one nasty thing about the Jewish faith then you get called for it....hypocrisy of the highest order imho.


Im starting the Chruch of Practising Agnostics....no manifesto....no hidden agendas...just a little attempt to understand people that are not the same as me....oh and I can also get you some cheap builders if you want :ph34r::ph34r:

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My dad's bigger than your dad....come on its pathetic.


One rule for one but not for others....strange how you can flame the entire Islamic nation without any bother at all...but dare to say one nasty thing about the Jewish faith then you get called for it....hypocrisy of the highest order imho.


Im starting the Chruch of Practising Agnostics....no manifesto....no hidden agendas...just a little attempt to understand people that are not the same as me....oh and I can also get you some cheap builders if you want :ph34r::ph34r:


My life, there's some shallow thinkers.


Look, slag off Jewish RELIGION - that's one thing, slag of ISRAEL - that's where you'll get MY back up.


There IS a difference.

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