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Has Mel Gibson Lost It?


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My life, there's some shallow thinkers.


Look, slag off Jewish RELIGION - that's one thing, slag of ISRAEL - that's where you'll get MY back up.


There IS a difference.


I recognise that there is a difference between the Jewish religion and Israel, and I agree that it would be wrong to tar all Jews with association with Israel. But why should criticism of a nation "get your back up"?

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I havnt got a clue about religion and religions dont interest me, Whenever i hear about it on tv I just change channel.



Well a lot of people never seem to ask questions these days, every war is due to religion this is why i tend to steer clear of the launatics who have to belive in things.


All i know personally is good and evil and watching children being dragged from bombed buildings in the middle east at present makes me think maybe mel gibson has a point.


instead of switching over the channel start to realise the pictures you are seeing are actually people dying for no reason at all.


Just because we live far from it don't mean we should just accept it.


life is the most precious thing in the world remmember that next time you switch the channel.

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Mel Gibson's quite an enjoyable actor to watch on film. I won't stop seeing his films because of what he's said - there's a great deal of fuckheads in the entertainment industry on every level and this doesn't affect my viewing/listening pleasure of their material. Case in point - I dislike junkies/smackheads immensely, yet I enjoy the work of a wide range of actors and musicians who were just that.


Just to clarify however - Gibson is a rummy anti-semite and was wrong to say what he did - I in no way condone his comments. No matter how well-done he was.

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Look, slag off Jewish RELIGION - that's one thing, slag of ISRAEL - that's where you'll get MY back up.


There IS a difference.


Mel Gibson wasn't slagging off Israel, but the Jewish faith surely? Anyway, who cares whether YOUR back is got up, you care very little about being offensive let alone getting anybody else's back up.

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My life, there's some shallow thinkers.


Look, slag off Jewish RELIGION - that's one thing, slag of ISRAEL - that's where you'll get MY back up.


There IS a difference.


I recognise that there is a difference between the Jewish religion and Israel, and I agree that it would be wrong to tar all Jews with association with Israel. But why should criticism of a nation "get your back up"?


Two reasons Declan.


Firstly I hold dual nationality.


I earned my Israeli citizenship some thirty years ago (though I could have acquired it by aliya as would have been my right as a Jew) and secondly because so much anti-Israeli and anti - Jewish sentiment is based on bullshit, on propaganda, inherited or learned anti-Semitism, and even simple jealousy.

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