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Now You See It ..soon You Won't


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If you thought the Forresters was star wars you should have ssen where the posties used to drink, The Musicians Club on Circular road, now that was a basic bar :blink:


Known to one and all as the 'Fiddlers' Club!

Mind you, it had an excellent snooker table - and I recall Alex Higgins warming up in there before an exhibition a few years ago (and I think he tried out the snooker table as well!) :)


the late barry gibb was a member, very anonymous, the members had no idea who he was. His only complaint was that ther was no phone.

As i remember, it was stag, no females allowed, even cleaners had to be male, alright i suppose but shite on friday stripper night :(

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It was called the musicians club and the building was directly opposite the old sorting office, i seem to remember the building was originally the oddfellows hall?


Anyone remember where Bourne Hall was?

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manxchatterbox I hope you don't mind but I have had a play around with your digital iamge of the Forresters in Photoshop :rolleyes:


Another Douglas landmark gone to the developers :angry:


Last Ten



The place is (soon to be was) a state - I'd rather have a new build than watch it continue to decay. It had just better not become another car park as per the site opposite it.

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It is too easy to be distracted by watching the building coming down.


If you listen to this 20 second soundtrack (or just watch the video again) you will hear, apart from the walls crashing down, the wailing of all the spirits of the people who used to frequent the Forresters but are no longer with us.



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so is it still going to be a trendy bar or just apartments now or both?


Probably neither. Just a dusty car park for years to come


Its will be just another high-rise battery farm for wankers with more money than sense.

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so is it still going to be a trendy bar or just apartments now or both?


Probably neither. Just a dusty car park for years to come


I'm agreeing with TMcC on this - bet it will be laid out in parking spaces with a letting board up by the end of next week...there must be room on the cleared site for 15/20 cars at a rate of say £5 per day - look at the Cambrian place site - Corpy public car park, sold to developer, no building, private contract car park.

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