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Right Of Way?


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If the 1st car was indicating and you could not see if it was clear behind him you are obliged to wait it is not a merging lane where one car can follow in behind the other.you should have waited above the pedestrian crossing until you were sure that your exit[athol st] and the traffic in the oncoming carriageway was clear.you can not assume that because the car immeadiately in front of you is siganaling that it will be clear behind him.

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I know thats what you should do but at 8:45 in the morning when it is that busy, if you didn't do what I did hardly any traffic would get through the lights on to Atholl Street. It doesn't usually happen that the second car is turning in to Athol Street also, so in the 5 years I have been driving that way to work it hasn't happened to me before.


I'm sure in my driving lessons 16 years ago, I remember being taught to give way where the red car is.


Looking at the road there at lunch time, you can tell that the traffic island has been reduced in size, perhaps that was to stop this kind of problem occuring.

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It seems to me if people can't decide what is right and what is wrong then either option will be a gamble, as the other party might think the opposite of what you do is correct.


In essence its a fruitless exercise and you may as well just make your move and not worry about it.


I treat all junctions and roundabouts with awareness and caution which is enough to ensure safty for both parties.

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In the illustration below who has right of way?




The red car is coming up Prospect Hill turning left in to Atholl Street.


The blue car is coming down Prospect Hill turning right at the traffic lights in to Atholl Street.


I am always the red car and its amazing how pissed off the blue car drivers are as they think they have right of way when they have not. They are crossing the line of traffic so should give way. Next if your blue please don't beep. Just accept that some people know the highway code and others do not.

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In the illustration below who has right of way?




The red car is coming up Prospect Hill turning left in to Atholl Street.


The blue car is coming down Prospect Hill turning right at the traffic lights in to Atholl Street.


Its down to any road markings for this one.


The Red car should approach a set of give way or stop markings on the exit of the island. It has in effect left the main carriage way during its left turn move - and joining the new road. The Blue car is still on the main carriage way, even though it its turning right.


Anything else renders the blue car to become stuck in opposing traffic. (unless a box junction is included in which case he cannot enter unless his exit is clear) He can however stop in the box junction to perform his move providing he does not block the opposite traffic flow.


If the island was not there - then the Red car would not have left the carriage way and so the Blue car has to give way as it is then crossing the carriage way to perform its move.


If these or any markings are not there then DoT has failed to mark them - or leave a suitable substitute sign to that effect. If there was an accident then DoT is liable by failing in their duty of care to ensure adequate road markings.


^^ What he said.

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Athol Street is One-Way and if there are no road markings the above amended diagram would suggest cars keep to their respective lanes until they need to cross over.


Aerial view added just for the hell of it:


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Atol st is not divided into lanes until you come to the road markings approaching the lights at the far end.

your driving instructor is correct and many a learner has failed their test at this junction for getting this right of way situation wrong.

Seems a lot of people on here who complain aboout R plates etc need to brush up on their highway code and driving skills

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But hang on.


Athol street is one way, its not like the blue car has to cross in front of the red to make the move.


If it wasnt for cars parked on the left it is conceivably a two lane one way road. So the car on the left (the red) has to encroach on the right hand side of the road to continue.


I stand by my last comment, the blue car STILL has right of way.

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I don't see that the junction or anything else matters. Everyone knows that blue cars have to give way to red cars regardless of where they are. :huh:




Here is the order:


Dark Green (BRG) cars have precedence over

Blue cars which have precedence over

Black cars which have precedence over

Yellow cars which have precedence over

Yellow lorries which have precedence over

Red lorries which have precedence over

Yellow lorries which have precedence over

Red lorries which have precedence over

Yellow lorries which have precedence over

Sea shells which have precedence over

Pickled peppers which have precedence over

Sea shores which have precedence over

Peter Piper who has precedence over

Peter Perfect who has precedence over

Penelope Pitstop who has precedence over

Mutley who has precedence over

Dastardly who has precedence over

THE RED CAR - because he put big spikes in the road.



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