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[BBC News]Government pledge to help planet


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For goodness sake - they're going to recruit an Energy Initiatives Officer - I hope that's going to be from within the Civil Service and not a new post or it's more tax payers money being spent and another layer of bureaucracy! Why don't they just get on the internet and have a look at all the sites that tell you how to save energy. They could start by cutting down on the heating of the offices and switching lights off and switching computers off and if it's hot open a window and if it's cold put a jumper on! That's a start and that's £30K please! Hopefully Mr Rimington won't be in Government to meet this officer - or perhaps he could do it himself when he's not an MHK! Good idea but no new money for the post please. :angry:

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For goodness sake - they're going to recruit an Energy Initiatives Officer - I hope that's going to be from within the Civil Service and not a new post or it's more tax payers money being spent and another layer of bureaucracy! Why don't they just get on the internet and have a look at all the sites that tell you how to save energy. They could start by cutting down on the heating of the offices and switching lights off and switching computers off and if it's hot open a window and if it's cold put a jumper on! That's a start and that's £30K please! Hopefully Mr Rimington won't be in Government to meet this officer - or perhaps he could do it himself when he's not an MHK! Good idea but no new money for the post please.

IMO, the actions taken by the Government on this issue should be welcomed. The idea of an Energy Initiatives Officer might sound like just another piece of bureaucracy, creating a cushy position with loads of £££ as salary, but I am pretty sure that's not the case, mainly because I attended the last Agenda21 meeting where exactly this issue was raised and explained.


The Gov is already head-count mad, and they wouldn't introduce something like this if it wasn't backed sufficiently. Just picking stuff from the Internets might sound like the obvious way to do it, but to introduce, implement, and properly monitor such an issue across all departments is a big task, so dedicating someone to do it makes perfect sense. Even if this person would happen to be from outside government, and would cost, say, 30k - if he or she can cut the energy costs by 1.7 mil, then that's good value and should be done.

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If they don't have the knowledge to save money, how did they have the knowledge to come up with the figure of £1.7m?


Plucked out of thin air, or already aware of where the saving can be made?


It also produced carbon dioxide equivalent to the emissions from more than 5,000 domestic homes.

Tell the DOT lads to turn the wagon engines off while waiting for the 'boy' to fetch the butties?

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