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Temporary Ice Rink For Douglas


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...why doesn't the Corpn just compulsory purchase it do the place up and give the bill to the developer...


...because if they bought it and did it up, they would own it and have to send themselves the bill?


Why should rate payers money be spent purchasing land zoned for development in a prime location? If an area is an eyesore there should be the means in place to give a written warning to the owner 'to sort or have it sorted' with a bill following shortly thereafter.


Maybe there already is, but it isn't enforced?


Maybe the enforcers are scared of being accused of hipocracy?


It's not an eyesore per se, it just needs a sweep and a lick of paint. I don't think the square is zoned for development either?


The place has always mistified me, don't Axa or someone own it? Yet I know the Douglas Development Partnership were heavily involved in its creation?

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I thought it was a quid pro quo for allowing the development of the RBSI building and has been a constant source of dispute between the Corpie and Axa. Just shows, requiring a private business to provide a facility which should really be the responsibility of the public sector doesn't really work.

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Becket: ...I don't think the square is zoned for development either?


The place has always mistified me, don't Axa or someone own it? Yet I know the Douglas Development Partnership were heavily involved in its creation?


Gladys: I thought it was a quid pro quo for allowing the development of the RBSI building and has been a constant source of dispute between the Corpie and Axa.

Weren't the original plans for the building supposed to stretch as far as the Regent Street junction? I am rcking my brain cells to little avail, but wasn't it supposed to be built in 2 phases, but for whatever reason 'Phase 2' didn't take place thus leaving an undeveloped eyesore? I stepped off the boat in 1996 and memory say this was around the time of the building stage of the office block that we see now, so I am not 100% sure about the accuracy of my belief that the current square was going to be built on, ergo: zoned for development.


The earliest I can find online about the square is 2003 which relates to the square's opening and it make reference also to a User Agreement (which establishes ownership).


Douglas Corpy Minutes: The Douglas Development Manager reported on the proposed date for the official opening of the new Villiers Square. This was now Saturday, 12th July, 2003, and the Square would be opened as part of the Manx National Week celebrations.




Members were of the opinion that the Square should be in use before the proposed official opening date and instructed that the Douglas Development Manager endeavour to progress the user agreement with AXA Reim as quickly as possible.

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Maybe there already is, but it isn't enforced?

Maybe the enforcers are scared of being accused of hipocracy?


I don't have as short a memory as some it seems - I am certain the owners of the Villiers Hotel (which stood on this site before the AXA building) were taken to court and told they had to clean their hotel up (because it was an eyesore) and when the directors said they had no money to do that they were told in court they could do the clean up themselves. They didn't.

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i cant really say i did much more that get one quote and kick the idea around over a pint or 2. if it had been £6-£8k might have gone for it, there would be ancillary revenue as well from advertising banners, burger vans etc. but at those prices it was too big a risk much for my pocket!

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From Manx Radio:

A temporary ice skating rink has been earmarked for Villier's Square in Douglas over this year's festive period.


Those of you who are moaning about a real ice rink think about the environment. A synthetic ice rink does not use the energy used by normal ice rinks it is environmentally friendly (ie huge reduction in carbon emissions), in comparison to normal rinks. Can't wait till christmas 139 days till christmas day, ba humbug.

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  • 1 month later...

Just been chatting to the person organising this, and it's definitely going ahead. It will be open to the public during the day and will be available to hire for private functions in the evenings. Will post details when I get them.

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I don't have as short a memory as some it seems - I am certain the owners of the Villiers Hotel (which stood on this site before the AXA building) were taken to court and told they had to clean their hotel up (because it was an eyesore) and when the directors said they had no money to do that they were told in court they could do the clean up themselves. They didn't.


As far as the second phase is concerned, Axa Equity and Law, for whom the development was being done, got into a big argument with Douglas Corp. about the square. A, E&L wanted to make it into a square that employees could use to sit outside, eat their lunch, whatever. They had designed a fantastic looking area which has a fountain and an AXA sign in the middle. Although the land is private property there is a public right of way through there and the Corp said that effectively it would be a public square, and the corp would design and develope it at AXA's expense, oh and the AXA sign would not happen either as it was a public square. The issue was never resolved, phase 2 was cancelled, all plans to move the business from Victory house to Villiers Sq. were cancelled, A, E&L sold up the business to Old Mutual International. I am not sure if they moved off the Island for a couple of years. Either way they came back and are located at Peveril Square, and basically have nothing to do with that sight.


Ice rink? Excellent news. I look forward to it.

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A, E&L sold up the business to Old Mutual International. I am not sure if they moved off the Island for a couple of years. Either way they came back and are located at Peveril Square, and basically have nothing to do with that sight.


The Villiers site is owned by Axa REIM which is Axa's real estate investment manager. No connection with the life business sold to, and now operated by Old Mutual. The development was originally planned to have taken place in 4 phases; phases 1&2 the RBSI building, and the (mostly) empty offices next door (on Victoria St) are built. Phase 3 would have fronted Loch Prom, and phase 4 on the corner of Regent Street, where the RBSI staff car park is. Will these ever be built? As you are talking of about 300,000 feet of new offices, it would need a major employer to commit to the site, or for the owner to come up with an alternate scheme, otherwise I anticipate it staying as a car park for years to come.

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A, E&L sold up the business to Old Mutual International. I am not sure if they moved off the Island for a couple of years. Either way they came back and are located at Peveril Square, and basically have nothing to do with that sight.


The Villiers site is owned by Axa REIM which is Axa's real estate investment manager. No connection with the life business sold to, and now operated by Old Mutual. The development was originally planned to have taken place in 4 phases; phases 1&2 the RBSI building, and the (mostly) empty offices next door (on Victoria St) are built. Phase 3 would have fronted Loch Prom, and phase 4 on the corner of Regent Street, where the RBSI staff car park is. Will these ever be built? As you are talking of about 300,000 feet of new offices, it would need a major employer to commit to the site, or for the owner to come up with an alternate scheme, otherwise I anticipate it staying as a car park for years to come.


A, E&L were originally going to move to the phase one and two buildings. I got slightly involved in planning wiring/cabling for the IT side as it involved one of my systems. It was going to be quite some installation. Then the whole square thing happened and BANG!

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