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The Other Mess


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Just a thought that whilst we watch Israel/Palestine episode 9, we may have taken our eyes off Iraq/Afganistan. That we have made an unholy bolloks of the countries is obvious so all i will ask is--


How soon before we see the helicopters airlifting the lucky ones off the USA embassy roof and where will Tony and Dubya be when it all ends in tears?


ME ? i would love to see them both answering to the Hague courts a la Milosovitch. not likely though :(

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The bollocks was already being made in Afghanistan when they started to move Iraq into the sights, having had it in sharp focus a decade earlier. Now, having extended the buggers' muddle to Iraq, they started to look at Iran and then this pops up.


Old, old arguments about an illegal war and not having the true sanction of the international community, etc. etc., but why does the US, and now GB as Blair simpers behind, feel that it is the final arbiter of right and wrong throughout the globe.


Afghanistan is the starkest example of what US foreign policy and underhand dealings can do. It would never have become the Al Qua'eda stronghold it was if Afghanistan was not seen by the US as a war between capitalism and communism by proxy. They made a bollocks of it in the 80s and when the USSR pulled out they lost interest (just as they quickly lose interest in any country once the immediate 'threat' has been lifted) leaving it wide open for Bin Laden. They forget about the need to rehabilitate and restore a proper social infrastructure to lessen the potential for future threats.


But when these 'abused children' get out of hand again, they are back to slap 'em back into shape.


Yes, I'm with you Mollag, it would be good to see Blair and Bush justify themselves before an international tribunal; wouldn't be as amusing as Milosovic, probably quite uncomfortable.

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