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Leonard Singer To Resign From Legislative Council


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Leonard Singer is to resign from the Legislative Council and put himself up for MHK it was announced this morning on Manx Radio.


He says this is in a bid to get a mandate from the voters regarding health services in the north.


There are two places in Ramsey, currently held by Allan Bell, and Anne Craine who took Leonard Singers seat in a bye-election when he was elevated to MLC.


It looks like it is going to be a bit of a contest. Are there any Ramsey folk here have any comments or anyone else for that matter.




I've just heard on the 7:45 headlines that he is NOT resigning his MLC seat first to go for election - so his place is secured whatever happens!!


How namby pamby and crass can a politician get on such an important issue?


Had he resigned his seat in the Council first before putting his neckon the line I would have given him 100% support. Sorry, but to me it seems he is only going to give the appearance of a meddler.

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The most important question is - If he fails to get elected as an MHK, will he do the decent thing i.e. accept that he has no mandate from his constituents and resign from the Legislative Council?

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A good point Lonan3 and equally good point Dr Gonzo! So why bother Leonard? Why bother?


Ramsey has everything to lose by this. Well intentioned that Mr Singer is, this stunt - and that is all it can possibly be - is going to backfire on him big-time. I see no alternative.


Farce, farce, bloody farce.






Now . . . . had he bit the bullet and resigned his seat in the Legislative Council - then different story.

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But wait... what light of knowledge through yonder constituency breaks...


Mr Singer would be up for re-election on the Council in about 18 months, putting himself at the mercy of MHKs.


Whereas if he stands for Keys now, and manages to poll enough fools, he gets another five years.


Mine eyes openeth in wonder.

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He couldn't hold both... but if he stays an MLC the likelihood would be he'd not make it through the next LegCo election (given the number of people he's wound up lately).


On the other hand, the voters of Ramsey are fairly likely to plump for him as a familiar face (given his electioneering campaign against the incumbent who's in the DHSS) and so he'd get another three and a half years of wages.


Which would take him nicely to retirement...


But I personally believe he IS only standing out of his loyalty to the town and because of overwhelming demands from the Friends of Ramsey Cottage Hospital that he should stand for Keys.


(edited bacuese fo all the ptynig errors!)

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Ha, you lot crack me up :)


Anyway, back to serious:

But I personally believe he IS only standing out of his loyalty to the town and because of overwhelming demands from the Friends of Ramsey Cottage Hospital that he should stand for Keys.


Yep, good point I'm sure you are right but isn't he being a bit naive?


I still say, why doesn't he resign from MLC and then stand for MHK? That really would be a mandate from the people, er but only if he got back in.


Personally, I see it is going to be a lose-lose situation. Still, a minimum 18 months * as an MLC and a nice little pension can't be bad.


*edited to remove the word 'snoozing'. They are actually quite hard working.

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There is an old saying that "a principle's not a principle until it costs you money". By holding on to his Legislative Council seat until he knows the result of the General Election, Mr Singer is risking nothing. Personally I couldn't have very much confidence in someone who clearly has so little confidence in himself.

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It's a one-issue election which - even if the minister was to say immediate action would be taken over the Cottage Hospital - can't possibly be sorted before November. (Before being flamed, that's because you'd need months to hire/train/consult with staff/find resources/open the unit/etc)


So it's a non-issue during the election, really. And a bit suspect that just as Tynwald and the Keys break for summer, it blows up at a public meeting. And just as David Cannan threw his weight behind the campaign on MR last Friday, Lennie throws his hat in the ring. At the insistence of the FoRCH. Which he's chairman of. Just as he starts to see the end in sight of his LegCo career. Just before he's of pensionable age.


On another note, the DTL has announced an advertising campaign for next year: "Ramsey - the home of synchronicity" ;)

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From Manx Radio today:


Manx Radio's Senior Political Correspondent, David Callister, thinks the move could be considered by many as 'dishonourable', and further damage the LegCo's public reputation.


He says the apparent loophole was first raised by the Speaker, Charles Kerruish, in October 1981 but nothing was ever done:


I think that just about sums it up.

In the Legislative Council we have a small group who appear to be self serving ex-politicians or those who, for whatever reason, don't wish to have to face the electorate. The only one who is willing to do so, will only do it as long as he keeps the safety net of his LegCo place.

It is surely time to do away with these unelected lickspittles. No one - other than the MLCs themselves or those who hope to replace them - believe that the present system of selection is acceptable. They are to democracy what a chancre is to sexual well-being.

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It is surely time to do away with these unelected lickspittles. No one - other than the MLCs themselves or those who hope to replace them - believe that the present system of selection is acceptable. They are to democracy what a chancre is to sexual well-being.




I don't mind having LegCo as such, but I think there's a collection of poor candidates in there at the moment. I quite like the Bishop - he brings a bit of common sense to deliberations. But there are one or five I'd like to see the back of.


The ultimate irony, of course, is that the Lenny & the Hedged Bets situation will lead to increased calls for LegCo reform no matter which way the election goes. So he's essentially destroying any sort of support for himself in both chambers. How long can Singer linger?

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It could be said that there is no credibility at all to "contest" a seat, when your guaranteed to stay as an MLC even if you fail. What sort of message does that send out to the general public?


"Either way your stuck with me so you may as well vote for me"

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The most important question is - If he fails to get elected as an MHK, will he do the decent thing i.e. accept that he has no mandate from his constituents and resign from the Legislative Council?



From Manx Radio today:


Manx Radio's Senior Political Correspondent, David Callister, thinks the move could be considered by many as 'dishonourable', and further damage the LegCo's public reputation.


He says the apparent loophole was first raised by the Speaker, Charles Kerruish, in October 1981 but nothing was ever done:


I think that just about sums it up.

In the Legislative Council we have a small group who appear to be self serving ex-politicians or those who, for whatever reason, don't wish to have to face the electorate. The only one who is willing to do so, will only do it as long as he keeps the safety net of his LegCo place.

It is surely time to do away with these unelected lickspittles. No one - other than the MLCs themselves or those who hope to replace them - believe that the present system of selection is acceptable. They are to democracy what a chancre is to sexual well-being.

hear hear..he should resign as an MLC and do it quickly.

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