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Leonard Singer To Resign From Legislative Council


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They aren't looking for someone who can give them details of parliaments far and wide. They want someone whom they can entrust and in whom they can confide - a chemist, doctor, nurse would come into this category.


Its obvious why you're defending, but I actually think its a pretty cheap trick using a so called trusted position to gain votes.


It is granny farming pure and simple.

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If the people vote in the local chemist or postmaster, it shows how important it is to canvass and see the people face to face. Trust, familiarity, a caring attitude are absolutely necessary when a troubled constituent visits their MHK.


They aren't looking for someone who can give them details of parliaments far and wide. They want someone whom they can entrust and in whom they can confide - a chemist, doctor, nurse would come into this category.

What is your profession Charles?


Anyway, I really don't think I can empathise with a certain postmaster again, not after pulling the stunt with the speed limit. He may have had good intentions but I didn't like the way it was done. Ditto a chemist I know. In any case I find it difficult to really trust anyone who wants the public to vote for him but is also in the freemasons, which by their own definition, means they put the profane (that's me and you) second to their own. Mr Singer is an ok bloke it seems but he, along with Phil and Alex are of the masonic persuasion and that doesn't sit well when you are going for PUBLIC office. Or does it?

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I am standing up for Leonard because I respect him as a colleague and as a friend who I have known for some years. If I didn't think he was worthy I wouldn't do it - pharmacist or not.


I have no idea how he gets votes or indeed what his policies are, but it is up to the constituents to make their own mind up and for our political system to allow each candidate a fair and equal chance of being elected as far as this is possible. Certainly all of us know of worthy candidates who aren't elected simply because they are not well known. Perhaps there is little we can do about this.

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If the people vote in the local chemist or postmaster, it shows how important it is to canvass and see the people face to face. Trust, familiarity, a caring attitude are absolutely necessary when a troubled constituent visits their MHK.


They aren't looking for someone who can give them details of parliaments far and wide. They want someone whom they can entrust and in whom they can confide - a chemist, doctor, nurse would come into this category.

What is your profession Charles?


Anyway, I really don't think I can empathise with a certain postmaster again, not after pulling the stunt with the speed limit. He may have had good intentions but I didn't like the way it was done. Ditto a chemist I know. In any case I find it difficult to really trust anyone who wants the public to vote for him but is also in the freemasons, which by their own definition, means they put the profane (that's me and you) second to their own. Mr Singer is an ok bloke it seems but he, along with Phil and Alex are of the masonic persuasion and that doesn't sit well when you are going for PUBLIC office. Or does it?


I am a pharmacist who having been involved in the profession for a very long time knows most of my local colleagues. They are a mixed bunch but the vast majority of them are good hard working professionals who are an absolute credit to the community. I do think it is a great loss to the profession when they become MHK's but that is their business!!


I don't know who is a mason. I certainly am not.

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To be fair Charles, I think anyone who relies on their profession rather than trying to identify the issues facing their prospective constituents is not a good candidate.


Unfortunately in these days of sleeze (sp. because I do not read the red banners) and maladministration, here and abroad, the virtue of belonging to any profession doesn't really add to your credentials.


Hard to stomach, I know, but I have known several accountants and lawyers who have had integrity writ through their spine. But these are people who have put their personal integrity above their profession. They normally use their intelligence and skills, rather than just their membership of a professional body, to assist in any given situation. Perhaps they are the true professionals?

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To some extent Gladys I think you are right. Often one finds professional people to be very narrow minded and solely focussed on their professional work. It is surprising how little they know beyond this.


As far as I am concerned it doesn't matter a jot if they are professionals or not provided foremostly they have integrity and the capability to perform their duties as an elected politician.


However I am more than happy to defend the reputation of someone who I know from personal experience to be a kind human being who has integrity. The fact he happens to be a pharmacist is a bonus!

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Lets get this right, Mr singer has not resigned his seat on Legco


He has intimated that he will do so on polling day.


He naturally wants to keep the income until election day no doubt


Methinks and worries, that if hiselpection helpers get bad exit returns from the polling stations showing him trailing badly that he might change his mind, yet again, in exchange for another 18 months income!

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Lets get this right, Mr singer has not resigned his seat on Legco


He has intimated that he will do so on polling day.


He naturally wants to keep the income until election day no doubt


Methinks and worries, that if hiselpection helpers get bad exit returns from the polling stations showing him trailing badly that he might change his mind, yet again, in exchange for another 18 months income!


So this is absolute rubbish then?


An experienced politician bidding for a return to the House of Keys has resigned from the Legislative Council.

Leonard Singer, who will contest Ramsey in November’s General Election, initially said he had NO intention of resigning his seat in the upper house to contest the election.

However, he’s now had a change of heart and hopes the decision will prove his commitment is to Ramsey, rather than his own personal interest.

I'm totally confused now!

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Maybe he has sent a resignation letter with effect from 23rd Novemeber, in that case he could withdraw it before it is accepted.


its all smoke and mirrors, he says one thing, doesanother. Not good to be so confusing, so eraly on in the campaign.


At present he has apparently NOT resigned, he is still drawing his emoluments, but he is telling Manx Radio listeners that he has resigned.


Who can believe him now?

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It seems fortunate for MLC's that they do not have to resign as soon as they announce their candidacy, yet senior members of the Civil Service must resign in order to stand for election (speaking from experience).


Personally I welcome the recent move by Mr Singer, but I think he should have resigned once he announced his decision to stand. Leaving it until now, and not being completely clear on the issue hasn't done him any favours in my view.


Still, if the system is changed to require MLC's to be elected (which I think it should be), it raises the question of whether any MHK's who wish to stand would similarly have to resign to stand in those elections.

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At present the Members of the House of Keys can claim to be the senior branch of Tynwald over Members of the Legislative Council, because:


i) the House of Keys elects Members of the Legislative Council in the first place and

ii) MHKs are put there there by popular election.


Now, to adjust that balance by having popularly elected MLCs may not be a good route to take. I realise such a system may seem more 'democratic', it could cause a lot of problems by having the two branches claiming they are each there by mandate of the people.


Put simply, there needs to be a senior branch over th eother although at times it is not clear which branch is actually the more senior, although The House of Keys has a number of mechanisms at its disposal to show they actual have, at the end of the day, the more power.


Another aternative is to do away with the Legislative Council altogether but this would cause more problems by removing the function of the Legislative Council that keeps the House of Keys in check. We can't allow our MHKs to go completely unfettered in their business.


The matter needs careful consideration before we all start shouting for a popularly elected Legislative Council.

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However I am more than happy to defend the reputation of someone who I know from personal experience to be a kind human being who has integrity. The fact he happens to be a pharmacist is a bonus!


That is fine Charles. I think we all accept the fact that you vouch for him as a decent man. I believe you, he probably is. However what you have to accept is that the average man in the street see's someone who has found a loophole, and sees nothing at all wrong with not stepping down to campaign on the basis that he can "legally" resign on the eve of the election when other people are standing down to fight and in the case of Steve Babb and other government officials HAVE to stand down under their contracts of employment.


As George W Bush proves daily - what is legal and what might be moral are two entirely different things. To claim integrity you have to be seen to have integrity, and there are many many people out there who quite rightly think something fundamentally is not right and who might have a problem trusting that someone actually WILL resign once the results are known.


I don't think people are saying overtly that the decision lacks integrity, but I think its a very serious political misjudgement that will do him no favours at all.

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