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[BBC News]Apology over ferry service delays


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I returned last Weds (unfortuneately in time for the Rally !) - the weather was poor (strong wind from NW), the boat was 1 hr late into Liverpool and nearly 1hr 30min late in leaving; the lounge smelt of vomit, it lost futher time on the voyage (15 45 arrival instead of 13.30 ) then to cap things luggage for foot passenger took 35min to arrive - the IoMSPCo service must take an awful lot of apologising for

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I returned last Weds (unfortuneately in time for the Rally !) - the weather was poor (strong wind from NW), the boat was 1 hr late into Liverpool and nearly 1hr 30min late in leaving; the lounge smelt of vomit, it lost futher time on the voyage (15 45 arrival instead of 13.30 ) then to cap things luggage for foot passenger took 35min to arrive - the IoMSPCo service must take an awful lot of apologising for


Well, if you don't like it, there's a boat in the morning. Which will get to Liverpool on Friday. ;)

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god frances all I see on here from you is complaints about the rally,the tt,anything that closes our roads,your a comeover,you dont like it eff off back home.


bloody hate killjoys wanting things stopped thats nothing to do with them

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I returned last Weds (unfortuneately in time for the Rally !) - the weather was poor (strong wind from NW), the boat was 1 hr late into Liverpool and nearly 1hr 30min late in leaving; the lounge smelt of vomit, it lost futher time on the voyage (15 45 arrival instead of 13.30 ) then to cap things luggage for foot passenger took 35min to arrive - the IoMSPCo service must take an awful lot of apologising for


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Its been two weeks now. Perhaps less time apologising and more time fixing might be the solution.


How hard can it be to get a new gearbox fitted? Is it going to dawdle around the Irish Sea all summer until they knock it out of service in October?

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How hard can it be to get a new gearbox fitted?

I guess it's not your average gearbox that you can just pick of the shelf, and conditions can be a bit cramped at times..




SuperSeaCat at Ship-Technology.com


The thing has 4 turbocharged diesel engines - I bet it's kind to the environment as well <_<

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Air travel works out considerably more expensive for me - for family & personal reasons I travel on/off Island once a month - at present using a combined rail/boat ticket works out fine, Liverpool in summer + Heysham at other times but it means I see quite a bit of the SPCo - to be honest seldom a great journey and all too often marred by poor management - I hear many customers also commenting on the poor experience and saying never again. If I came by road and used my car my travel costs would probably be well over £2000 a year; air travel (Gatwick is my nearest airport across) would work out at about £1500 with virtually no flexibility and requiring considerable foresight in booking in advance. Usually I avoid luggage but a friend returned with me this time - a wait of 35mins for luggage to be off loaded and moved to the carosel was the final insult to a poor crossing.


I have just costed taking a car overnight with cabin for two to Shetland next month - the cost for a 12 hour voyage on a very pleasant vessel compares very favourably with a non-cabin car + 2 Douglas/Liverpool.

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How lovely. How mature. And how out of touch you are with an individual who has done more to promote the Island than you are ever likely to do.


I would suggest you do some research about this poster before you engage your fingers.


bloody hate killjoys wanting things stopped thats nothing to do with them




Because she dared to suggest that the IoMSPC is poorly managed? Because she dared to suggest that the boat in which she travelled and paid highly for arrived late and left late? That the lounge smelled of vomit and that there was a delay in the arrival of luggage after the trip?


Aren't these points things that you too would like to see 'stopped? And, if so, why does that not make you a 'killjoy? Is such an accolade only reserved for those who are not Manx born?

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Holy sh1t Jackie, smart, and hot as Harry Flashmans codpiece I'll wager. You remind me of somebody girl, "Angel" I think her name was but may be mistaken, terrible thing, Absinthe, anyway you've got my vote sweet cheeks.

Frances, crack on there, couldn't agree more, had the misfortune to travel with your Steam Racket on occasion myself as it happens, frankly I'd rather f*cking swim, water's cleaner than the f*cking boats and not full of beer swilling, sh!t kicking paysanne halfwits and the passengers are even worse.

Having rattled on inanely about that and I understand it no longer exists, but Manx Airlines, what the fuck was that all about? I've flown third world airlines in war ravaged African countries with better service, which reminds me......................the last time I was going to travel to the island (some years ago) they wanted to charge me roughly the GNP of a mid sized African nation. Naturally I told them to f*ck off, don't get me wrong, I like some of the island it's quite cute but I also like good food, service, sunshine and as a general rule, people with only one head so I'd rather spend the money on a two week booze and drug crazed nightmare of debauchery in Thailand. Which was nice.

Heard all that nazi "Boat in the mornin fella" type bullsh1t from in-bred, inarticulate hillbillies all over the world and it never ceases to amaze me what complete f*ckwits it makes them sound.

Perhaps if you rednecks managed to get the f*cking boats to sail and you didn't stink up the place with p1ss sodden crotches and vomit, more people might be inclined to take your genial advice and get the boat in the morning, personally I'd still rather take my chances and swim for it.

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Jackeline - thanks for comments - however to coin a phrase his (?) comment is a cross thread fire - in another thread I expressed my annoyance at the Car Rally for closing so many roads (maybe there should be another thread on this topic - I know I'm not alone in thinking that there are too many road closures, basically on the whim of a single individual, with no obvious mechanism for road users to comment - and yes I have tried my MHK) - he misread my comment that the TT will certainly change in next few years for the hanging offense of a non-Manx born criticising that venerable institution thus I presume the criticism.

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