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[BBC News]Apology over ferry service delays


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Perhaps if you rednecks managed to get the f*cking boats to sail and you didn't stink up the place with p1ss sodden crotches and vomit, more people might be inclined to take your genial advice and get the boat in the morning, personally I'd still rather take my chances and swim for it.


I think you'll find that with the company not being owned by a local concern and few of us in-breds working on the SP boats, that the poor service, vomit and urine stench is probably down to your compadres.

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Crack on Frances, valid criticism is constructive whether from local or adopted local posters. Everyone is entitled to their opinion [cept if it differs from mine then the opposite applies cos im manx :P ]

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Jackeline - thanks for comments - however to coin a phrase his (?) comment is a cross thread fire - in another thread I expressed my annoyance at the Car Rally for closing so many roads (maybe there should be another thread on this topic - I know I'm not alone in thinking that there are too many road closures, basically on the whim of a single individual, with no obvious mechanism for road users to comment - and yes I have tried my MHK) - he misread my comment that the TT will certainly change in next few years for the hanging offense of a non-Manx born criticising that venerable institution thus I presume the criticism.


The Isle of Man is all about road closures, that's what has given us lots of local sporting heritage. Its no big deal - just view it as one of the special unique things about living here.


If you don't like it there's a (broken, half-speed, slow, irritating, expensive) boat in the morning.


(I jest!)

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I see the steamy have now issued a revised timetable for the seacat sailings, valid until 22nd August.

So hey presto the seacat is not sailing late any more! What a wonderful ploy!

I suppose the windbag who spouts such utter crap about the wonderful service (Corkish, prospective MHK) will now be able to come out off his hiding place.

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might I suggest the weekly 4.30 to 5.30pm closure of Circular road, Prospect hill,Victoria st and Lord st for the get Douglas fit mini marathon ? - might we then see world class runners emerging? Or even a re-introduction of car racing around Douglas ?

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might I suggest the weekly 4.30 to 5.30pm closure of Circular road, Prospect hill,Victoria st and Lord st for the get Douglas fit mini marathon ? - might we then see world class runners emerging? Or even a re-introduction of car racing around Douglas ?


I bet the French don't get all arsey when the Tour De France shuts down their roads, and as for the town of Le Mans. Well ....


Then you have Monarco of course, or Daytona. The Northwest 200 in Ireland.


I'm sorry but get off your high horse. If road closures really get on your goat that much go live somewhere else because its been part of manx culture for 100 years and it ain't going to finish soon.


If all you want to do is go to Tesco's when it suits you then your not really appreciating the environment here which is not the environment you have in the UK.

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I think if you read the thread you will realise that the road closure complaints are more to do with the Rally which brings over only a handful of people compared to the TT/MGP. There is valid argument here.


The proliferation of road closures over the past few years is getting a bit much I have to agree.

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I have been in towns for such cycle races - over and done in 30 mins ! - the front posse of police close the roads then the cycles then the back posse - all over.


As I tried to joke in my example any road closure is a balance between those who gain their enjoyment from the event and those, probably larger number, who suffer some degree, possibly minor, of inconvenience. Obviously long established events such as TT, MGP & S100 are accepted as a fact of life though I did see that practice times were changed, presumeably because of the disruption to schooling. Though car rallies are not new on the Island the wholesale closure of roads over a couple of days is - getting from Peel to Jurby/Bride or down to Port Erin was a pain those days.

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Just one point and that is it is pointless trying to winge at the IOMSPCo, because all they are doing is acting as a commercial organisation. If there are real concerns about the standard of service and level of fares, then the winges should be made to the IOM Govt. who have it within their gift to impose some limitations through the linkspan user agreement.


You can't complain at a commercial organisation maximising its profits, but you can complain to those who have created an environment in which those profits can be excessive and unfair.

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Obviously long established events such as TT, MGP & S100 are accepted as a fact of life though I did see that practice times were changed, presumeably because of the disruption to schooling. Though car rallies are not new on the Island the wholesale closure of roads over a couple of days is - getting from Peel to Jurby/Bride or down to Port Erin was a pain those days.


The manx trophy rally has been a permanent Manx fixture since the early 60's. Is this something you have just come across? Perhaps the whole British Rally Championship should be shut down because some grannies can't get their frozen baps home from Tesco's before they defrost.

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Ulster is only one I know of that had some early legislation to allow some road closures - AFAIK it was for a long period impossible though now quite difficult to close roads in the UK (witness Birmingham's failed attempt at road racing) - certainly no major road such as the Peel to Kk Michael road could be closed for such a rally.


Rember that the reason for closing roads is that the benefit to the Island as a whole outweighs the costs - the financial figures for the TT etc are shrouded in mystery though one poster in another thread has declared, but cannot give figures, that the overall benefit to the Island is positive. The two main car rallies would appear to bring over few tourists - they might give good PR but that needs to feed into tangible benefits not merely that a small but vocal and apparently well connected minority enjoy the sport.

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