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[BBC News]Apology over ferry service delays


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I came back via Liverpool last night and the whole ordeal was full of largely unneccesary delays.


We all know the superseacat 2 is running at reduced speed and that they altered the timetables to accomodate, it still came in late.


The staff in the sea terminal (if you want to give it a name it doesn't deserve) wouldn't let anyone through to the departure lounge until 5 minutes before boarding, they could have let us through hours earlier. I'm sure before the boat got in. I hope the bloody landing stage sinks like the one next to it, then they might spend some money on the place


Most of the time the toilets were free of bog roll (one of our group was suffering exit wounds of a very hot indian the night before)


And the whole reserving tables business gets right up my nose. You pay to travel and would expect a seat when a table with 8 seats has been reserved by a family of 5.


[Rant ends]

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Is anyone looking at the bigger picture here.


Fuel costs through the roof. Running an engine at a more economical speed reduces this cost saving the steam racket a fortune and making them more money by keeping the fuel surcharge the same. How can you pass this go slow on to the paying public.


Just blame it on mechanical failure which appears to be taking a life time to repair.


Just reading a old visitor guide book for the island from back around 1930 advertised within this book is the following


"Visit the Isle of Man from Liverpool by fast and luxurious turbine steamships. From Liverpool in three and a half hours"


The advert in the book is made by the steam packet company.

I am sure that is about the same speed the super sea cat is doing at present 70 years later.

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And the whole reserving tables business gets right up my nose. You pay to travel and would expect a seat when a table with 8 seats has been reserved by a family of 5.


When I reserved seats once you only got to reserve one seat per passenger. So be awkward! Insist they sit in the seats they booked and you can sit in the others.

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Air travel works out considerably more expensive for me - for family & personal reasons I travel on/off Island once a month - at present using a combined rail/boat ticket works out fine, Liverpool in summer + Heysham at other times but it means I see quite a bit of the SPCo - to be honest seldom a great journey and all too often marred by poor management - I hear many customers also commenting on the poor experience and saying never again. If I came by road and used my car my travel costs would probably be well over £2000 a year; air travel (Gatwick is my nearest airport across) would work out at about £1500 with virtually no flexibility and requiring considerable foresight in booking in advance. Usually I avoid luggage but a friend returned with me this time - a wait of 35mins for luggage to be off loaded and moved to the carosel was the final insult to a poor crossing.


I have just costed taking a car overnight with cabin for two to Shetland next month - the cost for a 12 hour voyage on a very pleasant vessel compares very favourably with a non-cabin car + 2 Douglas/Liverpool.

[actually you can now change the dates on BA tickets, so nowhere nearly as inflexible as they used to be./quote]

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That said, I think the Isle of Man is a completely lovely place to be, so I generally don't feel the need to go anywhere else more than once a year or so, obviously there are the occasional family and friend commitments to meet, (hence the travel), but as often as not, folks are more than happy to come to the island than me go back over there - and let's face it, the island is a positively charming place to live one's life, why are folks so keen to go anywhere else?


I'd live the rest of my life here and never set foot on another shore and be perfectly happy, truth be told.


Hear, hear! As a 50% Manxie, I think I am quite entitled to say the same without incurring TF's wrath; why not allow people who really love the place do just that?

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My mother is Manx, going back several generations. My father was not, going back several generations!


In our family we do not like dilution of the master race, but we also understand evolution and the advantages of a drip feed of new genes! (Well, that's what me Ma told me!)

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