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Positive Action Group Meeting

Charles Flynn

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They know better of course and need to 'educate' these Manxies how to run their Island.


Believe it or not there are a substantial amount of " Educated Manxies " about but then not all off them will or can be bought.


I can possibly see what you mean and maybe PAG should come up with some new format as apart from just trying to condem who we have now. Time will tell.

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It seems to me that a lot of the business people want the Island to be run for them, and (with the help of PAG now) by them as well.


They know better of course and need to 'educate' these Manxies how to run their Island.


It is about time PAG & Co. learnt that there are other people in this society. People who don't spend their lives chasing money money money, going to clubby clubby dinners and generally getting on the old ego booster.


In Pag & Co there is a selfish ignorant attitude. It borders on the fascistic. PAG and their followers have little regard for the average Manx person other than to sneer at their Parish Pump Politics and laugh at their Parochial Politicians.


If PAG and their cohorts don't particularly like the way politics is over here - then tough. It is what it is. Hello and welcome but don't try to take over.


We may not have the super dooper politicians that PAG aspire to but I'm damned sure I'd rather have what we have got (yeah - all those warts and all) than a group of ignorant right wing fascists taking over and kicking the Manx right into touch once and for all.


The Manx people will be here a long, long, time after some of these characters have up sticks to find their next Tax Haven.


Oh, and don't tell me about your token Manx member who also happens to be a women. I've not heard a peep out of her yet.


"If PAG and their cohorts don't particularly like the way politics is over here - then tough. It is what it is."


This is a pretty poor comment. If you don't like politics over here, you should try to change it. That's why you're given the opportunity to change the legislators.

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Can anyone tell me who makes up the PAG? Who are the main people involved?


I'm not really botherd about politics or earning big money and being a businessman and saying 'look at my smart BMW or Range Rover car and that".


My whole life revolvs around my computer and especially forums although it isn't sad for me because I quite like them, its just about all I have and it is my way to teh outside world and I know I have some friends out there from this and I used to read a lot on manx.net but more specially iomonline where I started my forums career.


So anyway, I would ask all the founder members this question:


"If you didn't like what was being discussed on an Isle of Man Internet Forum would you intimidate a man's family to close it down?"


I dont really like that sort of person that comes over here and swags his power and money about like that and I wake up in the middle of the night wondering if he is going to get me and my family next.

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I believe that the vast majority of people on this Island wouldn't stand for that sort of take over. It is not the way the Island has ever been in the past and I sincerely hope we can retain much of the classless society we certainly used to have when Deemster and those who were labourers spoke to each other with respect and acknowledged the contribution each made to Manx society.

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Whilst a need for business acumen is a pre-requisite for any Government, I would guess few business people would support elements of the business that did not make "profit" or which were loss makers. Where would that place health and social care, or the emergency services? "Sorry we no longer provide that service - we can't make it profitable" or "Oh I am sorry we have run out of money, please come back next year and we will see what we can do?"

Why are there few private sector emergency services ? Because they are not profitable!


What is particularly sad is when the "doyens of industry" postulate that they should run the show when they have limited understanding or experience of what is involved but by making "populist statements" get the oygen of the media to further their fanciful notions. I am sure they would not welcome public sector people telling them how to tell them running their businesses (though I am sure some people may feel that some have tried B) ).


Comments about public sector pensions are yet the latest stick to beat the public sector with - for reasons of jealousy. lack of understanding or mis-perceptions. At least one Minister has had the gumption to note their generous pensions rights and is is interesting that the private sector have not got on their hind legs and cried "foul". They have also remained silent on the politicians who draw a private pension, a public sector wage for being a politician, (thus building up another pension entitlement which is VERY generous), and will, in addition also be able to draw a state pension when they finally retire - a nice little earner and probably why so many private sector people want to get into politics. :D


Debate, discuss, chew over public sector issues - it is a healthy pastime - but for goodness sake do it with an understanding and not just as a sound bite that is attention grabbing and based on fanciful notions by people who are the first to carp if the ambulance doesn't come to the road accident to pick them up, or the police fail to arrest criminals, or A&E is not open, all closed due to the business model deeming them being "unprofitable" by the industrial leaders getting their hands on something that would be akin to a newly qualified driver getting a sports car :o .

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