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[BBC News]Probe into amusement arcade fire


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Seriously though, these days you can get one of the multitude of smack heads on the Island to do just about anything for a coupla dollars. For a couple of grand your dodgy world is your oyster. You can even provide them with an excuse that they were dossing in a derelict building and their camping gas stove they use to cook up their drugs fell over when they were out of it and the next thing they woke up and the building was on fire and they panicked and ran away blah blah.


Chances are they won't even need to use the excuse and just go away with a pocketful of cash for a good hit.


Hey presto!

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It is - Farmhill at Manxnotebook


And someone has recently requested to have it de-listed:


Registered Buildings Regulations 2005


Application to de-register a building and remove it from the protected buildings register, in accordance with Regulation 6(1)(a)


The Department of Local Government and the Environment gives notice that there has been a request to remove the following building from the Protected Buildings Register:


Farm Hill Manor, Farm Hill Lane, Douglas. (RB 234)


Sections 14 to 16 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1999 impose special controls on the demolition, alteration and extension of registered buildings. If the building is removed from the Register, those controls will cease to apply to it.


Any person may, not later than August 27th 2006, make representations to the Department with respect to the application. Any representations should be addressed to Secretary, Planning Committee, Department of Local Government and the Environment, Murray House, Mount Havelock, Douglas IM1 2SF.


Dated this 27.07.2006

25 July 2006


Any guesses who applied for that change in status? Nah - too easy for a quiz...


(There's a good letter in the examiner about it this week - better send in objections now...)

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It's a bit of a shit tip though tbh, it's been neglected for years, none of the floors are level and it's full of damp. What else would you do with it except knock it down and start again? Let's say it was kept and returned to it's former glory (so expensive, it's laughable) who'd buy it? All you can see from there is the business park (which is mighty close) and the side of a hill. Who'd pay a manor price tag for that pleasure?

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The business park? lets see..who is responsible for the business park?? oh, yeah, Dandara isnt it? - sure they made enough from the corpy alone to renovate the house and give it away for free.

The old court house was nice too, as was the majestic, as was the place the furniture house was, as were the old places with loft hooks down by Tescos, as was........and will be....more lovely luxury appartments, 'spacious' living accommodation.

How come Heritage Homes can afford £700,000 to buy the old Bridson & Hrx print works in Market Street, yet, seemingly they cannot afford decent security/ fire precautions, nor can they afford to maintain listed buildings, like the court house and Farmhill manor? As a further query, why would developers with a history of 'unfortunate' fires be permitted to buy listed buildings without any plan for the future use of the building? Isn't there some kind of law to stop this kind of thing?


Didnt the Dynasty Chinese go on fire too? so many fires, so many eager developers. I'm surpirsed they ever get insurance.

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surely was Farmhill Manor as seen before the fire that gutted it....

Can you enlighten us about the fire MCB?


Incidentally Farmhill Manor was once the home of Mr and Mrs Scholl of the famous Scholl footware company B) (just thought I would throw that bit of Manx skeet in) ;)


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and she moved out into one of the apartments up at the Majestic. Som eoffers cannot be refused it seems.


That wasn't all that long ago so to say:


It's a bit of a shit tip though tbh, it's been neglected for years, none of the floors are level and it's full of damp. What else would you do with it except knock it down and start again? Let's say it was kept and returned to it's former glory (so expensive, it's laughable) who'd buy it? All you can see from there is the business park (which is mighty close) and the side of a hill. Who'd pay a manor price tag for that pleasure?
is a bit much really.


Any property left unaired and unused will become damp and delapidated within a few years. Fit then only for demolition some would say.

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Just because someone only just left doesn't mean it wasn't neglected, it was in need of work while the owner was there. If it wasn't them developing these sites, it'd be someone else and if they didn't buy the old buildings, they'd fall into ruin anyway. At least they're developing brownfield sites in these cases, which has got to be better than digging up the countryside again.


The fires are a bit dodgy though, they have planning for the Cresent now though, don't they....? I don't really see why they'd bother doing it. Majestic, yes because it was in the way. With the Cresent though, it's not just a case of retaining part of the facade, they are replicating it, even if the building burned to the ground they'd have to do that. Cheaper to do that then have to retain any of it, granted, but would they really be that arsed about a few grand?

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Probably not. It would be handy for the developer if the old cinema went up though. It must be a nightmare having to keep a facade I suppose and obviously easier to knock down and rebuild from scratch.


It was done ok with the Central Hotel though and also the old Ridgeway Building opposite the Town Hall (now Simcocks Advocates) and the Strand Cinema too, which is of a very similar style, and what was that Cinema down Walpole Avenue made of the same material. That had a bit of a gas explosion didn't it? Handy that!


When we arrive on the boat and see Douglas Promenade is it better with well kept Victorian Buildings or would people these days prefer bland modular flats like many over on Queens Promenade just now?


Our built environment is important to our identity or has that been totally eroded away too?

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The planners control the built environment, they allow the developers to get away with the modular designs. There are examples of bad decisions all over the island but even the planners have to move with the times, at least with the apartments, the shape and level is kept, although the JG Kelly flats on Queens prom are particularly hideous!


The facade at Bushys was also retained nicely, and with the Cresent, it's only a small section of facade that is to be retained, the bit forming the entrance to the venue I think.

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