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Shape Of Things To Come?


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From the Guardian today


[Joe Lieberman, the former US vice-presidential candidate and Democrat senator, was knocked out of the race to stand as his party's candidate for re-election to the Senate last night in a coup for America's anti-war left.

Mr Lieberman, who was Al Gore's running mate in the 2000 presidential campaign, gained 48% of the vote in the Connecticut primary election against 52% for millionaire Ned Lamont, an anti-war challenger who had received strong support from left-wing bloggers and the Democrat grassroots.



It seems on the surface that the anti war voters have spoken, god i hope so but i will watch this space with interest cos these republicans have some strange ideas as to what constitutes a fair election.

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The sooner the war president is gone the better.


I am sick and tired of this bloody made up war, thank god for page 3 i say, its the only thing worth looking at in the papers these days.


Since they admitted that the war in iraq was started because of bogus WMD reports i don't even want to know.


I think they must be all drinking horlicks

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It seems on the surface that the anti war voters have spoken, god i hope so but i will watch this space with interest cos these republicans have some strange ideas as to what constitutes a fair election.



Republicans don't have much say in who wins a Democratic Primary though.


I wouldn't get too excited, either Libermann will stand and win as an Independent, or all the pro-war voters will switch to the Republican. This is simillar to the Labour Party electing Michael Foot as leader, didn't bring nuclear disarmament any closer, did it?

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It seems on the surface that the anti war voters have spoken, god i hope so but i will watch this space with interest cos these republicans have some strange ideas as to what constitutes a fair election.



Republicans don't have much say in who wins a Democratic Primary though.


I wouldn't get too excited, either Libermann will stand and win as an Independent, or all the pro-war voters will switch to the Republican. This is simillar to the Labour Party electing Michael Foot as leader, didn't bring nuclear disarmament any closer, did it?



Wise words Declan I fear, sadly, that your summary is wholly accurate.

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Yo Dec, i wasnt thinking about the individuals other than the pro/anti war stance of candidates. If a strong democratic anti war stance arises, will it gather strength and eventually succeed?.


With the election, as we have seen in the past, the republican view of the democratic process is somewhat iffy, remember Florida and the disenfranchising of thousands of potential democratic voters, can we expect them to have given up there iffiness and behave correctly? hardly!


Personally i hope this oil company govt of america are consigned to the scrapheap and true representitive govt emerges, i wont hold me breath though.

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