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Peter Karran's Party


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One is an aspiring CM, the other has no political experience but has wide contacts in the entertainment and Steam Packet fields so he probably will have them all out on Election Day.


However the people obviously want a real election to test these chaps out. If I was one of the present two declared candidates so would I for my self respect.

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One is an aspiring CM, the other has no political experience but has wide contacts in the entertainment and Steam Packet fields so he probably will have them all out on Election Day.


I am led to believe that Geoff also has a strong freemasonic association. Nought wrong with that I hasten to add for fear of being branded a paranoid internet conspiracy theorist, but it is just that one aquires many contacts (as with entertainment and Steam Packet) when entering through the door of the big house. Best to come clean on these matters just to avoid any doubts.


Mind you, if there is no contest what does it matter anyway.

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Well whatever the connections I hope for the sake of the people of Douglas West that whoever is elected they can deal with all the issues, economic, social, environmental, both local and international that will be their work for the next five years.


This is an important job and probably will mean that Geoff in particular will have to forego much of his present work and start anew. A novice in the political jungle!


As for John - well if he achieves his ambition he'll be off to Saudia Arabia, China, Dubai, Washington - not much time for constituency matters.


Good luck - Douglas West.

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Well there were six candidates in the by-election. If it was easy to win, woiuld not some of them stand again?


We need people of experience, energy, comitment, some humility and skill. Where are they? Instead we get candidates who get in on who they know or are related to. It's not the son of an ex-Mayor who is needed and I have no idea who you are referring to, but a person with qualities of their own entirely unrelated to their ancestry.

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I've been thinking and I’ve decided that I would only vote for someone who promised to launch an assault on England - we need to attack to grown stronger. Either that or I realise I live in Douglas West and that resistance is futile.


For what its worth I think that MHKs (and I have to deal with a fair few of them) are too concerned with small time personal issues and bottle it when it comes to issues of real importance. You'll never get decent ones because anyone with any sense or worth wouldn't want to get involved in the playground parochial nonsense that it really is. Most of them just like to criticise everything without putting forward any real solutions, its all self-publicity and backslapping. In their position it’s very easy to be negative and difficult to be positive. I suspect that most of them would struggle to get a job of any responsibility in the real world.

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I overheard Terry Cringle today on my way to the Summerland Service. I think he was speaking about a local newspaper in 1901. It went out of business after speaking about the pettiness of the Town Council members.


You are quite right. Most of these so-called politicians are only interested in tiny issues not the big ones and they get involved in petty quarrels which are time and energy consuming and of no interest to anyone else but themselves.


Can it be that it is only the salary which attracts them or the fear that they will no longer have a business or a job and also what other work could they do?

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I'm wondering.


If John Shimmin has declared his intention of standing for CM, he would, therefore, no longer be a member of the Keys (is that correct?), so why is he standing for the Keys?


The constituents vote for their man to go into the Keys in order that he isn't in the Keys because they lose him almost immediately and have to repeat the process in no time at all!


Further, we'll have to watch someone else taking the Orville Mr Bell role in the Keys 'cos Keith Harris the CM isn't there to answer the questions put to him.


Why can't the Ministers perform their roles from the Keys?


Am I totally and completely incorrect with the above? It's early in the morning after a late night so maybe I'm just being even more dumb than norm! :ermm:

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We only have a peculiar situation now because the Chief Minister Mr Gelling has been selected from the Legislative Council due to the resignation of the previous Chief Minister, Mr Corkill.


The new House of Keys will first off elect a Speaker and then the Chief Minister. These will normally be from within their own ranks in the House of Keys (MHKs), but of course not strictly necessarily as they may need to go to the Legislative Council to search for a suitable candidate as they did last time.


The new CM will have carte blanche to select his Council of Ministers. These will be taken from the House of Keys (ie elected MHKs) and Legislative Council (MLCs) MLCs are elected by the MHKs in the first place and normally from within their own ranks although they could have been brought in from the great unwashed such as with Clare Christian and Dudley Butt. Clare Christian was the previous Health Minister.


The problem with not having an MHK as CM, as we do now, is that he is not there to answer questions in the House of Keys, hence a relevant minister to the question (eg. Mr Bell for finance matters) will answer questions on his behalf.


This has not really been a problem as the CM will answer questions in Tynwald - when both the House of Keys and Legislative Council snuggle together in a big happy pow-pow once a month.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have never had much time for Peter Karran and his loose cannon antics in Tynwlad.

However, credit where it is due.

The Liberal Vannin web site is very good. Clear policies well articulated.

My question is .. will any Liberal Vannin candidates, who may be elected, act as a party in our Parliament?

Will they all vote together and all support party policies inside the various discrete areas such as transport, tourism, infrastructure, economic policy? Or will they feel, like the Manx Labour Party, able to join in the Ministerial system and generally act in the same manner as independent MHKs?

Its an important question and subject to the right answer being forthcoming might even change my views about Mr Karran!

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The Liberal Vannin web site is very good. Clear policies well articulated.


Not if you talk to Manx Radio's Dan Davies it isn't.


His opening gambit on today's Roy Redmayne interview was to sneerily criticise the fact that the Liberal Vannin website had him down somewhere as the candidate for Rushen instead of Castletown. Real cool interviewing Dan, real cool.


A normally talented and intelligent presenter, I wouldn't like to see Dano get too big for his boots. Look what happened to Andy Wint...........

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The Liberal Vannin web site is very good. Clear policies well articulated.


Not if you talk to Manx Radio's Dan Davies it isn't.


His opening gambit on today's Roy Redmayne interview was to sneerily criticise the fact that the Liberal Vannin website had him down somewhere as the candidate for Rushen instead of Castletown. Real cool interviewing Dan, real cool.


A normally talented and intelligent presenter, I wouldn't like to see Dano get too big for his boots. Look what happened to Andy Wint...........


Still that all important unanswered question though ... Will the Liberal Vannin party act as a political party if or when any of them are elected? Or will they act in the same way as the Manx Labour Party? ie: get elected on a party ticket and then spend the next 5 years acting as an independent.

Do we think we know the answer [hands up anyone who has ever had a conversation with PK!]....

Yes we think we do.

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I see your point.


As an Independent, PK can be quite intransigent but I would like to believe that he will be tempered by his other party members.


As a member - and leader - of a political party he is going to have to listen to party members. He knows he needs support. He has not started a party so that he can be some sort of autocratic leader.


A one man band is very limited in Tynwald although PK's courage has been commendable over the past 20 years. I hope there will be support for him this election and I wonder how many other MHKs might consider joining Liberal Vannin after the election?


Edited to say that I am not a member of this party or wanting to bang the drum for Liberal Vannin, but I really think it is about time there was party politics in Tynwald. The Isle of Man is a changing place . . .

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I think it is far more important to have constitutional reform to allow party politics to successfully function.


The current system of government, from the local to the national to the legislative assembly is no longer adequate and is not properly delivering the democratic mandate.


As nipper says: The Isle of Man is a changing place ....


But our political system is stuck in the days of kippers and tourists ... needs reform.

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