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The Eskimos Like Them

Billy One Mate

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Perhaps there is scope for something like a performing arts college/facility


umm...not sure about that...in fact I'm not sure there's scope for that in rock/pop anywhere. Probably just the Punk ethics of my youth talking, but is it something that can be taught?

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Good post Arronc.


When I was in my teens (a long time ago) and hung around with the musos of the time, they would all have loved to make it big time, but really understood that there was little real chance of doing so. Some of them went off the Island, and some of those did reasonably well (mainly as session players, some turned actor with reasonable but not astounding success, some turned singer for TV dramas), but I think the majority accepted that it was something they loved doing and settled for that.


It is a tremendously difficult field in which to achieve success - talent often has little to do with it.

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I thought about putting this in the music section but thought it deserved a slot in the news as what I am going to say deserves some other view points. I robbed this off the manxbands site.


See page 7 (rock section)


Greenland air

I believe this may be a first for a local band (Twisted Angels LA) and well done to them. My understanding is that this playlist appears on many international airlines and has to say something about these girls if they are considered to be able to hold their own amongst the likes of Coldplay etc.


Now my gripe.


I am fully aware of the massive sacrifices these girls and their manager have made in search of their dreams with absolutely no support from Departments within the IOM Government. In fact at times damn right rudeness with many letters or phonecalls not even being replied to. They have missed out on some serious cheap advertising and publicty for the Island, one in Japan where Honda wanted to be involved. If anybody has seen these girls in the UK they will have been surprised at the way in which they promote their manxness and their love of the Island. In fact I do remember on a BBC radio interview the drummer Andrea getting very upset when they tried to make a joke about us only just getting eletricity (if only they knew, I digress).


It appears to me that in general our Government and the Civil Service believe that if you are in the music industry and are getting some publicity you must be making a fortune. In the musc industry when you are an up and coming band you get paid extremely little as venues in the UK believe they are doing you a favour by giving you the chance to play to a wider audience.

For example on the girls last tour the steam packet wanted to charge in excess of £2,000 reurn to Heysham for their two vehicles as they stated they were Commercial. The gigs they did across didnt cover this cost.


There are some extremely talented bands on the Island who with some help could make it bringing another source of revenue to the Island and another item to add to our Branding but I believe that our Government would rather spend massive amounts of money on anybody or anything from off the Island in a blinkered fashion without considering what we already have here.



I'm f*cking outraged at this! How Fucking dare you!!!

What massive sacrifices? I have been in bands off and on over the years and I did it , when I was younger, because I had a dream of fame and fortune - (Island Records were interested in one band I was in) When I realised that I wasn't in the next Beatles, then I carried on because it was an enjoyable hobby.

In between we had an old Transit van that had been bought from money saved from gig proceeds and we trawled the motorway network in the UK doing any shitty gig we could get, saved what we could and did some studio time with that hard earned cash.

It was a hoot. We had a ball.

Living in the Northwest of England we'd travel, say, to Birmingham for a gig and drive back home afterwards so those that were working could go straight to work at 8am and those that weren't could get their head down before we had the arduous task of signing on.


I've never heard the Twisted Angels - If they are getting gigs, then they must have some sort of talent, but this whining that they are hard done by by government.... well, for fucks sake! get real! It still stands today that you have got to pay your dues. Sitting on your arse complaining that you are not famous yet and it's all the fault of the government/Steam-Packet/Civil Service is the height of arrogance and ignorance and you are doing yourself and them no favours whatsover.


What exactly is it that you want? You want government to pay their way so they can become pop stars? Will they pay the cash back when they hit the big time?

What happens if they get a recording deal with one of the major labels? The majors will give them an advance - it has to be paid back out of their earnings and if they don't sell their product, then they are in the shit. If the label is taking their cut and the band are only earning minimum wage, do you expect the Manx government to top up their gig money?

In London generally you have to pay to play - as a support act for a major act, you'll find that you have to pay as well - or should we subsidise that?

So the Steamie want to charge them 2 grand. Well that is one hell of a vehicle. It wasn't a Trannie van was it? They won't come down on price when I want to go across to do a bit of business either - the bastards - they should subsidise my racing excursions - the bookies don't pay out much at the race courses. I always tell them I'm from the Isle of Man.


You really do need a reality check. The girls need a sense of humour, realise that a pop band is realistically going to do fuck all for the island's image and knuckle down to some bloody hard work - playing anywhere and everywhere - for nothing, if needs be - and get this idea out of their heads that they are going to be famous. Being good at what they do and earning a few bob while they are at it is a start - fame is a very elusive bonus - and the shite you are spouting is doing them no good at all.

Gladys mentioned a few talented soles who have made an impression. Colin Hinds is a superb guitarist who I understand is still playing sessions after playing in Take That's band.

Francis Magee is doing well acting - having Roger Daltry as a co-star recently on TV, but these guys did it off their own bat. They struggled to get what they wanted. No grants, no help from government and no whinging.

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Yeah! I agree. now what was the question?

I think Twisted Angels get plenty of help, they got to open the TT ceremony didnt they? I'd say if the bikers who saw them (be it on the TV or IRL) thought they were ace, they would have gone & bought their singles/album....what? you mean they havent rushed out to buy the girls music? mustn't be that good then. Romerio, Kiroscuria, Ooompha Room, all of these local bands are talented and I would be quite honest in saying I would rather see any of them than Twisted Angels, I do not hate TA, I just do not like them enough to buy their music. Perhaps the music buying public dosent like them either? or did I miss them on the festival circuit this year?

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I am sorry but good PR is good PR. The PR value to the IOM over the last week can be measured in Millions


Localyokel your quote above.


I take it all back, what storming PR for the Island.






I mean Norman Wisdom is just the sort of person angry youth should be associated with!


What great profile for the IOM .... trying to prove were not all totally backwards and you have a 90 year old man / punk girl combo from the IOM.


A PR coup ..

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Some of the replies on this made me laugh till my sides ached. All that over-the-top rage and self righteous foot stamping. Interesting too to see that homophobia is still alive and well in the Island [shame on you Gladys]. The funniest bit of all was that most of you were so lost in your little tantrums that you failed to realise that the opinions were NOT expressed by or on behalf of Twisted Angels so your outburst Conceptor Hewitt was a complete waste of time. The band does NOT read or participate in these forums so if you were hoping to upset them you're wasting your time [again]. This was entirely an opinion expressed by Billy One Mate. The other amusing thing about your post is that the Angels would ENTIRELY agree with all your points about bands gigging in the uk so get your facts straight before presuming to discuss the attitude of people you obviously don't know. The girls have a great sense of humour, they are lovely people who enjoy what they do, don't expect handouts, don't complain and are some of the hardest working musicians I know. They have taken all the opportunities offered to them but they fully understand that the quest to make a name for themselves may come to nothing [but no harm in trying eh Gladys?] but they are giving it a go while they are young and whether you like them musically speaking or not is irrelevant to the original post.

By the way, FYI they didn't buy the tourbus and it's not theirs [facts wrong again]. Also....it's talented SOULS.

Right, back to the ACTUAL subject of this thread before we got sidetracked by unnecessary personal abuse. I don't think taxpayers should subsidise bands or sportspeople either as it means that some of the population are forking out for something they don't agree with. Music is my interest and I wouldn't like to subsidise local sportsmen but by the same token, some people prefer sport and wouldn't want to subsidise musicians. Once this starts where would we stop pouring money into activities that are basically hobbies. I DO think though that perhaps there could be more facilities for young musicians in the same way as there is for young sports people as there is a lot of interest from the Island's youth in the music scene and it would be one more thing to encourage them to take up something worthwhile rather than getting into mischief. Something like the NSC but for music rather than sport.

I'd like to make it clear that this post is MY opinion and nothing to do with TA except that I know them and didn't think it was fair that they were being slagged off for things they are not guilty of.

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Some of the replies on this made me laugh till my sides ached. All that over-the-top rage and self righteous foot stamping. Interesting too to see that homophobia is still alive and well in the Island [shame on you Gladys]

Bollocks to that, we haven't said anything homophobic just to use it as a promotional stint is just a bit pathetic.


Get real.

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Some of the replies on this made me laugh till my sides ached. All that over-the-top rage and self righteous foot stamping. Interesting too to see that homophobia is still alive and well in the Island [shame on you Gladys]. The funniest bit of all was that most of you were so lost in your little tantrums that you failed to realise that the opinions were NOT expressed by or on behalf of Twisted Angels so your outburst Conceptor Hewitt was a complete waste of time. The band does NOT read or participate in these forums so if you were hoping to upset them you're wasting your time [again]. This was entirely an opinion expressed by Billy One Mate. The other amusing thing about your post is that the Angels would ENTIRELY agree with all your points about bands gigging in the uk so get your facts straight before presuming to discuss the attitude of people you obviously don't know. The girls have a great sense of humour, they are lovely people who enjoy what they do, don't expect handouts, don't complain and are some of the hardest working musicians I know. They have taken all the opportunities offered to them but they fully understand that the quest to make a name for themselves may come to nothing [but no harm in trying eh Gladys?] but they are giving it a go while they are young and whether you like them musically speaking or not is irrelevant to the original post.

By the way, FYI they didn't buy the tourbus and it's not theirs [facts wrong again]. Also....it's talented SOULS.

Right, back to the ACTUAL subject of this thread before we got sidetracked by unnecessary personal abuse. I don't think taxpayers should subsidise bands or sportspeople either as it means that some of the population are forking out for something they don't agree with. Music is my interest and I wouldn't like to subsidise local sportsmen but by the same token, some people prefer sport and wouldn't want to subsidise musicians. Once this starts where would we stop pouring money into activities that are basically hobbies. I DO think though that perhaps there could be more facilities for young musicians in the same way as there is for young sports people as there is a lot of interest from the Island's youth in the music scene and it would be one more thing to encourage them to take up something worthwhile rather than getting into mischief. Something like the NSC but for music rather than sport.

I'd like to make it clear that this post is MY opinion and nothing to do with TA except that I know them and didn't think it was fair that they were being slagged off for things they are not guilty of.



Well phred, it seems I must apologise for my outburst. The girls don't need to read the forums when they have such good friends as you and billy putting over their side of the story. But tell me something. Are you putting me straight on the facts, or, as you ended your post, merely offering your opinion? Who said anything about the tour-bus, other than the fact that it was a bit big? Are you blaming the person they borrowed it off? It stands to reason that if it costs 2 grand to get off the island, then a rethink may be necessary about the size of the vehicle. Cut yer cloth etc.


I don't doubt for a moment that the girls are everything that you say they are - and if they are going to graft their way across the world, then I genuinely wish them every success.

But I must take issue on the point that you say that none of the sporting fraternity should receive financial aid. The vast majority of sportsmen and women competing off island are amateurs. They are not in it for the money. Local football, cricket, hockey teams etc. may get government assistance but they are not trying to get themselves into the Premier League and become millionaires and more importantly, they don't get paid for their gig. Some other sports, motorcycling rallying etc might get a bit of help from the Racket, but very few of them take a tour bus with them - and their reward is most probably a plastic trophy. But the major difference - and this is the biggie, is that many teams who compete off island invariably get a return match on island. Someone who has seen a local band in Luton or where-ever ain't going to bring the rest of the audience back to the island to check out the band playing their homecoming gig at the Traff, I'll venture.

Genuinely, I am not having a pop at your band. As I said I wish them every success; my gripe is about the attitude that seems prevalent now that pop musicians - budding or otherwise - should be spoon fed and gently placed on the ladder to success.

And to even consider the involvement of a government agency in contemporary music or youth culture beggars belief. Consider that route and you might as well curl up and die now. The two concepts are poles apart and ever should they remain so.

Lets hope the audience don't start getting lairy and demanding appearance money.

Ps. Thanks for pointing out the typo on "souls" I'll return the favour with a few commas ,,,,,,, (you started it)

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Interesting too to see that homophobia is still alive and well in the Island [shame on you Gladys].


Believe me, I am not homophobic, but I am bandwagonaphobic! Come on, you have to admit that particular aspect was played up at one point in their career? (Funny, around the same time the Cheeky Girls were having a minor flash in the pan!)


Also, your reference to my comments further down you post regarding giving it a go, were unfair. I support anyone having a go, and actually admire them. If someone really wants to do something and they have the talent, even though it will be an uphill battle, I'm right behind them! But the original post seemed to imply that there should be some kind of Government sponsorship of these girls (who I am sure are very nice, humorous lasses, probably have some talent too) and I think that is just plain wrong when there is an abundance of talent, of any sort, on the Island which would prbably do exceptionally well with a leg up!


If we want to promote performers and public money is going to be used, provide facilties to help ALL budding musos and performing artists (with the caveats above).


I am really not slagging off TA (although their music is not to my taste) but the very fact that they are Manx does not make them a class act to be automatically lauded and supported by the Island.


In any case, it seems that they have alot more backing than any other local bands, so are probably not doing that badly!

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Believe me, I am not homophobic, but I am bandwagonaphobic! Come on, you have to admit that particular aspect was played up at one point in their career? (Funny, around the same time the Cheeky Girls were having a minor flash in the pan!)



There is only one person on these forums who can act as a spokesperson for the band and that is myself. The girls have NEVER played upon the fact that 2 of them are gay..and my early post I thought clarified this.

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Can we please try to keep this thread focussed on the wider issues, rather than specific likes or dislikes about one particular band.


If you want a TA thread, go make one in Music. You can bang your drum in there.


If people can't avoid the personal attacks, we might have to close this thread due to complaints which is a shame as there are some excellent posts in here about the bigger picture.

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