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Isle Of Man Cuts Tax To Tempt Super-rich


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This is a problem elsewhere. You have a drive at present to get wealthy people over here which is good because it generates wealth, but they come here spend a million on a reasonable house and then get bombarded with hassle from a bunch of old gimmers about planning regs, rights of way, the fact that they are ruining the Manx way of life, and then they piss off again because they didn't move here for grief they just wanted to move their money here and spend it quietly.


Yeah right, they spend a million on a house that looks totally out of place with the natural countryside - what's left of it, quite possibly bribe their way through planning regs (allegedly) and totally ruin a natural part of the countryside, just to come here to avoid paying taxes in their native country.


Well count me in with the "old gimmers" and the "Manx way of life", I'm sick to death of our Island being sold away beneath our feet to the highest bidders, who don't give a flying fuck about the Isle of Man, or it's "ways" and just want to have a residence here for tax purposes, - these people are exactly the type of scum we don't need, why don't they just fuck off to another tax free regime and leave what's left of us "Manxies" alone.


I was totally sickened by Alan Bell and his recent comments about Island planning regs putting off the rich from moving here, well as a Manxman, I can certainly say that the royal "we" don't want that sort of scum (as in those sort of rich people moving here, not Alan Bell) circumventing planning and moving their dirty money here, he is the sort of person (Alan Bell) that I wouldn't allow in the gene pool if I had the choice - let alone vote for....

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I was totally sickened by Alan Bell and his recent comments about Island planning regs putting off the rich from moving here, well as a Manxman, I can certainly say that the royal "we" don't want that sort of scum (as in those sort of rich people moving here, not Alan Bell) circumventing planning and moving their dirty money here, he is the sort of person (Alan Bell) that I wouldn't allow in the gene pool if I had the choice - let alone vote for....


I'm sorry but 60% of the economy is reliant on the finance sector (directly or indirectly) so there is no option unless you want higher taxes, shit public services, crap healthcare, and to basically go back to the early 80's when there was fuck all to do, and fuck all jobs for anyone.


Ramsey is a good example ... thats what it would be like Island-wide if you didn't have this part of the economy.


You seem to imply that there is an option not to do business with these people. There is not.


Plus you might as well change planning, because its the most unfair system at the moment as we all know. Someone can apply to build a 50 apartment block next door to you, you can protest, get a consultants report advising against it, get it turned down, get it listed even, and then the developer wins on appeal anyway whilst at the same time some local person wants to stick a new set of windows in and you get hit be a wall of grief and a mountain of red tape.


The system is a joke so you can't make it any worse.

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Plus you might as well change planning, because its the most unfair system at the moment as we all know. Someone can apply to build a 50 apartment block next door to you, you can protest, get a consultants report advising against it, get it turned down, get it listed even, and then the developer wins on appeal anyway whilst at the same time some local person wants to stick a new set of windows in and you get hit be a wall of grief and a mountain of red tape.


The system is a joke so you can't make it any worse.


Move to England, at least you get third party rights of appeal over here. I don't want to turn this thread into a planning related one but I personally think the planners get unfairly picked on by many people. They are the people in the middle trying to balance up development proposals, a lot of their best decisions go unrecognised because that decision means that something isn't built.


For what its worth I think Mr Bell is out of order with his thinking on attracting rich people. I don't see why they will bring anything additional to the Island. Most of them will have made their money by being clever with their money. No one with any business sense is going to start anything other than a finance/office based business over here. Mr Bell is having a laugh if he thinks that this policy is going to bring industry to the Island.

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Move to England, at least you get third party rights of appeal over here. I don't want to turn this thread into a planning related one but I personally think the planners get unfairly picked on by many people. They are the people in the middle trying to balance up development proposals, a lot of their best decisions go unrecognised because that decision means that something isn't built.


I've had to deal with a recent planning application on a very minor matter which was death by water torture. I also spent time 4 years ago with 30 or so other residents trying to stop a development that went ahead despite virtually every near resident objecting, environmental impact reports saying it was inappropriate, two independent consultant reports stating it was unsuitable, and a report from the water authority confirming the existing drainage could not take the scale of the development.


It went ahead anyway.


I'm sorry but I don't share your optimism of how hard the job is.

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Well it appears Ramsey may just get that second bite of the cherry.


Just heard on EnergyFM News that the DOT are going to re-visit the idea and will hold discussions with the commissioners.


Hopefully this time around, people won't fuck the idea up.

The idea just got more support, it seems:


Ramsey marina supported


Ramsey Chamber of Trade’s added its voice of support as consultation begins over the future of Ramsey Harbour.


With hopes high that plans for a marina may be resurrected, the chamber believes proposals to consider a possible water retention scheme is a very positive first step.


Chamber spokesman, David Dorricott, says redevelopment is long overdue and it’s important to make better use of one of the town's main assets

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I have no problem with a proposed small scale retention scheme in Ramsey. The first plan was ludicrous and imo would never have been finished to the original specs. The very idea that of a full blown marina in as tidal a harbour as Ramsey , where yachts with keels would be able to come and go as they please is a non-starter. Keeping them afloat is another thing, but I couldn't see thousands of the lesser Yella Wellied Arses flocking to Cote du Rhumsaa. The smaller plan of putting a tidal gate to flood the inner harbour and set pontoons (which wouldn't be much smaller than Peel's water retention scheme) may work, but the costs could escalate as there is some doubt over holding the water behind the Peveril sand bank - there would have to be one hell of a pool-liner. If it does turn out to be viable, then the shipyard, having had loads of Gov-cash recently poured into it, could stay a working entity and the outer harbour, although by no means perfect, could still carry on it's cargo and fishing trade.


As for having a go at Wilf - c'mon, get real. He owns a scrap yard, he's a member of the town commissioners. The commissioners are allowed to collect rent and cut the grass - thats what we vote them in for. If you are looking for conspiracy theories I suggest you look elsewhere. He may have been vociferous in his objections but I doubt he has any other sway with anyone in "power." Some of his detractors like to see themselves as municipal heavyweights, would they have got their way if it wasn't for that pesky Wilf? (and his merry band of hippies)


No matter how much research was put into the scheme, the bottom line is how many people would use it - and to get that answer, you can only rely on what people tell you. Asking yachtsmen would they use a Ramsey marina you'll get loads who will answer in the affirmative, but it guarantees nothing.



I think the swimming pool on the Peveril plot is a great idea. There are strong indications that it will have more facilities than the present abomination and there is also talk from those in the know that the old site will see a large hotel on the sea-front once more. This means that there could be a development to offset the build costs…


The thing that worries me - they'd have to come into a post on building somewhere - is the Dandesperate plans for the Pollylldooey Site. The massive development that they are planning to put out there is practically a new town. It makes me wonder how far we'll go before we realise that despite having loads of dosh in the bank, our quality of life is heading rapidly for the shitter. And the younger population of Ramsey aren't interested. They had a chance a few years ago, "young" Miles Hardman stood for the Keys. I didn't particularly agree with his policies, but I admired his get up and go. What did the younger population do?

Turned out to vote in their droves (not)


The pics of the Ramsey plan show the proposed site (sorry about the shite Photoshopping) To get your bearings, the yellow line is the old railway line, the pink line is the present Gardeners Lane and the blue bit in the top corner is the Sulby River. The Town plan pic: The pink line is the TT course ending at the X in Parliaments Sq. I've laid the estate over the plan.



post-2469-1156512368_thumb.jpg post-2469-1156512496_thumb.jpg

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I was totally sickened by Alan Bell and his recent comments about Island planning regs putting off the rich from moving here, well as a Manxman, I can certainly say that the royal "we" don't want that sort of scum (as in those sort of rich people moving here, not Alan Bell) circumventing planning and moving their dirty money here, he is the sort of person (Alan Bell) that I wouldn't allow in the gene pool if I had the choice - let alone vote for....


I'm sorry but 60% of the economy is reliant on the finance sector (directly or indirectly) so there is no option unless you want higher taxes, shit public services, crap healthcare, and to basically go back to the early 80's when there was fuck all to do, and fuck all jobs for anyone.


Ramsey is a good example ... thats what it would be like Island-wide if you didn't have this part of the economy.


You seem to imply that there is an option not to do business with these people. There is not.


Plus you might as well change planning, because its the most unfair system at the moment as we all know. Someone can apply to build a 50 apartment block next door to you, you can protest, get a consultants report advising against it, get it turned down, get it listed even, and then the developer wins on appeal anyway whilst at the same time some local person wants to stick a new set of windows in and you get hit be a wall of grief and a mountain of red tape.


The system is a joke so you can't make it any worse.


Sorry - this thread had been "bumped", so I'm only replying to your post now.


So what if 60% of our economy is reliant on the finance sector -what does it have to offer the IOM by trying to attract a bunch of cunts over here to avoid paying taxes in their native countries??


Please explain?


We still have crap healthcare (we used to have decent NHS dentists in the 80's) and shit public services, what difference would it make changing planning regs to bring more rich people over here and spoil what we have left???


- I agree with you on the problem of planning regs, but shouldn't we try & tighten them up to prevent what you complain about, rather than turn it even more into a "free for all" for the rich??


--- Please Hboy - tell us what your major grief is with the planning department!!!


I'm actually quite fond of Ramsey at the moment - it has to boast one of the better live music scenes on the Island, property at reasonable prices compared to the rest of the Island - an up & coming marina for the three yachtee's that will come and visit - hell I want to move there!!!

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Ramsey is Dandara's next big push.


They have finished with peel nearly and ramsey is the next place ripe for development.


Hopefully ramsey will be updated and given a new lease of life.


Once the new lezarye estate is built the place will not be too bad.


Aslong as they make sure they get a proper traffic plan sorted i think it will be great.


Devlopment is a 2 sided coin yes the developer makes money but with development comes more people spending in the town.


Bring it on :D

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I think the swimming pool on the Peveril plot is a great idea. There are strong indications that it will have more facilities than the present abomination and there is also talk from those in the know that the old site will see a large hotel on the sea-front once more. This means that there could be a development to offset the build costs…

Well done with the images, it's handy to have references.


In regard to the Swimming Pool, have plans been issued or is it still in the 'being talked about' stage?


The guy I spoke to (not down the pub) seemed uncertain regarding stages of planning, but believed that the new pool will be of similar design to the existing pool.


I'm a regular NSC user, but do head north every now and again. I've never been in the pool with more than 15 or so other users. Taking out the free swimming lessons during term times, will a new pool attract more entry fee paying users to a relocated model of what already exists?


As for the location, Peveril plot is ok but I'd have rather seen it built lakeside in Mooragh Park as one part developing the area more as a location for 'Leisure Park' type facilities.


[fake edit] Manx Radio are announcing that the plans are now available for viewing at Ramsey Town Hall, and Peveril Plot is the prefered location. Link: Manx Radio


On a side note, Ramsey Commisioners are planning to add a Skate Park to the area near the (excellent) BMX Track.


The article said "...funded by Ramsey Commisioners", it didn't mention any contribution from Central Government.


The grants that are available for 'Play Facilities' were only recently changed to include Skate Parks despite opposition from DoLGE.


I hope the Commisioners are not paying more than they need to.

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A skate park there is an excellent idea, gets the kids out of the town, off the roads and housing estates and gives them something to do! The place is swarming with kids using the BMX track this time of year, it really does get well used.


I was there a couple of weeks ago with my 2 boys and there were older boys charging down the hill, across the little access road, on to the track and over a jump, it was great to watch some of them. There was also a group of OAPs stood watching, I thought they were winding up to tell the boys off but as I got closer one of the gents was saying "Look at this young lad on the red bike...watch him, he did a big jump last time!"


I think lots of people appreciate that amenities in Ramsey aren't the best for older children and teenagers, I'd hope that the idea of a skate park doesn't kick up too much opposition. I'd also like to see a couple of ramps in there for the BMX bikes to use too, there's one area of the track that gets a lot of traffic due to the kids trying to get 'air', which limits the use for other children who just want to ride around the track at their own pace.

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I do hope they don't follow a similar 'design' as the old pool - a 60's update of the old municipal baths idea, without the character, charm or style.

I understand that this time it will be of Olympic size - but swimming per se is not going to fill the place. I do think they need to add leisure and water-play facilities.


I agree that it would have been better placed in the Mooragh Park - or estate. There seems to be a real reluctance to do anything with this sacred cow. At the moment it's just a nice big garden with a nice lake, a shitty caff and a forlorn kiddies play area. The whole park/estate should be upgraded into a leisure facility that the town could be proud of.

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I took a drive to Ramsey this morning to have a look at the plans that are pinned up in the Town Hall. There are 2 plans, one being front and rear elevations and the secons is a plan view of the layout.


I can confirm:

  • the plan is for 2 pools identical to existing layout and syle but adding 'variable depth floors'.
  • The building has a teardrop roof line similar to the NSC.
  • There will be a 'Changing Village'. (80 cubicles if I remember correctly).
  • The cafe (looks smaller than current) will have a paved outdoor section.
  • I forgot to count the parking spaces, but there won't be many.
  • No sign of any 'fun' additions.

The Architects are Savage and Chadwick, unfortunately "For reasons of confidentiality, no drawings, photographs or illustrations are posted" on their website.


Personally, I'm disappointed. The building has been designed to fill evey inch of available space and it shows as it looks shoe horned in to an inappropriate space.


It will serve swimming classes, length swimmers and toddlers well, however I can not see it being popular for any child who has visited the NSC or any modern pool off Island.


Seeing the plans has confirmed my earlier stated belief that Ramsey and the north in general would have been better served by a 'leisure' design located within the Mooragh Park vicinity.

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