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Isle Of Man Cuts Tax To Tempt Super-rich


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It will serve swimming classes, length swimmers and toddlers well, however I can not see it being popular for any child who has visited the NSC or any modern pool off Island.


Like many, many things over here, it'll have to do because there isn't much of an alternative. That's the problem with Ramsey, there's little on offer in the way of things to do and what is on offer is third rate pants.

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Like many, many things over here, it'll have to do because there isn't much of an alternative. That's the problem with Ramsey, there's little on offer in the way of things to do and what is on offer is third rate pants.


Why can't they just stick a few lanes across the new Marina on, say, Wedneday nights and Saturday afternoons. It would be better than the shitty baths ramsey has at the moment and save the cost of a new pool. Those that want something decent could then drive to Douglas.

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Ramsey is Dandara's next big push.


They have finished with peel nearly and ramsey is the next place ripe for development.


Hopefully ramsey will be updated and given a new lease of life.


Once the new lezarye estate is built the place will not be too bad.


Aslong as they make sure they get a proper traffic plan sorted i think it will be great.


Devlopment is a 2 sided coin yes the developer makes money but with development comes more people spending in the town.


Bring it on :D


- I have nothing against "sensible" development, but from what I can see of Dandaras efforts, IMHO I can only explain as being ghetto's of the near future.


I'm in the unfortunate position of paying extortionate rent in a not very well built Dandara house in Douglas, and would certainly not want to buy a Dandara house anywhere, even if I was in a position to buy one.


I think (bringing back topic of the thread) the government would do us citizens of the Island proud, if they built many more council houses so people who are in a position of paying extortionate rent in private properties could be in a position where they could afford to rent, this in turn would bring down the rentable value of private properties and give the poorer people of the Island a fairer chance.


I think it's totally ridiculous trying to attract the rich here for tax reasons, just so they can "own" a property that they might live in for a couple of months a year - just to claim tax "immunity" from where they woiuld normally reside - this gives the Isle of Man absolutely nothing in terms of finance and supporting our local economy - how can these people possibly contribute anything to the IOM if they're here for 2 months a year??


All these part time residents do is screw up the local economy by driving house prices through the roof...

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I think (bringing back topic of the thread) the government would do us citizens of the Island proud, if they built many more council houses so people who are in a position of paying extortionate rent in private properties could be in a position where they could afford to rent, this in turn would bring down the rentable value of private properties and give the poorer people of the Island a fairer chance.


I think that idea is absolutely appalling - you actually advocate disenfranchising whole sections of the Manx born community by sticking them in new council estates just because they can't afford houses. Thats just creating a two tier system where any new residents get to buy the good houses and the manxies get shunted into tax subsidised ghettos. That is an appalling idea. You get two generations of that happening and there would be civil war from all those pissed off and excluded from buying and owning property in their homeland


The economy has to work for all, and it is better to encourage people to get onto the first time buyer ladder so that society is inclusive not exclusive. The problem is at the moment that the first time buyer subsidies are stupid - you qualify after 5 years residency so we are not helping young Manx people to by but people who no longer need a work permit and have good jobs in the finance centre. If they actually refined the system and used all the money they currently give away to subsidise Manx people buying property they could solve the Manx housing shortages by next year - problem is that at the moment the grants are only assisting the developers to turn over units not help the majority of Manx born people wanting to buy property.

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This one?


How to blow up a dead seal


Cue PROWL, and stop the time until someone mentions environmental issues attached to setting seals on fire...


He does go to extraordinary lengths to explain that the seal was DEAD when he found it, but its definitely a "light the blue touch paper and retreat" article aimed at PROWL and those camping on his land (illegally he claims).


Personally I thought it was pretty funny.




Reading this piece is dedicated to "laugh of the year".


This happens nearly every year, and at the same spot, - at the little cove immediately under Jeremy's kitchen window. The "prowlers" and us "non-prowlers" would have told him to call Coast Guard and the MSPCA, and they would have come and helped him with it.


As for the campers, they are not on Jeremy's land, they are on flat bit before the public car park, the land does not belong to Ferguson Lacey nor Clarkson. Most of them are campervans on a weekend trip from Ramsey. They have been using this spot for years, and with the permission of Malew commissioners and the landowner.


But of course, Jeremy's "ignorance" of this, it makes the article more fun to read, especially for the majority of people who have never seen the area.

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Oh you're back dude, man that must have been a long walk you went on.



Anyroads - good to see you posting again, Langness Walker, although for a split second, I thought I'd have to dust off Coprowl again :rolleyes:

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Oh you're back dude, man that must have been a long walk you went on.



Anyroads - good to see you posting again, Langness Walker, although for a split second, I thought I'd have to dust off Coprowl again :rolleyes:




thanks! I should add - Jeremy's piece in the Times was hilarious reading for those of us who have come across a dead seal at the spot, - I just wonder how he stopped his dogs from rolling in it.

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