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Wal-mart Cashier Foils Cellphone Terror Plot


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Here's an interesting one. 3 Arabic men buy a shed load of cellphones cheap, that they then sell at a higher price elsewhere. The US Authorities say that they were buying the cellphones to make bombs.


“The cell phones can be used as detonators. Batteries can be disassembled and used to make methamphetamine. Obviously there’s something wrong here,” Caro Police Chief Ben Page said.


Now they could well be terrorists, at the same time they could be clever business men.




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But surely any old phone can be used for a detonator or a bomb, Old mobiles are now worthless and many people just throw them out, Why would they pay?


Who knows.. You'd hope they have additional evidence. Otherwise, I reckon we roll them down a hill in a barrel, if they survive then they're a terrorist, if they die - well, they're not.

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It's like the terrorist who got arrested for taking a camcorder into Disneyland and filming himself on the rides, clearly because he wanted to blow them up at a later date.


Except he was a tourist.


Tourist / terrorist? Who cares? They're similar words, and if Fox News can use it to make Americans scared then it's all good.

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"..Michigan officials kept three Texans locked up Monday evening even after Michigan state police and FBI officials said they were apparently wide-eyed tourists rather than would-be terrorists when they photographed the Mackinac Bridge.."


Can you say 'knee-jerk'?


As with most things in America it demonstrates more "jerk" than "knee".

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