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Mr Steve Babb, Prospective Mhk For Onchan


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OK, no one knows who might get back in, but under the present system . . . . . who??


Come on . . . . . who?


Or would you rather keep to the system of the secret ballot . . . . .


Chief Minister . . . . . aye, the person who is so wonderful they can on their own accord pick all the Ministers - our very Government.


Let's see how you duck out of this one, our kid



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Of all the declared candidates so far, my vote goes to John Shimmin.


he was a good guy as a school teacher very fair and, wouldnt have said he was a leading acedemic light as he taught maths to set 3/4 when i was at school after a back injury put him out of PE.


I registerd on the electoral role when i heard he was standing for douglas west and voted for him.....then he turned into a glory hunting self promoting little egomaniac and ppl think he'd be a good cheif minister! i dont see what this guy has done apart from waste everyones time with speed limit policy and generally piss me off.


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I find Mr Shimmin a nice enough decent guy but you could say that of quite a few of them really. Leadership material? Given the current crop I suppose he has to be in the running though.


Victor Kneale, former Speaker of the House of Keys had this to say in a recent letter to the IoM Examiner:




(depending on browser/monitor etc. may need expanding to read text on screen)

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Perhaps Victor could suggest a candidate. He is a hard task master but with his long experience he will know what it takes to be an good CM even though it is only with hindsight that we can tell the sheep from the goat.


From the current MHK's there is not a lot to pick from but with the new house, who knows? John would certainly be in the beauty parade but we need more than that - nerves of steel, thick skin and more than a modicum of ability. Are we asking too much for 70k p.a?

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Th eworkload and decision making etc. is probably a tad more than a local councillor in an average place in the UK. Aye, yhey get expenses and that although they probably get more votes than an MHK.


Fair enough you have to parade up on a hill and look a right ninny once a year, but for £70k - yeah, I'd do it.

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But did we get value for money from our recent chairman at the MEA?. We should perhaps remember some of our "businessmen" and there antics when somebody suggests " we need more businessmen in the Keys" lest we end up with the IOM plc ending up like the MEA.

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The economy is important but so are social values and concern for the environment. Balancing all the issues to get it right for the people is a very skilled responsible task beyond the ability of most MHK's. A joke and good for a pint in the pub is not a good training ground if that is all the budding politician offers and unfortunately this is all many do.


I am all for businessmen helping but most successful ones in the prime of their careers wouldn't touch the Keys with a barge pole. If they did I would suspect there may be something amiss.

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The economy is important but so are social values and concern for the environment. Balancing all the issues to get it right for the people is a very skilled responsible task beyond the ability of most MHK's. A joke and good for a pint in the pub is not a good training ground if that is all the budding politician offers and unfortunately this is all many do.


Lets face it its only people skills you need. Its no different to selling windows, cars or life insurance door to door. People seem to think that you need to have certain qualifications to get into "politics". You don't. You need to be able to sell yourself and you need to understand how people think and what drives and motivates people. That is it. You are selling yourself and your ability to give the voting public what they want.


Its not rocket science. Sometimes people look at things too deeply.

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and at the end of the day, come on ffs, it's the Isle of Man.


75,000 people on a rock.


It is about time reality kicked in with some of these politicians and wannabe politicians.

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The reality is that many people on the island feel we could do better having the mistakes of the last 5 years in mind. Of course things are never perfect but we should aim to get the best people we have. 75,000 people and each one of them is important. That is reality. Let's try to ensure we take the election seriously. If we don't then more unacceptable errors will happen more often than they should.


I agree the politician should have people skills - without that he/she is completely up the creek!

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