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Hillary Square To Get A New Gate - Maybe Sometime


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Someone in the pub told me that they were going to paint them with spotty paint. Who will pay for the paint? Should we be concerned about this? What are the implications for the Isle of Man? Why is Manx Radio choosing to ignore this important subject? What about the dog turds?

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On a more serious note, after hearing a piece on MR last week about work on Derby Square, I took a small diversion to have a look at what the fuss was about and I really couldn't see what the problem was. There were lamp posts in the square, but not the forest implied in the piece.


More to the point, I couldn't see the replica of Rodin's "The Kiss" which I'm sure was in the square many years' ago. Where is it now?

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Why should we Douglas butties pay for this on our rates when it really benefits the whole Island?


A lot of the capital's attractions and amenities should, properly, be ceded to Government.

Im willing to be corrected but my understanding is the Town council have proved reluctant to let go of their power base.

Matbe you should ask David Christian, in particular, why the Town Council has not ceded some of its responsibilities to government.

Still haven't answered my question LoneWolf!



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Why should we Douglas butties pay for this on our rates when it really benefits the whole Island?


A lot of the capital's attractions and amenities should, properly, be ceded to Government.

Im willing to be corrected but my understanding is the Town council have proved reluctant to let go of their power base.

Matbe you should ask David Christian, in particular, why the Town Council has not ceded some of its responsibilities to government.

Still haven't answered my question LoneWolf!




Is it because the Island doesn't really need so many local authorities and a re-jig of system could help spread costs?

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Still haven't answered my question LoneWolf!


yes I have but you dont seem to have spotted it.

The reason you end up paying for these things on your rates is because your elected reps in the Town Council have been reluctant to let them go.

I dont think they should be on Douglas rates. They should be funded by Government.

You need to be careful who you vote for for and if you dont vote ..tough.

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Indeed it is.


It could be a metal gate, a wooden gate or maybe something else.


Will they paint it, what kind of paint will the use or, in the case of a wooden gate, will they coat it with something else.


MCB - you are failing your fellow forum members, I demand you make ammends now!


...and why other than making a metal gate would the Corpy's skilled blacksmiths be working on it...doh.


...and its about time the Parks&Gardens Inspector started locking the park gates at the appropriate time (1 hr after sunset) to keep the yobbies and miscreants yuf out and those sad people who take theier dogs in when its dark and let them poo all over the place making it a health hazzard for young toddlers and infants to play in....Douglas residents pay enough rates that these sort of things should be taken care of but somewhere whoever is responsible has let standards slip...must be paid too much with a nice warm office and desk to sit behind with a steady cuppa to hand.....

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Perhaps a new manhole cover is to be installed somewhere, or someone is going to cut a grass verge with a lawnmower, or maybe there is a tram horse due in for a good wash and shampoo.


Go on MCB please tip us off about these important events, and much much more.


New gates! Christ whatever next.

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MCB was just about to post regarding the addition of machine gun nests to combat that very problem.


Not machine gun posts - MCB is due to leak details of the Corpy "Starwars" project. Batteries of lazer guided dog-poo neutralisers mounted to every lampost around the square. One hint of poo and ZAP! fried doggy.


Worth every penny on the rates.

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A lot of the capital's attractions and amenities should, properly, be ceded to Government.

Im willing to be corrected but my understanding is the Town council have proved reluctant to let go of their power base.


Shouldn't Government be concerning themselves with more pressing matters than dog poo and fixing gates around town, - but there again they seem to want to tell all the authorities how to run their affairs, but hey, someone needs to tell Government how to run their projects too :)


anyone want some old tyres ?

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Shouldn't Government be concerning themselves with more pressing matters than dog poo and fixing gates around town, - but there again they seem to want to tell all the authorities how to run their affairs, but hey, someone needs to tell Government how to run their projects too :)


Interesting little project for you if you are interested. Track the history of local authorities.

Town Councillors, Village Commissioners ..all descendants of the poor law commissioners.[not in the genetic sense!]

Surely their time is past especially in such a small place.

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