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I probably could substantiate it if I spent long enough to trawl all the other operators websites! but hey shit happens...


So do it then. Go on. I dare you to post your findings.

I will one day ans when I have some time, I promise ;)


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It's an almost impossible statement to quantify as mobile plans and tarrifs are fucking impossible to compare like for like.


That said, 77p/min to a uk mobile is utter indefensable fucking daylight robbery from a company owned by a uk mobile phone operator. Phoning another pronto phone is pretty much double what any uk operator charges for phoning on payg on the same network, orange to orange 10p, pronto to pronto 25p. O2 is the same at 25p, but drops to 5p/min after 3 mins, so it's loads cheaper.


But then we live on an island, blah blah :)

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But then we live on an island, blah blah :)


We hear a lot of that particular excuse. Maybe we could accept it as fact if some of these service providers presented facts and figures to demonstrate their charges are consistent with high infrastructure costs and small returns from a limited market.

I suspect operations such as MT would struggle to make a case. I may be wrong though.

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Oh, it's easily dismissed. You just go take a peek at a similar sized island and get their rates.


Jersey telecom for example, single mobile provider, similar market, similar issues, similar tax benefits.


Jersey telecom pay as you go mobile to mobile 15p/min - 10p cheaper than MT per min.

Jersey Telecom payg to uk mobile 35p/min. Fucking half Manx Telecoms price. Texts 7p instead of 10.


To be fair, MT's cheaper on international calls, but then I dont make them on my mobi :)

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You've not got cause to bleat though. The low use tarriff is perfect for adsl/voip. Fixed line rental for £11 quid a quater, and make all your calls via voip? Bosh.


Nope. They've got ya there!


For customers who like the security of a fixed telephone line but who make very few outgoing calls and require no additional supplementary services such as the Internet.


:angry: Yes agreed. Cu**s.


At least now thanks to VOIP our phone bill is going down down down. :) But it could be even less if they didn't restrict life line in this way. Does anyone know is this a new restriction? Too many people gettting wise to VOIP perphaps?

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What annoys me about the whole thing is that you can't just take broadband. We are paying £20 odd quid a quarter for line rental and not using the line, plus another £90 odd quid a quarter for ADSL.


I'd like to see MT say, right, you can have ADSL and our VOIP service for £30. Then you can make calls to any iom numbers for free (016 and 076) and low calls to UK numbers / int numbers.


I think they'd see a lot more people take ADSL who won't take it at the moment because it's expensive. Saying that, the IOM has the highest ADSL take up rate per head of population in Europe.


The fixed line, so called local loop (in the uk) is getting more and more defunct and really it's only a matter of years until it's no longer viable. BT's 21CN and even MT's announcement with Lucent is an indication that the company is going to squeeze as much revenue out of the fixed lines as they can before the technology is replaced.



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First, have you read Manx PAYG Sim - free roaming in 120 countries - calls at all times UK/Local land lines 10p/Min at all times..


Second, when is 'free' actually free? Not when you pay extra for it!


MT are advertising a special deal with calls to the USA for 'only' 5p a min - I only pay 2p a min and I don't have to pay £? a month to get that rate...


I also get Free calls to all uk [including IoM] from Friday midnight to Sunday midnight and evening calls are capped at 5p.


Broadband? don't even go there... Has anyone ever achieved 2Mb D/L speed? Fastest I have ever managed to download is 130 Kbs and if I try to view a video at 400kbs it buffers all the time. Sunday nights are a waste of time it seems bandwidth is very restricted.


So, 'could do better' is my message to MT..


That's my 25p a min worth [2 pence would be nice!]



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Has anyone ever achieved 2Mb D/L speed?


Yup. Pretty much. Mine is normally good. I run DU Meter which monitors the bandwidth.


Maybe the problem is your end - perhaps a poorly configured wireless set up? Or perhaps there is a specific problem with your connection.

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Has anyone ever achieved 2Mb D/L speed?


Yup. Pretty much. Mine is normally good. I run DU Meter which monitors the bandwidth.


Maybe the problem is your end - perhaps a poorly configured wireless set up? Or perhaps there is a specific problem with your connection.


It depends on how over-subscribed (contention) your VP is from the DSLAM.


See here (Technical Explanation)



The VP from the DSLAM could be getting hammered, so you're sharing the VP capacity with 'x' other users. So if you're unfortunate to be on a busy DSLAM or share it with bandwidth whores then collectively people will suffer (Thats contention for ya!). Others on less-chocca DSLAMs get much better speeds.

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No, we live in Douglas, her friends live in Crosby, Onchan, and Santon.


Responsible with money, isnt that similar to not allowing ones self to be ripped off?


Ever wondered what passes for conversation on these calls? If I was sponsoring someone for £28 per month (plus VAT?) I think I would like to know it was necessary. Most kids (and many adults for that matter) talk sh*te on their mobiles, so I guess you can find out what that costs. Maybe you could buy her a bicycle? ;)

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