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Get Off

Pat Ayres

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Well sorry guys but I am in complete agreement with what the passengers did.


This was not a scheduled flight, it was a CHARTER flight, and those two guys had been sold one way tickets ‘at the desk’ as there was spare seating capacity on the plane.


Three points immediately spring to mind.


Firstly, these are not normal times.


Secondly, can anyone on that plane be confident that that pair had been properly screened? Airports on holiday isles are notoriously ineffective in the security searches and that apart, it could have been that the ground staff might well have secreted some device or weapon on the plane, again security in holiday destination airports is far from good.


Thirdly how does anyone know that what was taking place was not a ‘cold run’ to check out the airport security for some future attempt to cause death by the enemy that we all face? And even if not in this case, the right and proper actions by the passengers may well make any terrorist in the future decide that it’s not worth the risk because of the diligence and awareness of this real danger by so many people being the norm on British holiday flights.


If I had been on that plane with MY family I would have been one of, if not THE first to raise a ruckus.

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And even if not in this case, the right and proper actions by the passengers may well make any terrorist in the future decide that it’s not worth the risk because of the diligence and awareness of this real danger by so many people being the norm on British holiday flights.


If I had been on that plane with MY family I would have been one of, if not THE first to raise a ruckus.



Yeah, overly racist attitudes will always deter potential suicide bombers from carrying out their plans, I bet they are all crapping themselves right now and cancelling any plans they might have had.

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Anyone remember that sketch from Not the Nine o'clock news, you know, arrested for being in possesion of thick lips and curly hair, being concerned with a loud shirt? Well its true, its not a joke after all, people telling books by covers and proud of it.

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Bleeding heart liberal and proud of it but i still have problems with sporting Islamists tampering with their balls in public.


For perspective, i flew to istanbul recently, Turkish Airlines, we were probably the only Euros on board if we exclude the Turkish Hasidic Jews. We were greeted with smiles, conversation and general welcome from the mainly Islamic passengers even though my mother country is a military beligerant serial invader of middle east countries, funny that B)

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Anyone remember that sketch from Not the Nine o'clock news, you know, arrested for being in possesion of thick lips and curly hair, being concerned with a loud shirt? Well its true, its not a joke after all, people telling books by covers and proud of it.

Well, unless you judge a book by it's cover you could end up reading a lot of books you don't like.


In any event, Mr Winston Kodogo was also arrested for smelling of foreign food and treading on the cracks in the pavement. IMHO it's a fair cop.


(P.S. It WAS a joke you know. Mr Winston Kodogo and PC Savage are all pretend. It's all made up to make fun of racists. I just thought you ought to know that.


We were greeted with smiles, conversation and general welcome from the mainly Islamic passengers even though my mother country is a military beligerant serial invader of middle east countries, funny that

What's funny about them being grateful that we helped kick Saddam out of Kuwait? After all, Turkey has a common border with Iraq....

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care to mention some of the other helpful invasions we have done over the years, including invading Turkey?

Algeria perhaps or Libya? Lebanon, Syria, Mesopatania, Aden, Egypt. Palestine, etc etc perhaps not after all, we are thw good guys.

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I will to an extent agree with Rog ... if a passenger has a concern they should flag that to a security official.


But if they don't like the security official's decision ... then they should choose not to fly. They can't have a veto on a security decision. Air marshals etc mean security decisions are not always clear to a passenger. If they don't like it, don't fly. It's the fact that the people took security decisions into their own hands that disturbs me.


Racial profiling is wrong. It makes the only factor in the security decision the ethnic background of the person ... but intelligence based targetting, which will include taking a persons ethnic background as one part of profile is inevitable.


I can clearly remember a El Al flight where a pregnant white girl was tricked by her [fake] boy friend into carring a bomb onto a flight. He pretended at the last minute to have a change of plans which meant he couldn't fly ... leaving her to carry the bomb in her hand luggae. The El Al security would have totally failed if they'd used racial profiling, but they were meticulous and the bomb was found. These are complicated times, and its just going to get more difficult.

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I have to say that colour (apart from orange women with orange hair) is not a problem for me. But if Blair and his minders were on my BA flight, security checked or not, I'd be off that plane before you could say boo!

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care to mention some of the other helpful invasions we have done over the years, including invading Turkey?

Algeria perhaps or Libya? Lebanon, Syria, Mesopatania, Aden, Egypt. Palestine, etc etc perhaps not after all, we are thw good guys.

Why not go all the way back to the Sudan and so on if you think it's relevant? I for one think that anything beyond living memory or maybe just short of it probably isn't relevant. So for me WW2 is about it and I have personal experience from Crete that demonstrated it to me and EVERYONE knows the running sore that is Israel. So how far back you go in history for relevance to modern issues is a subjective and personal choice. But, of course, you already know that.


Equally you may not think you are one of the good guys but I know I am.


Incidentally I think racial profiling is right in that it is a place to start as you have to start somewhere i.e. if Muslims complain at being targeted then tough as I don't see British folks of Chinese descent becoming suicide bombers. It shouldn't be the be-all and end-all though and from what I know it isn't as racial profiling has been around since the seventies. In it's infancy it posed that difficult question "Who is the Racial Code 6 in the Pile of Sticks?". Go figure.

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I will to an extent agree with Rog ... if a passenger has a concern they should flag that to a security official.


But if they don't like the security official's decision ... then they should choose not to fly. They can't have a veto on a security decision. Air marshals etc mean security decisions are not always clear to a passenger. If they don't like it, don't fly. It's the fact that the people took security decisions into their own hands that disturbs me.


Racial profiling is wrong. It makes the only factor in the security decision the ethnic background of the person ... but intelligence based targetting, which will include taking a persons ethnic background as one part of profile is inevitable.


I can clearly remember a El Al flight where a pregnant white girl was tricked by her [fake] boy friend into carring a bomb onto a flight. He pretended at the last minute to have a change of plans which meant he couldn't fly ... leaving her to carry the bomb in her hand luggae. The El Al security would have totally failed if they'd used racial profiling, but they were meticulous and the bomb was found. These are complicated times, and its just going to get more difficult.


I read about this in the paper at the weekend, it was with a man who is a profiler, and worked for El Al at the time. The point was that they did use racial profiling. They established that is was unusual for a pregnant white Irish girl to be travelling alone, and pulled her.

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