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Dreamfish's 30th Birthday Bash...

Trinity 23

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wtf? ha ha


hey you guys, the tee shirt i bought Christypops - he lost it in the lounge! what a git! if anyone locates it, just give it to him.


hey Bobblehat you babe! xxx and you Miss Bees! hee hee!


check out




for my ramblings! just click on my head! ive got a new one getting put up either today or tomorrow about Reading so get on it!



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ha ha, i've finally worked out how to use this bloody forum...not that i'm of a lesser intellligence or anything ( actually while writing that word, my green highlighter pen fell into my beer onto my keyboard!, i'm sure it'll be fine until it soaks in, in the morning!).


My hols were great thanks the bees, very relaxing apart from one night when we brought some supplies, lots of fun had. Very quiet island with lots of sun and good food, bit of a tan and the buggy was great... will give it back as soon as i see you... maybe 2005 will doo!!!


Very sorry to have missed the cloggs birthday, would have really loved to have been there but you know what it's like when a foreign hol calls... it wins every time.


hey swtb, all i've got to say is mmmnnnyyyeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

take care and i;ll see you sooooon xxxxx :blink:

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