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Tom can hit Jerry with an axe but Ofcom won't let him smoke


Tom and Jerry can chase each other as much as they like, wielding hammers and axes, but what they must not do, in the eyes of the media watchdog Ofcom, is light up a cigarette. Some 65 years after the quick-tempered cat and opportunistic mouse made their debut in The Midnight Snack, smoking scenes from the series have been cut.


A viewer complained this year that scenes of characters smoking were inappropriate for the young, despite the fact that Hollywood's animation team William Hanna and Joseph Barbera stopped making the series in 1957 when smoking was common. Upset was caused by Texas Tom, made in 1950, and Tennis Chumps, from 1949. Both were transmitted by Turner Broadcasting's Boomerang cable channel. More than half the audience is aged from four to 14.


In Texas Tom, Tom tries to impress a female cat by rolling a cigarette, lighting it and smoking it with one hand. In Tennis Chumps, Tom's opponent on the court is seen smoking a large cigar. Turner itself proposed to Ofcom that it should edit out scenes whenever smoking appeared to be condoned.


Ofcom adheres to a broadcast code that smoking must be omitted from programmes made primarily for children, unless there is a strong editorial justification.


The regulator said that, "while we appreciate the historic integrity of the animation, the level of editorial justification required for the inclusion of smoking in such cartoons is necessarily high". Turner said last night that, in working through all 162 episodes of Tom and Jerry, it had so far removed three smoking scenes.


Its editors are to paint out the images frame by frame, which are shown at the rate of 25 per second. The process is to be extended to about 1,700 episodes of other shows, among them Scooby Doo and The Flintstones.



One viewer complains and everyone goes into overdrive - wtf... I can see the basic point, but it still doesn't make sense - what's next: Wile E. Coyote has any bombs or rockets edited out, because that's wrong, Bugs Bunny throwing cotton sticks at Elmar, because anything else just isn't right, and no more Pianos on Duffys head - the whole bunch is gonna be unemployed soon...

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There have already been attempts to have T&J banned for 'excessive violence.' The do-gooders, who appear to have very sad lives with very little to do, are on a loser. Theses cartoons are classics of their kind and all that this kind of overkill will succeed in doing is to make the original copies more appealing.

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I almost cannot believe this is true ... I thought at first it was an April Fools joke misdated ... but it looks like its really true ... Nickelodian is surveying its cartoon catalogue to remove reverences which portray smoking in a positive light after discussions with the regulator Offcom.




I'm intrigued if any terrestrial channels are going to be expected to do anything similar ... I can sort of understand a regulator saying a specialized Children's Channel should monitor its output ... but for a mainstream channel where a parent knows all sort of behaviours will be shown it would be a vast overreaction.


Even for Nickelodian to do it seems to me to be stupidity of the most PC kind.

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  • 9 years later...

Forget smoking, I'm sick of seeing fat people and fat people food on TV. Why is smoking not allowed, yet obesity is? Homer Simpson and Peter Griffin are two examples. Obesity is a killer too yet here we have two cartoons which promote being fat as if it's cool or funny. They even make fun of their obesity, like the episode where Homer deliberately gets fatter so he can work from home. It isn't just cartoons. What about Harold Bishop? These people are role models to many of us. According to the World Health Organisation, in 2014, more than 1.9 billion adults, 18 years and older, were overweight. There are no exact figures on how many die of obesity, but heart disease is the number one killer and obesity, poor diets and lack of exercise have a lot to do with that.

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