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[BBC News]Use of date rape drug on the rise


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I used to joke about leaving my drink about and no one ever spiking it, but the reality is awful, my mate had his drink spiked - Why would anyone want to do such a crappy thing as that?

For the record, if anyone wants to spike my drink, I dont like any of the following drugs, ketamine, E's, MDMA pooder, heroin, GHB, & coke, that is just off the top of my head, anything else is quite fine by me, but not too much, I have work on Tuesday. :)

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For obvious reasons spiked drinks are clearly a worry for females.

However, dont be fooled into thinking it only happens to females or young people.

We [the wife and I] know a couple who are both in their 60s and live in Spain.

One night they were drinking in a gay bar after a meal and the husband's drink was spiked with GBH.

Not funny at all at his age and he had to be taken to a clinic, at great expense, for his own safety and well being.

If you know any assholes who think this sort of thing is funny ..report them.

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No, I'm just past it mate. It just aint the same as it was when I was 19 and E's were mdma, not mdea or whatever crap they are made of these days. As for the MDMA, its more like a sleeping pill than an upper so I tend to avoid it. Not to mention I have too many responsibilities to be 'in a mood' for 3 days after the weekend.

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lol, people who judge others lifestyle choices are the sad shitheads mate


bet you never get drunk either, dickhead


Last time I got drunk I was a teenager - i.e too inexperienced to know better.

PS. my apologies for living in the real world instead of a chemically-enhanced one.

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You'll be including the people who, eat chocolate, drink tea & coffee, drink alcohol, take asprins, take prescription drugs - yeah, shitheads the lot of you. Please lets not have this discussion again, I tire very easily of it, I am sick of having to justify my personal choices to people who havent got a clue what they are talking about.

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