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[BBC News]Use of date rape drug on the rise


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You'll be including the people who, eat chocolate, drink tea & coffee, drink alcohol, take asprins, take prescription drugs - yeah, shitheads the lot of you. Please lets not have this discussion again, I tire very easily of it, I am sick of having to justify my personal choices to people who havent got a clue what they are talking about.


Thats him told !! Good on ya, never ceases to amaze me how people are so quick to write off all people who use 'DRUGS' as shitheads (without any differentiation between an occasional joint or a pound of heroin every day !) but then dont class drunken arseholes who fight, vomit, shout, argue etc in the same league


Each to their own I say as long as you are not inflicting any hurt or distress on anyone else.

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where do you go to experience your drink getting spiked?? do you have to tart yourself about and make it obvious that your not watching where your drink is? will be out on Fri / Sat night and could do with a good banging...




and going down to the Railway at Union Mills now but guess I won't be lucky...

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Shove what you like down your own neck, but don't shove it down someone else's! The chap I mentioned above was very ill for days, and I really do not understand why it was done. No chance of a date (?!), no chance of seeing him fall around, out of his head (because he was taken home by his wife), so why? Just the feeling of having 'done someone'?


Nasty people.

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Each to their own I say as long as you are not inflicting any hurt or distress on anyone else.


And so say all of us... well, at least me anyways!


Roger Waters sings of the 'Good Old Days'... Long gone... your sold nothing but dollar baby, and it aint in your favour....


As for spiking a drink of a total unknown stranger - Funking Wrong - FACT!


I remeber travelling Canada and for purely 'science' reasons I tried GBH - that was the drug of choice at this particular party - Bullshit, Its fu#cked up - I was out for 3 hours... lucky me, I was with friends x never again...

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I remeber travelling Canada and for purely 'science' reasons I tried GBH - that was the drug of choice at this particular party - Bullshit, Its fu#cked up - I was out for 3 hours... lucky me, I was with friends x never again...


Amen to that one Trinity, when I was spiked it took me a week to get over it. Evil stuff, especially when you aren't expecting it. I wouldn't have minded, I was the designated driver that night and hadn't even had a drink. The worst bit was explaining to A&E staff that I hadn't taken it on purpose. I was treated like a lepper until they realised (about 12 hours later).


Anyone who spikes drinks is the lowest of the low imho. If people want to partake of these kinds of things willingly, then it is up to them, they take their chances, when it is foisted upon you, a *whole* different ball game.

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Although the clear danger is women getting spiked and the unthinkable happening there are also some weird people out there that will spike random people for giggles and watch them start freaking out and stuff.


To the people that are acctually doing it there is nothing funnier than whacking a bit of gbh in old freds beer and watching him try to breakdance and chew the face off himself.


Turds the lot of them

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Most people (perhaps 95%) in my experience who get tested after allegedly being 'spiked' test positive for alcohol only. The hospital has the facilites to check for all of the above mentioned drugs too, and in spite of negative test results some indivduals have still gone to the press and claimed otherwise, although no rapes were alleged. This has generated unwarranted alarm and panic in some quarters, egged on by the commonality of media scare stories that have not been well researched.


The empirical evidence of actual spiking does not currently back up the impressions given in the media or even on this message board. Real spiking is still thankfully rare - although I freely express my sympathy for those here who have suffered a genuine incident of it. People are being raped during the course of nights out - this is without doubt - but the current campaigns are missing the opportunity to stress the role of irresponsible drinking in putting oneself in a vulnerable state which could be exploited by predatory or opportunist (and often intoxicated) rapsits. Blaming pills slipped in drinks makes it harder to tackle the root problem, unless you actually address binge drinking concurrently.


People forget that a fast rising blood alcohol can rapidly overwhelm anyone and cause a state of comatose collapse. Symptoms will also include any of profuse vomiting, incontinence, pale sweaty skin, floppy limbs and sluggish big or small pupils. These are the common symptoms in alleged spikings presenting at hospitals and any medic could tell you that Rohypnol or Ketamine or E wasnt the cause. Health professionals are often able to tell by examination alone what intoxicants they are likely to be dealing with. A few simple blood and urine tests usually exlude any further doubts.

Even experienced drinkers can suffer these effects, which (as mentioned before) are dependant on rate of rise of blood alcohol rather than total consumption. This can be influenced by eating and other nutritional factors as well as some minor medical ailments existing at the time alcohol is taken. Nonetheless, severe booze intoxication can be dangerous and anyone worried about a friend's state needs to get them checked out at the hospital.


I dont think the latest campaign is actually based on any corroborative evidence of drug rape having occured. Perhaps more real evidence needs to be collected by agencies before they 'go public'?

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Great post Hermes. You must work at the hospital,so its good to hear a front line opinion of the so called "Date Rape" problems occuring in the island. I must admit though that a friend of mine lost his mind on the Steam Packet Seacat some 5 months ago and suspicions were that his drink was spiked at the bar.All credit to the security officers on the boat who looked after him . He's no kid, 42 years of age and a nice chap who was so ill for 3 to 4 days with many strange affects unknown to him.

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The empirical evidence of actual spiking does not currently back up the impressions given in the media or even on this message board. Real spiking is still thankfully rare - although I freely express my sympathy for those here who have suffered a genuine incident of it. People are being raped during the course of nights out - this is without doubt - but the current campaigns are missing the opportunity to stress the role of irresponsible drinking in putting oneself in a vulnerable state which could be exploited by predatory or opportunist (and often intoxicated) rapsits. Blaming pills slipped in drinks makes it harder to tackle the root problem, unless you actually address binge drinking concurrently.


Great post Hermes, you're obviuosly a man in the know. Its happened to me off Island and its not nice. I know the drink was spiked (suspected GHB) as it was only my second of the evening and I just went ballistic.


A question for you, what symptoms do they look for that would indicate spiking rather than just being far too pissed? It would interest me to hear your opinion.

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where do you go to experience your drink getting spiked?? do you have to tart yourself about and make it obvious that your not watching where your drink is? will be out on Fri / Sat night and could do with a good banging...

and going down to the Railway at Union Mills now but guess I won't be lucky...


Pretty poor taste if you ask me MCB, and remember no matter how pissed you are you'd have to be a sheep to be shagged in the Railway.


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A question for you, what symptoms do they look for that would indicate spiking rather than just being far too pissed?


Dilated pupils that stay dilated or pinpoint pupils that stay pinpoint are indicators of stimulants (ie - E, Speed, Coke, Hallucinogens) and opiates respectively. Sleeping tablets and tranquilizers make people 'falling asleep' kind of drowsy, GHB makes people 'falling over' drowsy - and of course booze complicates the signs a bit but you can test alcohol levels at the hospital to see if the amount of falling over and falling asleep is warranted. Ketamine makes people very disoriented and vague.

You cant always be sure so a visit to the hozzie can help clear things up if you're worried a spiking has occured.


Spikings probably dont leave that much of a hangover - it'd be more likely to be a medical problem that left you feeling weird for more than the period of a normal hangover.

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Spikings probably dont leave that much of a hangover - it'd be more likely to be a medical problem that left you feeling weird for more than the period of a normal hangover.


Thanks very much. It was the no hangover thing that got me really suspicious. I just woke up and realised I'd lost about 6 or 7 hours from walking in a bar, no hangover, nothing. Three days later I got weird flashbacks.


Not nice. They should run these campaigns because I'm sure it happens a hell of a lot. I know it happens regularly over here because I've seen it happen.

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