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Think You're Ex-directory?


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It seems that MT are not only unable to provide a half way decent ADSL service, but the management of their voice stuff is shocking too!


I have been ex-directory for a long time, even back in the days that you had to pay for it, I'm not trying to hide, but if I want people to have my contact numbers, I will give it to them..........or so I thought


A couple of months ago I mislaid my mobile at home, so I picked up the house phone (unlisted number) and rung my moby. Doing so not only helped me discover the whereabouts of my mobile, but also that my mobile showed my home phone number as the number calling.


I call Manky Telecom (the child friendly version of my normal name for them) to be told that I was wrong, and that it's impossible for an unlisted number to show up on my mobile! After about half an hour of trying to explain that they might be wrong and that even though 'The Computer says NO' it might actually be a yes. I finally managed convince them by getting the mobile number of the person I was talking to and ringing it. Following the begrudged acceptance that they were wrong, I was told that I would have wait until Monday but could block my number by dialling 1470 (or similar) before ringing anyone.


Today I got a phone call from a person I know to confirm some arrangements for a night out, he apologised for calling me at home, but mine was the only number he could find on here



I called them and shouted again! It’s gone now but if you think you should not be there, have a look!

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being ex-directory and witholding caller line identity are two different services - I am ex-directory both on Island and in UK but don't withold my number (tho for some called numbers I do), if you withold CLI then you may run foul of those people that refuse calls unless CLI given (a recommended setup for older members of your family)

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MT will argue that black is white though.


i phoned them on my mobile to put more credit on it.


they say "is there any reason you're not phoning from your mobile phone"?


i said "i am talking on my mobile phone".


they say: "no your not"


they actually argued the point!

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Both my house phone and moby were meant to be unlisted.


Neither were and I was forced to get condesending with them.


House is now and the moby isnt. I give up.

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Remember, "Ex directory" is exactly what it says.... it simply means your number is not in the directory. It is still available on CLI or when you dial 1471. It does not mean your number is withheld.

For a number to be withheld, you have to ask telecom to withhold it.

Some mobiles allow you to do this from the phone itself, but for a land line it has to be set up at telecom. But if you ask them, make sure it's done correctly. My mobile is still listed in the directory despite me terminating the contract on it 3 years ago!!!

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My number was meant to be left out of the phone book (I'm a total sociopath) but magically appeared in there anyway. I wrote to them and pointed out their customer charter. I got a written apology from them and a £20 credit for my next bill.


You didn't mention the fact that they had breached the data protection act?

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We were ex-directory for 8 years and all of a sudden this year our number appeared in the book. We spoke to MT who apologised and said we could have another number but that really isn't a viable option.

The thing is, it shouldn't have happened in the first place but we know that mistakes do happen from time to time and we accept that fact.

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