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Mr - Prog Time Vs Commercial Time


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has anyone noticed that actual programme content time is getting less...... and time for commercials is getting longer?

At one time there seemed to have been about 10 mins per hour fo rcommercials and now sometimes it seems to be over 15 mins - 50% more..does that mean the income will be up 50% and tax payers subvention less???


when do the year end accounts get published??

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Maybe it's a way of stemming the losses made over the last few years - which I'm sure you have a view on, since you seem to have a view on everything they do up there.


In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that you know how to do better than everyone at everything, they'd maybe think you had a vendetta against them.


I think they should stop taking advertising and you should pay their operating grant, rather than the taxpayers. Then you'd have a right to ask more questions.

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When we were children we used to say "This is Manx Radio and we interrupt the adverts for a record!"


It was a bit unfair really. Manx Radio has come a long way and I simply couldn't imagine being without it. The adverts aren't that bad and as long as they don't get toooo irritating I can live with it quite well.


Although there has just been that chap (someone Mitchell?) who was over for some reason for RadioTT going on and on about "Bulgawia". I know Jonathan Ross attempts to make a virtue out of his speach idiosyncracy but when it gets camped up like this I want to switch off.


The station seems to be quite independent from 'governmental' type influences so everything ok there. As soon as Manx Radio start being influenced by such as their trustees or whatever and rich and influential people on this island then it will deserve any and all the knocking it would receive. I must say I worry when I see some of their presenters hob-nobbing with the rich and greedy on this island.


Other than that and "Bulgawia" I have no problems with it.

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I thought the standard financial year ran from April to March.


Hardly, companies are announcing results all year round. My company financial year is 1 Feb to 31 Jan


Say it was May and you wanted to start a business. You'd hardly want to wait 11 months for April to come around to start the company year

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Although there has just been that chap (someone Mitchell?) who was over for some reason for RadioTT going on and on about "Bulgawia". I know Jonathan Ross attempts to make a virtue out of his speach idiosyncracy but when it gets camped up like this I want to switch off.


Funny that you should mention Andy Mitchell and his involvement with Manx Radio TT as I also could see no reason for him to be here. Manx Radio must have brought him here at considerable expense, from Blackpool, and he added no value to the broadcasting whatsoever. He had no knowledge of or interest in the racing and seemed to spend most of the time poncing about in a Manx kilt. He managed only to be an irritating distraction to a show that had run perfectly well without him during pratice week.


I know that this is quite a widely held view and I hope that Manx Radio will think long and hard before offering him the opportunity of a free holiday next year!!!!

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Advertising is a pain not just on MR. According to Offcom...


Amount of Advertising


1.1 Amount per day (Channels 3-5 only)


1.1.1(A) (a) The total amount of advertising in any one day must not exceed an average of seven minutes per hour of broadcasting.



(i) Transfers of advertising entitlement from one day to another are permissible only exceptionally and where this is necessary in the interests of good programme presentation. In principle, all advertising foregone for good programme presentation reasons (for example the suspension of advertising for a Royal death, during major news stories or because the nature of the programme does not allow the full allocation to be taken, as in the case of long operas) can be recouped by transfers to other days. This will be subject to the ability to recoup within a reasonable period of time.


(ii) Additionally, Ofcom may permit transfers to make good losses (including marred presentation) sustained through unforeseen human or technical failure or unavoidable interruptions in transmission. In all cases, losses should where possible be recouped in airtime of similar value. Losses of up to three and a half minutes may be reclaimed automatically and Ofcom notified of the date and time of the recoupment. Ofcom’s prior permission must be sought for the recoupment of any time in excess of three and a half minutes. Where a licensee is unable for any reason to transmit any part of its service, no advertising time is earned.


(iii) In no circumstances may transfers cause the hourly average on any particular day to exceed nine minutes.


For the purposes of this rule a day’s broadcasting is deemed to commence at 6am and run for the following 24 hours.


In the periods 6pm–11pm and 7am–9am the total amount of advertising must not, without Ofcom’s prior permission, exceed an average of eight minutes an hour on any one day.

From this (in ITV's case) you can see that if they have no adverts on at night (when they run that stupid quiz programme), minimise advertising at 9am to 6pm or whatever, and transfer the odd minute through 'technical failure' you could expect to see many more minutes of advertisements during peak viewing times (you can see that could easily get to 8 - 15 minutes with Offcoms approval) - so a question to ask is 'how hard is it to get Offcom approval, and is this being abused?'


As a confirmed Epicurian' I detest adverts trying to pursuade me to buy stuff I don't need, and they never Sheila's Wheels work on me anyway. I detest how they come on at twice the volume of the TV programme you are watching, detest how Sky seems to now synchronise that adverts start at exactly the same time on numerous channels (even sometimes disregarding the stage a programme is at), and detest how the channels advertise their own programmes during the credits (especially when music at the end has been designed to round off the film/show).

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I thought the standard financial year ran from April to March.


Hardly, companies are announcing results all year round. My company financial year is 1 Feb to 31 Jan


Say it was May and you wanted to start a business. You'd hardly want to wait 11 months for April to come around to start the company year

A company can have any financial year that suits its business. In the UK, where accounts are filed, if a company does not notify the Registrar of its reporting year, the Registrar automatically gives it a 31 March year end, but that can always be changed.


As far as MR is concerned, its constitution may give it a reporting year or it may be decided in consultation with the responsible government department.


Anyway back to thread, it seems people moan about the amount of subvention and then moan about the amount of advertising; case of "damned if you do, damned if you don't".


I really don't understand the point MCB is making (no change there then!).

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Had a quick skim through that Offcom link Albert and I'd be surprised if some of those rules aren't broken daily. It also refers to "Channels 3-5 only" - what about Skum Sky TV?


The issue of the adverts being louder than the programmes - AFAIK the volume is not louder but they use audio compression and EQ so that it sounds more prominent.

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have been away listening to 3FM and its commercials....and on balance IMO think they are more slickly produced - sound better quality and more effective and have a better air presence than just about most of those on MR - no question for potential advertisers where to go for the best ads ......

....also did some asking around and alledgedley when MR closed down its production suite to "save costs" and "lost" Mike Reynolds and the in-house script writer and shipped off all the commercial "production" to an off-Island business ( Blackpool was mentioned and a firm "connected" with a station called Wave (isn't that where the Mitchell bloke works??) it agreed not to do any in-house commercial production for two years....is this a lesson in how not to compete in a commercial environment?...cut off your foot and hope it'll grow back...but don't worry 'cos there is the taxpayers subvention as a crutch to lean on in the meantime...

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