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Turkey Blasts Injure 27


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1. Why exactly should she get a reality check dude?


2. What gives these fucks the right to target innocent civilians exactly?


3. I find your post insulting at best, and in very poor taste.

1. Because the chances of something happening to one of her loved ones is next to nothing - and she is allowing herself to be frightened and causing herself anxiety - unecessarily.

2. What the hecks that comment got to do with my post?

3. Sorry that you seem to be missing the point of my post. I suggest you read it again.

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Exactly - it might be okay for you to sit there (im assuming IOM) where it is unlikely you will suffer a terrorist attack, but im sorry - getting on the tube every day at peak times on the most popular line into the city is not exactly a walk in the park.


Going on a holiday to one of your favorite countries and where your parents live - where people are being blown up on popular resorts is not exactly nice news either and it is right to be cautious about these things. (and your telling me that if you were to go to Marmaris tomorrw and sit in a central cafe,bar, or take the dolmus you wouldnt be a bit worried - that you would be going "aah im more likely to die of bad health than get blown up)


I hate it when people always try to be "relative" about things to make you look like a paranoid freak.


I can be scared if I want to - , and im not just scared im depressed about it, so i personally dont give a shite about your "your more likely to...bollox" i feel the way i feel.


Also you have made the fact that people who have been killed and injured by these bombs seem trivial - thats why your post was in bad taste.

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Get a reality check!


You have more chance of winning the jackpot on the lottery than being killed by one of these bombs, and are many many hundreds of times more likely to die from smoking or from a poor diet. You have a 1 in 80 chance of being killed in a car crash during your lifetime.


Antalya (also where a friend of mine lives) has a poulation of well over half a million.


It's idiots who don't understand the real probability and risk involved that are busily handing over everyone's civil liberties. Why not enroll for a maths refresher class this September at the college.


Statistics, probability factors etc are the domain of those who don't live in the real world.

People are being deliberately and randomly killed in that area - therefore I don't particularly want to be in that area. that seems a perfectly reasonable bit of logic to me!

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These events are terribly sad. The people who are doing it wicked.


It is a terrible reflection of the world that so many people, groups, factions and countries believe they can use violence to get their way.


However I am reasonably in support of Albert's position.


Tea & Biscuits ... if your familly lives in Turkey and regularly travels on its roads you should be probably a thousand times more worried that they will die or be seriously hurt in a road accident than in a terrorist attack. But please don't be ... both possiblilities are so remote they shouldn't be a cause of worry.


I am sure you've sat nervously by a phone in the last day or so. I imagine that was a horrible experience, but the worry and fear the terrorist create is far more a perception of danger than a real danger. You don't sit by the phone nervous and anxious for your loved ones on a normal Wednesday when you know they are off on the bus to the local market. But that trip is where most of the risk exists ... a normal trip, a normal traffic accident, and a tragic result.


I don't want to make you feel paranoid all the time ... quite the opposite, you don't feel concerned about your familly going about its normal life, but the risks of normal life are much much higher than the risks of terrrorism.


I was interested in listening to the reports from the British Consular Officials. I bet this weekend wasn't particularly different from any other weekend in Turkey. 10 Brits hurt ... How many brits fall off their mopeds, get hit by a taxi while drunk at 2 in the morning, get so pissed they are rushed in to casualty every weekend in Turkey ... 1.8 million of us head there for sun and fun every year ... and that type of behaviour can cause accidents ... broken legs, cuts and gashes, etc etc.


Its sad, but the reality is people hurt themselves ... we tend not to be paralyzed by this and get on with our lives ... well and good. That should be, must be, our reaction to terrorism. They do not have the power to destroy our society ... only we have that power if we let our reaction to their evil acts restrict us and destroy our liberty.

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I understand that Chinahand but it is just that accidents are part every day part of normal life- however terrorism (mindless random acts of voilence) seem more of a danger and harder to comprahend.


I can see the sense of what you and Albert are saying, its just that Albert did not need to be so sarcastic (ie enroll on a maths course) and patronising to people who are simply worried about their parents/own safety.


Of course, I still worry about my parents being on the road/driving in Turkey, and I worry about my Man hiring a moped who is in Ibiza at the moment, I worry about myself walking home on my own late at night, i worry about getting cancer etc


Im just gutted that I feel like I am surrounded by terrorism, its seems more of a threat to me than gettting ran over or having a stroke. Every where I turn people are being blown up and I am fed up with it. It is totally depressing and I am not looking forward to my holiday, as well as shitting myself everytime I get on the tube. (its easy to tell us that we are more likely to....but when you are living in a city that is a prime target its hard not to get a bit frightened of it all)

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I am really fed up of all this - it seems like everwhere in the world is victim to terrorism? Every week another bomb is going off somewhere in the name of WHAT exactly????


Have you guys STILL not clued up?

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Exactly - it might be okay for you to sit there (im assuming IOM) where it is unlikely you will suffer a terrorist attack, but im sorry - getting on the tube every day at peak times on the most popular line into the city is not exactly a walk in the park.


Going on a holiday to one of your favorite countries and where your parents live - where people are being blown up on popular resorts is not exactly nice news either and it is right to be cautious about these things. (and your telling me that if you were to go to Marmaris tomorrw and sit in a central cafe,bar, or take the dolmus you wouldnt be a bit worried - that you would be going "aah im more likely to die of bad health than get blown up)


I hate it when people always try to be "relative" about things to make you look like a paranoid freak.


I can be scared if I want to - , and im not just scared im depressed about it, so i personally dont give a shite about your "your more likely to...bollox" i feel the way i feel.


Also you have made the fact that people who have been killed and injured by these bombs seem trivial - thats why your post was in bad taste.

My comments are not based from an armchair on the IOM. I have first hand experience of terrorism and have walked around many places in the past crapping my pants armed with 20 rounds of 7.62 ammunition usually with one up the spout. I was also married to a nurse who had to deal with a child who had had the back of his head blown off in the days of the IRA.


However, I also have an understanding of risk and probability and can put these events into perspective. My point is that it is the basic failure of people to understand the real chances of something actually happening to them that leads to paranoia and unrealistic fears, which the US and UK governments are using as an excuse to restrict our civil liberties, to pursue policies that get members of our armed forces killed, and do nothing but encourage terrorism - a viscious cycle.


This argument has nothing to do with trivialising any of the events that have happended and you are putting words into my mouth - but I suppose that is understandable as paranoia leads to nothing but more paranoia. I will not apologise for simply pointing out your deluded view of 'reality'.


If you choose to worry about and fear the unlikely, then that's your perogative - but I would advise against your staying at home to worry about things - as that is where most accidents actually happen.

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Grumpy this morning Albert?


So much communication fails due to the tone adopted ... are you wanting to get your point across, or just rage against the world ... Bloody hell Albert's King Lear!

I don't think it matters what you say, the number of times you explain things or even how you say things sometimes, people always seem to be so entrenched in their views these days - when a little bit of additional research and reading might open their eyes. I find that quite sad really.


King Lear decided to divide Britain into three didn't he? Maggie Thatcher and Tony Blair seem to have done the same - as we have those that understand, those that don't understand and the vast majority that can't be arsed to understand but nevertheless retain a forthright media driven opinion and 'blindly obey'.


It's where such a general lack of understanding will continue to lead us to that worries me the most. And yes I spose that does make me grumpy, as I don't have 'dumbocracy bad, democracy good' as a signature for nothing.

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Surely as far as terrorism goes the probability or chance of injury to Joe Bloggs in the street can not realistically be put into a "1 in 80" chance or whatever.


Acts of Terrorism are random and can not be compared in this way especially as they are without a doubt happening much more frequently.


T & B has every right to her views, her comments are very valid and should be respected for her honesty.

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My comments are not based from an armchair on the IOM. I have first hand experience of terrorism and have walked around many places in the past crapping my pants armed with 20 rounds of 7.62 ammunition usually with one up the spout. I was also married to a nurse who had to deal with a child who had had the back of his head blown off in the days of the IRA.

Well well well......


You are clearly a FWit PK - that had you been born in Germany would have made a great concentration camp guard, or born in Israel, happy to just fire shells from gun number three from hill six into some distant village in Lebanon (where anything that moves is a legitimate target - Red Cross ambulances included).


You are a grunt, an obeyer of illegitemate orders, and cannon fodder.


I suggest next time you make a cup of tea you try licking the kettle lead, in the slim hope that it might kick start your brain and you might start thinking for yourself. (No offensive intended of course!)


Maybe we're not so different after all...

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