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Turkey Blasts Injure 27


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Its Turkey ... people only go there if they're skint and desparate for the sun; so what is the fuss about.


If you want to avoid the bombs go somewhere bloody nice. Not some festering, cheap, package tour crap-hole, that masquerades as a European holiday destination.

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Its Turkey ... people only go there if they're skint and desparate for the sun; so what is the fuss about.


If you want to avoid the bombs go somewhere bloody nice. Not some festering, cheap, package tour crap-hole, that masquerades as a European holiday destination.


My family aren't skint, but we travel there. Have done for 4 years now, and will continue to do so as we have a place there. Don't judge a place, only lowlife people do that. Turkey is a great place, with really friendly people and everyone I know has had a good holiday there.

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Don't judge a place, only lowlife people do that. Turkey is a great place, with really friendly people and everyone I know has had a good holiday there.


I've been there. Its a dump full of some of the most unpleasant people in the world.


Spent all my time making sure my stuff was not nicked.

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My family aren't skint, but we travel there. Have done for 4 years now, and will continue to do so as we have a place there. Don't judge a place, only lowlife people do that. Turkey is a great place, with really friendly people and everyone I know has had a good holiday there.

A lot of people from these parts have bought property in Turkey and, as you say, have wonderful holidays there.

There is another side to Turkey though. It is a country riven by tensions. Turkey is the world's first democratic Muslim state [if that isnt an oxymoron] and there are tensions between traditional Islam and modernising secularists. There are also tensions between nationalists and separatists.

These tensions can occasionally make Turkey a dangerous place to be. However, as Albert has already pointed out, it is highly unlikely you would be caught up in one of these dangerous incidents.

We can expect more problems in Turkey not least because of links with the US and PKK resistance to the presence of large numbers of troops on the border with Iraq.

There is also some evidence that Al Queda has been active inside Turkey and has been responsible for the attacks on synagogues.

Its a beautiful country with a rich and fascinating history but it really does have some major problems.

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Its Turkey ... people only go there if they're skint and desparate for the sun; so what is the fuss about.


If you want to avoid the bombs go somewhere bloody nice. Not some festering, cheap, package tour crap-hole, that masquerades as a European holiday destination.


I think that is a bit harsh. I had a holiday booked for there for myself and my two children this year but due to health reasons I am unable to take them for that holiday. It may only be a "festering, cheap, package tour crap-hole, that masquerades as a European holiday destination" to you, but is is evident that it means more to others.


Any human being dying is not good, regardless of race, religeon or anything.

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To Hboy


I agree with Foxtrot/Girl Turkey is an amazing country that is a far cry from festering - its the only place in the world that I truly feel relaxed and I feel 100% welcomed by the people. Everyone I know that has gone to Turkey has said the same, infact I have never heard anyone say anything bad about! As far as everyday living in Turkey it is one of the most efficient places I have ever been to, and their cultural values of community and family as well as their laid back attitude to religion really appeal to me - obv like in any country there are dark sides, but what I have seen over the years is a magical country.


Also some people can only afford to go on "crap package" holiday - it might be their only chance to get out of UK/IOM and I wouldnt knock it mate - its not cheap taking a fammo on holiday and at least its a chance to get away - I hate holiday snobbery! A holiday is what you make it.


I recently went to Sardinia - didnt like it at all, and the people did not like to see a mixed race couple and would ignore us or set their dogs on my boyfriend but the holiday was good as we made it good and we enjoyed what we could.

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........ would ignore us or set their dogs on my boyfriend




Does this cross refer to the lying/exaggerating thread!!!


More likely the bad shop assistant thread but you might be forgiven for thinking that in turn cross refers to the exaggerating thread!


I was feeling really sympathetic till I noticed.

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