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[BBC News]Human remains washed up on beach


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God bless him I'm sure He knows...but why can't those of us down here be told more.....has it been discovered to be extraterrestrial...what are the security concerns....


This is what a sentence looks like. It can be joined together with another sentence. The end result of joining sentences together is a paragraph. Paragraphs are meant to form logical packets of information that relate to each other. Another paragraph starts as a separate set of sentences.


This is the first sentence of a new paragraph. The topic of this paragraph should move on logically from that set out by the last one. This paragraph is also made up of sentences. Repeat this process and you will have written something in coherent english.


This is the start of an incoherent ramble…there is no form or structure to this ramble…it just jumps from one strange sound bite to the next…it is the opposite of structured english language…and is very confusing to read or follow.

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It's 50% effective, you can't read what they post unless you choose to but you still see the username pop up everywhere and get the annoying 'you have chosen to ignore.. etc' everytime you come across a post in a thread.


Still, 50% is better than nothing I guess...

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