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Springfield Road, Pulrose - Environmental Improvement Scheme


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little whispers...no smoke without fire...etc... flush out the truth...more spending being dressed up as "environmental improvement scheme" makes it sound socially responsible and needed..but is it??


I have this vision in my mind of this development in 10 years time. Lovely flagstones paving drives all around the Island, and all the iron railings robbed and sold for scrap.

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tip of the iceberg...these schemes are all run like private developments with taxpayer bankrolling 50% overruns...


Do you mean Douglas Corporation rate payers?

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As the Spring Valley estate was built at a time when few people - let alone those in council houses - had their own cars, it isn't surprising that it's become necessary to update them to deal with current social trends.

Anything that enables or encourages off-road parking should surely be welcomed - even if it does put and extra penny or so on the rates. To be honest, I'd like to see the scheme extended wherever possible and, in the case of new developments, that enough space for at least two cars was provided, off-road, for each dwelling.

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