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Former Spy Seeks Brit Asylum Armed With A Gun


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Thought this story was interesting:


Armed man in Tel Aviv demands asylum in UK


An armed Palestinian who said he was shunned by Israel and his own people after informing for the Jewish state broke into the British embassy's car park in Tel Aviv on Thursday demanding asylum in Britain.


He has been living illegally in the Jewish state and police said he petitioned an Israeli court recently for a residency permit on the basis of his past service as an informer.


"I appealed to a court, to all the authorities. No one wants to help me," he said in the telephone call broadcast on Channel 2


Injaz said Israeli authorities had told him to go back to the West Bank, but Palestinians had told him he would be killed as a collaborator if he went home unless he carried out an attack against Israelis.


What could I do? Carry out an attack and kill Jews? So I jumped into the embassy (parking lot)," he said. "If I were a Jew under threat in Berlin, would they send me back to Germany?"


Have to say I feel a bit sorry for him; informing for the Israelis is a death sentence in the Occupied Territories. I'd have expected Shin Bet to look after its informers a bit better!


But can he demand asylum at gun point?

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No one seems interested, but he didn't get asylum ... the Israeli police stormed the place and dragged him off. CLICKY


I wonder what will happen to the bloke ... and if he'll be alive in a month's time.


If he's deported to the Occupied Territories he's not got much of a chance. The militants don't take kindly to self acknowledged informers.

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The assumption is that he WAS an informer. the reality is that he almost certainly was not.


Real informers who get 'burned', that is exposed or are in real danger of being exposed, are got out of the country pretty dammned quick.

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