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Live At The Rosemount Sat 11th September


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You'd think it would have been a REAL drug dealer all the fuss they made....but as far as I've heard it was another pot dealer.....whats the score there? I avoid the terrace coz its full of smack heads, I thought it was one of them getting caught. ah well. Nice one dudes clear the streets of the evil weed.

Did something MAD happen in Breeze on Friday??

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Erm....pot isn't a class A drug is it? According to Manx Radio yesterday they found large quantities of white powder and confiscated class A drugs. And I had heard the thing about breeze too, but heard two different stories about how it happened...if it happened at all!

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Lol. That must be the new squidgy "white powder" dope I've been reading so much about. Apparently it's the new black.


Slightly ot (I've never been interested in pills or powders):


A friend told me, very recently, that crappy hash (like 80s students, like me, used to smoke in the early 80s) is now £12 - £14 for a 1/4 ounce in London, since everyone started growing weed under lights. Available British weed apparently caused a collapse in the hash market. £12 - £14 for a 1/4 ounce is roughly half what it cost in 1982 - and in those days you could still get the nicer, lighter 'n happier browner hashes, cheaper. Apparently, in England, growing grass is no longer really a crime that you will get into trouble for - unless you are trying to sell it.


I still sometimes think of a smoke. I think it might be nice. But why did they never go metric? And what is the current legal situation over here, on the IOM where, I believe, that things were always slightly weird? Is it illegal still, but only - just? Is it still even illegal? I'd kind of like to grow a little crop - alongside my basil, thyme, parsley, mint and rosemary. Hoping that the pigs and goats wouldn't eat it (like they attacked my neighbour's lettuces and courgettes). What are the current laws? I'm completely confused about the current dope laws. What do you get these days if you are caught with a few plants? Is it still even a criminal offence? Is one still likely to be 'done' for growing a few little plants? And what would being "done" mean? What do they do to you these days if some nosey - neighbour reports a few plants and 'they' come round to take them away?


Or is it more or less legal these days, to grow few plants, like in England and most of Europe?


Is it still an offence to grow a little crop, for use at home? I've been out of the loop for so long (but have followed British de regulation at bbc.com) - I'm unclear re the current laws on the IOM. Is there a government website which explains the issues accurately. I tried searching the IOM govt website but I couldn't find anything useful.

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Ha ha ha Ninja Bee (with telephone help from Trinity) removed a poster from the Ladies room of a Public house a while back....It said "Dont care what you say Cannabis is still illeagal" - guess it is then. Its a bit silly really.

I really like it when you get lumps of plastic in your resin....how nice? A nice little bit of home grown, now, that would be great!


Edit -

I tried searching the IOM govt website but I couldn't find anything useful.
Tee hee, you could try phoning Marge O'Really but, she'd probably be 'Out of the office-at an anti-drugs seminar in Berlize'.....or something.
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I still sometimes think of a smoke. I think it might be nice. But why did they never go metric? And what is the current legal situation over here, on the IOM where, I believe, that things were always slightly weird? Is it illegal still, but only - just? Is it still even illegal? I'd kind of like to grow a little crop - alongside my basil, thyme, parsley, mint and rosemary. Hoping that the pigs and goats wouldn't eat it (like they attacked my neighbour's lettuces and courgettes). What are the current laws? I'm completely confused about the current dope laws. What do you get these days if you are caught with a few plants? Is it still even a criminal offence? Is one still likely to be 'done' for growing a few little plants? And what would being "done" mean? What do they do to you these days if some nosey - neighbour reports a few plants and 'they' come round to take them away?




If this paragraph is anything to go by I wouldn't bother if I were you - you are already parnoid, rambling and repeating yourself!

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Nice big bust up there this evening, traffic was a nightmare cos of the police randomly parking on the junction


...it was like a scene out of Monty Python, I swear... I haven't ever witnesses a bust before but I would have thought that when the coppers ran in (in full riot gear) they would at least done so with a bit of bravado, not these chaps... they trotted through the door single file looking like the were in the Monty Python fan club...


and as for weed smokers TheBees, nah girl a little bit more class A than that I believe!


Madness, the first and only after work drink I shall be having in the Rosie, ever.... :ph34r:

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£155 worth of Coke


Pfft is that all? There were far too many coppers around for it to be that small! Is this the reason there were bouncers on the door of the rosie the week or so before the "bust"?

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I think everyone's confused about the dope laws these days Simon, but here's my take.

It is still illegal, but only just.

If you were caught growing a couple of little plants I doubt they would do much other than confiscate them - and here, like England, loads of people are growing but I've not seen anyone getting done.

The law relaxation on cannabis possession (reclassifying it to class C) did automatically come into affect here - meaning simple possession is no longer an arrestable offense. But the IOM Government did try to rush through a bill to bring the powers of arrest back in here - but I don't think it has been passed (yet).

If they did decide to "do" you, you would probably be arrested under the drug arrest referral scheme - meaning you could go attend a couple of classes on the evils of drugs and not be prosecuted - one bloke I know who went on that says that once they found out he was only there for pot, they basically ignored him, preferring, as you would, to deal with those using harder drugs.

The only other person I know whose been done fairly recently for pot, had a quarter on him and was also referred to the drugs referral scheme - he didn't bother showing up. Nothing further happened.


Both of those were before the reclassification, and basically (unless they have secretly passed the bill!) they can't arrest you for possession now. Unless they had reason to believe you were dealing anyway.


Just been reading about the rosemount "raid" - dressed up in riot gear, searching everyone in the pub before they could leave, and all for pot worth £8 and coke worth £144 - what a waste of time! Doesn't sounds like they will get anything other than more referrals to the scheme either - I don't know how much coke goes for but it seems doubtful that amount would be enough to go for intent to supply?

Cannot believe that's all they found - I would have thought your average not-particularly-druggie pub would have more drugs than that floating about on a Saturday!

Still, the Police seem happy with themselves...


I think I'd be more than a bit pissed off if I had happened to be in that pub, to be detained for a couple of hours and searched for nothing more than being in a pub - it's a bit much isn't it?

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Bull$hit they searched everyone... we were all in the main room and told to drink up and get out!!! It was only the people in the pool room actually detained and searched!


Its a joke that after all that commotion they busted a total of £150's worth of gear... I'd love to know how much that little operation cost the manx taxpayer....

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