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Coming Soon-"the Polish Shop"- Grocery Supplies & A Polish Priest


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some Central European workers are looking for a dedicated food outlet and a Priest who can take services in their own language..is it true there will soon be a Polish priest soon St Mary's, Douglas.....and that a grocery shop with Polish and other east European foods is on the way..??






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I've got no problem with this, except, if someone wanted to set up a shop only selling British foods and no food coming from other countries, wouldn't it be classed as racist, it seems like more positive discrimination to me that you can have Chinese supermarkets etc.


I can't really see where MCB is coming from (actually I can and its not nice to suggest that we should be worried about this. Worried about what?). If there are enough people here to justify them setting up a shop then good look to them.


Personally there is nothing about Eastern European food that would tempt me through the front door. Most seem to feature bread, meat and potatoes in some form or another.


If I was living somewhere else I'd want to buy decent food from Tesco's rather than what's on offer in Poland.

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I'd be willing to give a try but some of the recipes on those websites sound fairly nasty. I've tried the local food in places such as the Czech Republic and Latvia and have found it pretty awful. Like Juan said lots of bread, meat and potatoes in some form or another.

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Decent food from Tesco? Eh??


Czech food is indeed pretty horrid.


Polish food can be an acquired taste, but it isn't that far off our own 'spuds & herring'. And their beer is as good as anything from Germany and Czech Rep.


Personally I would love there to be such a shop on the island, as long as the prices are also Polish!

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some Central European workers are looking for a dedicated food outlet and a Priest who can take services in their own language..is it true there will soon be a Polish priest soon St Mary's, Douglas.....and that a grocery shop with Polish and other east European foods is on the way..??


More Shoite from the Village Idiot.

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I know several Eastern Europeans including Czechs, Poles and Russians, and they all seem to have problems getting used to the type of food that we eat. Some of them get food sent from home from time to time.

It's no different to the previous posters who say that they don't like Eastern European food.

Where's the problem with a specialist shop? It adds to the variety available to everyone.

As for a Polish priest, they are Christians after all, I dont see anyone complaining about the Mosque in Douglas and Islamic language being preached! Again what's the problem!

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