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Times article


Film showing the moment that Steve Irwin, the naturalist and film-maker, was impaled by the barbed tail of a stingray should be destroyed before it finds its way on to the internet, his close friend and manager urged yesterday.


“It is in police custody for evidence. There’s a coroner’s inquest taking place at the moment. When that is finally released it will never see the light of day. Never, ever.”


Media observers said that the tape might soon be circulating on the internet. Already, spoof images of Irwin being chased by a stingray were being exchanged by e-mail yesterday.


Paul Levinson, chairman of the Department of Communication and Media Studies at Fordham University in New York, said: “Once there’s something on film it’s impossible to keep it contained.”


Even Irwin reckoned that the world should witness it, said Tommy Donovan, whose online biography of Irwin appears on IMDb, the film website. Mr Donovan said that Irwin was adamant about keeping the cameras rolling no matter what. “He tells his camera crew to always be filming,” the biography says. “If he needs help he will ask for it. Even if he is eaten by a shark or croc, the main thing he wants is that it be filmed. If he died he would be sad if no one got it on tape.”


So, should it be shown or would it be, as Samuel G. Freedman, of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism in New York, said. “...purely titillation and necrophilia if anyone were to show this.”


Personally, I think definitely not, but what do the rest of you think?

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I don't see why not.


It might give a cheap thrill I suppose for some dodgy people but if it's what the man wanted then why not.


The amount of violence you see on telly & films is way beyond this kind of thing and yes before a bright spark pipes up that it's not the same because they aren't real I don't think it will really shock, sad as that might be to some.


In all likeliness if you did see it you'd probably see the creature flick its tail and him recoil a bit maybe, not some graphic jaws like bloodbath. That said it's not as if I've seen it happen before but you get my gist.


Personally I wouldn't be bothered either way.

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The footage shows the attack, with Irwin pulling the serrated barb out of his chest before losing consciousness and convulsing in the water.


I take your point, that you're not bothered personally, Cret - I just find it very disturbing that (probably many) people would actually want to watch this.

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I don't want to watch it. I'd rather remember him how he was and continue to watch his programmes on Discovery etc. - without having that vision in my mind. His programmes were (are) great - and watching his programmes (made over 10 years) will serve as a tribute to him...remember that everytime they are on, his wife and kids will continue to benefit from any money earned.


IMHO, the video shouldn't be released as it would be irresponsible. How would you like the video of your father getting killed in a road accident or falling down the stairs - released on the Internet to every Tom, Dick and Harry?

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The footage shows the attack, with Irwin pulling the serrated barb out of his chest before losing consciousness and convulsing in the water.


Missed that bit somehow having posting that it probably wouldn't look like much, so perhaps not in hindsight.

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It's up to his widow and family whether this is shown or not, in my book. I doubt that it will be a spectacular end, except that we know the outcome.


We enjoyed his shows as they were 'up close and personal' with alot of very nasty beasts. But, I have to say, I would rather watch a David Attenborough nature documentary as he could make a garden slug interesting without the constant 'if this little fella...".


Sad to hear of this, but in terms of real education, I think Attenborough has the edge.


In journo terms Steve was a good headliner, but Attenborough is a good editorial!

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I think showing the video as an education aid to newly qualified divers that are going to dive in waters that hold stingrays would be good.

It would only be along the lines of watching an educational video of Shark attacks on swimmers, surfers and divers.

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I think showing the video as an education aid to newly qualified divers that are going to dive in waters that hold stingrays would be good.

It would only be along the lines of watching an educational video of Shark attacks on swimmers, surfers and divers.


I never liked that Stingray. Those sub-terranians were right dodgy b**tards.

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Agree WilDDog, but apparently this was the only recorded death by Stingray for some years.


Probably going to be very unpopular here, but:


Steve Irwin contributed very much to populist interest in nature, particularly in snakes, crocs and similar. It was all good TV, but it wasn't informative TV. The focus was very much on how SI would trick an animal rather than what makes the animal what it is, and that is what D Attenborough does.

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Agree WilDDog, but apparently this was the only recorded death by Stingray for some years.


That doesn't really matter, it would make people more aware that the sea is a very dangerous place to be in some countries, and there is always a remote chance that you could be eaten or killed in some way.

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Steve Irwin contributed very much to populist interest in nature, particularly in snakes, crocs and similar. It was all good TV, but it wasn't informative TV. The focus was very much on how SI would trick an animal rather than what makes the animal what it is, and that is what D Attenborough does.


Not everyone watches TV to be informed. I'd imagine a majority of people watch to be entertained.


Not that I care, I rarely watch TV at all. Hence why I'm poorly informed and never entertained.

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It was all good TV, but it wasn't informative TV. The focus was very much on how SI would trick an animal rather than what makes the animal what it is


Can't agree with that really. Granted he didn't do it with the finesse of Our Dave, but he certainly was informative as he'd always explain how the animals interacted with other ones/their environment/humans etc, and highlight different 'features' (for want of a better word) of animals.

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