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Motorists Could Pay To Travel Into Douglas....


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Where will the 'zone' start? I have to cross Douglas every morning to get to Ramsey, albeit skimming the outer edges. Will I be passing in and out of the zone within a specific time so it won't charge?


I agree with Albert - it's considerably noticeable the difference in volume of traffic when the kiddiewinkies go back to school. Either make them walk, if they are in distance (I used to walk 3 miles accross London come rain or shine when I was 9) or stagger the start/finish time of schools. 8 or 8.30am start is not too much to ask.


I'm pretty keen on car sharing ideas for longer distances too - maybe a road-tax incentive? Or scrap the friggin tram and and get some nice shiny, comfortable fast ones like Manchester or Amsterdam.


You can keep the horse trams.... or tie up a deal with Sony to produce big ones of these to pull them:



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Absolutely ridiculous! There is 'heavy traffic' for two half hour periods during the day and Douglas is practically deserted for the rest of the time! It still only takes a few minutes to cross Douglas at peak times!

Try living in the South East of England as I did for a while, now thats a proper traffic problem!

If anything we need proper public transport, for example a tram service operating on exiting and new lines on the old railway. Operated properly it could ease the traffic congestion and be profitable.

As for 'Big Brother watching me move around the town....time to leave this mickey mouse regime perhaps?

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Stupidiest thing Ive read all day...even the crocodile hunter was less wacky than this.


The govt need to pull their fingers out their arses and make the public transport more appealing. Why would someone pay more to go on a slow smelly bus to work than drive in comfort in their cars? Its just plain madness.


The public transport here, which ever method you choose, is way over priced and is shit at the best of times.

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The public transport here, which ever method you choose, is way over priced and is shit at the best of times.

It's not that bad on the island buses. A 20 minute trip on an IOM bus can cost you a £1, whereas a 20 minute trip on many UK buses can cost £3 for the same journey duration. I know cos I've left my car both on the island and in the UK and done both.


The main problem is getting people to ride on buses and public transport. This generation (20 - 40) are simply 'not arsed' to do so, because - quite simply - why should they? There is not yet the incentive. This is the real issue when you think of it (lots of people moaning about the climate at the moment) - but in reality few actually willing to change their habits to do anything about it. They talk the talk but never walk the walk.


Ever tried getting off the boat and waiting for a bus to Liverpool Queens St/Lime St. There's loads of cocking around - even if it's 50p compared to £4 in a taxi. Also why do people spend £250 bringing over a car from the island when they could hire one for £70 for the weekend in Liverpool. Because it's convenient!


Climate change is all talk at the moment - with very few people actually doing anything to change things. i.e. they say one thing and do another. We are all currently a bunch of selfish ****ers!

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If it was done sensibly it would work and make Douglas a really nice place to live in or visit.


No more on street parking except by residents.


No need for complex technology.


Just stop car parking anywhere on street or promenade and increase car park fees and introduce a 100% parking space tax or rate


Large car parks just North of Onchan and say in area of Blackberry lane, on Peel Road in Braddan west of Braddan church, and down by the incinerator or Cooil Road, free, with free electric skipper type buses doing runs every 10 minutes, 5 mins in peak periods. You wouldn't have to use them but you would pay if you didn't.


Parking Charges in Douglas would be less out of peak times, ie evenings etc


Major public transport routes in and our of Douglas would end at the park + ride centres freeing Douglas from big buses in the centre


Finally a full overhaul of public transport with a comprehensive and frequent service of night buses, ie some of the skipper buses out of day time use.


All public transport to be free


No parking, residents excepted, within 2 streets of schools.


As for the cross towners when we have the outer Douglas ring completed, two more rounabouts, one at Braddan Oak and one at Braddan chuch, you will be directed to go North or South via Cooil Road, Vicarage Road, Peel Road, Braddan Road Ballafletcher Road, Johnny Wattersons Lane, staying out of central Douglas


Central Douglas does log jam between 08.00 and 09.15, 12.50 and 14.10 and 16.45 to 18.10 plus whaenever a boat comes in or the bridge goes up.

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The Congestion Charge idea is a no hoper.


Legislation would be fought vigorously in and out of the House of Keys, and then a working model would be a nightmare to create. (I'm opposed to the charge, btw).


I emailed the DOT after the plan to hold the workshop was reported (18th July) with a view to attending and discussing a couple of ideas. I was advised that public opinion would be invited in a consultation alongside and I would be welcome to contribute as part of a focus group.


There was no depth to any of the items reported in the article, more of a 'Lets toss some ideas onto the table then break for lunch'. I surprised there wasn't a 'hoverphone' on the table (© Barclays) ;)


Benefit from the article is that they can gauge public reaction BEFORE any one person puts their name to any policies in a later stage.

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Large car parks just North of Onchan and say in area of Blackberry lane, on Peel Road in Braddan west of Braddan church, and down by the incinerator or Cooil Road, free, with free electric skipper type buses doing runs every 10 minutes, 5 mins in peak periods. You wouldn't have to use them but you would pay if you didn't.


Parking Charges in Douglas would be less out of peak times, ie evenings etc


Major public transport routes in and our of Douglas would end at the park + ride centres freeing Douglas from big buses in the centre


But there isn't a congestion problem. Schools and Road closures are the issue as I and others have already said on this thread.


If someone can GUARANTEE my car if left in a Park and Ride car park would never get tw*tted by another careless/selfish motorist or damaged by a vandal, then I might be persuaded to use them. As for more evening working, this isn't China yet, so I don't think we want our quality of home life to change that much ;)

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Absolutely ridiculous! There is 'heavy traffic' for two half hour periods during the day and Douglas is practically deserted for the rest of the time! It still only takes a few minutes to cross Douglas at peak times!

Try living in the South East of England as I did for a while, now thats a proper traffic problem!

If anything we need proper public transport, for example a tram service operating on exiting and new lines on the old railway. Operated properly it could ease the traffic congestion and be profitable.

As for 'Big Brother watching me move around the town....time to leave this mickey mouse regime perhaps?



There are new lines on the old railway from the south to the centre of Douglas. It was suggested to Mr Cretney (the nodding dog) that perhaps this line could be used to bring people to work and back home, but he hit it straight out of the park because the "consultants said" it wasn't viable because it would cost £1M to upgrade the trains etc .............£1M that's peanuts to this Government but obviously it wasn't flash enough for Mr Cretney to get involved with. This Government and it's members talk a good job but when it comes to putting their heads above the parapet and dong anything...........oh dear me know, that might affect my votes and more importantly my pension!!!!!!!!! Quite frankly I'm sick of the lot of them. We're over governed.

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One of the major problems with 'consultations' of this kind is that they consist of groups of theorists - people whose only experience of using the roads in the town is driving to work in the morning and going home in the evening.

People such as taxi drivers, for example - who provide a 24-hour service on the roads - are never consulted or asked to offer any opinions; nor are the bus drivers, delivery drivers, cyclists & motor cyclists (who have specialized problems) and other groups who might be able to offer different perspectives.

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If they didn't put everything in Douglas there wouldn't be a problem.


Is the right answer!!


Incetivise business to be outside of Douglas, personally I work in Ramsey and have a great 20 minute drive over the mountain from Douglas. Probabaly the same time it would take me to drive from my house to Athol Street in the morning. More business move to non-Douglas locations....leading to....increased economic activities in those locations....leading to....better shops and facilities (sandwich shops in Ramsey are a bit pants!)....leading to....less pressure in Douglas....

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