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Motorists Could Pay To Travel Into Douglas....


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A good pair of shoes and a decent raincoat. :D


If you live close to work you end up with lots more free time, and if you were to walk to work you would normally live longer.


You won't sell grannies house to the likes of me if you lower the speed limit to a max 40 mph. Then where's the money coming from?

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you should get your other half to walk to work, instead of driving/riding


I try, he'd have to set off at 1am, which suits me fine! Plus he could sell his 2 cars and 2 bikes and I could have the cash! :D


typical bloody student, you should be grateful for everything he does for you

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What with most people entering exiting Douglas at busy times seem to be only one person to a vehicle they should be encouraged to use motorbike/mopeds.


Less congestion

Better fuel consumption

Easier to park

Less wear on the roads


Why do you need a monster 4x4 to drive one person to work? I know it’s a mostly rural island but people are taking the piss!


You missed a 5th opint


"much more likely to be killed/seriously injured in an accident"

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What with most people entering exiting Douglas at busy times seem to be only one person to a vehicle they should be encouraged to use motorbike/mopeds.


Less congestion

Better fuel consumption

Easier to park

Less wear on the roads


Why do you need a monster 4x4 to drive one person to work? I know it’s a mostly rural island but people are taking the piss!


You missed a 5th opint


"much more likely to be killed/seriously injured in an accident"



"by ignorant prick behind the wheel of a car"

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What with most people entering exiting Douglas at busy times seem to be only one person to a vehicle they should be encouraged to use motorbike/mopeds.


Less congestion

Better fuel consumption

Easier to park

Less wear on the roads


Why do you need a monster 4x4 to drive one person to work? I know it’s a mostly rural island but people are taking the piss!


You missed a 5th opint


"much more likely to be killed/seriously injured in an accident"



"by ignorant prick behind the wheel of a car"


Or just by falling off.... :whistling:

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I'd like to walk, but its shit to walk in a suit and shoes.


I'd like to get the buss, but I'm rural and it's around 1/2 hour walk to the nearest stop. I recon the island should use more but smaller busses. Seems daft to have all these huge double deckers driving round empty half the time. Why not have public minibusses with rural routes?


I don't think theres a serious congestion problem in douglas either though, I tend to leave earlier than the masses and get in to the centre from out of town in about 10 mins. Moving school starting times is a great solution to the 9am rush, and would make things easier for working parents in the morning. You do create a problem in the afternoons though if they finish earlier, its more childcare issues to make up the time.


I'd like to see less cars on the road in general though, especially fewer huge cars with one person. Believe climate change or not, fossil fuels are finate and they need conserving for that reason.


I'd like to see Bikes/Scooters given a bit of a priority, don't laugh! If you go to Bermuda, everyone has a scooter. They're tax exempt there and very cheap to insure to encourage use. The main problem with riding a scooter is cars, if more people rode them, they're a lot less hairy and far safer.


Bung the tax up on 2nd cars, offer free tax on scooters and government underwritten cheap as chips insurance, I recon you could get a lot more commuters on the things.


Oh and ban stupid 4x4's, bag of shite things.

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If people lived near to where they work it would be better.

It would make no difference. I used to drive the missus to work in Douglas and driving along the prom you would see people who lived in flats on Queen's Prom, get into their cars and drive to Shaws Brow! I also know one girl who lives in central Douglas precicely 5 minutes walk (and I've timed it) from where she works. She takes the car because she has a company space, although it actually takes longer to drive and park than it does to walk.

I'm lucky - by choice. I work at home here in the Swiss Alps or from my mother's home in Glen Auldyn when on the Island. In Switzerland I just do not need a car, on the Island it's handy but not essential.


...I wish I did too, somewhere near Buchs/Werdenburg/Grabs would be ideal....

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I'd like to see Bikes/Scooters given a bit of a priority, don't laugh! If you go to Bermuda, everyone has a scooter. They're tax exempt there and very cheap to insure to encourage use. The main problem with riding a scooter is cars, if more people rode them, they're a lot less hairy and far safer.


Isn't Bermuda small and flat? Only one car per household allowed as I recall and they don't get rain and wind all the year round like us (eg in our Summer month of August!)

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Never one to shie away from controversy, here's my twopen'th.


School journeys


A significant proportion of the car journeys made do seem to involve carting children around to and from school and other activities, yet I can count the number of times I was driven to school on one hand.


I find it difficult to believe that there are many children on the island who couldn't get to school either on foot or by bus or a combination of the two. This would not only reduce traffic congestion, but hopefully make the little darlings healthier and give them an opportunity to develop a greater sense of responsibility and commonsense. It seems ridiculous to me that a junior-age child could not develop the ability to navigate their way between school, activities, and home. Despite IQ tests proving time and time again that I am not a genius, I just about managed to do it for years without getting lost, abducted, falling into an abandoned mineshaft or wetting myself (well, except for that one time... but we don't talk about that :) ).


Public transport


It's actually not that bad considering the size of the place and the proportion of people with their own vehicles, but can always be improved. I now live in Prague, and it costs me the equivalent of 10 quid a month for unlimited use of bus, tram and metro lines in the city, including a fairly regular night service. Even though I live out on the edge of town, I've not yet had to resort to a taxi and I wouldn't even entertain the possibility of buying a car. Make it quick, cheap and convenient and people will use it.


Looking at the flip side, I think punishing people for driving cars is doomed to fail. Banning things is generally bad, although I consider a ban on the wearing of poorly manufactured and/or fitted toupees to be a legitimate exception to this principle :) However, it's only right to ensure that motorists are paying for the 'fully loaded cost' of their activities - car tax, fuel duties and parking charges should be levied at rates that reflect this. If people still choose to use their cars, then fine.




Every time I come back to the island it seems the standard of driving has got poorer. I propose ditching the highway code and replacing it with one simple rule - don't be an arse. In many situations if people just thought about what they were doing and its impact on those around them then a lot of problems would disappear.



All done. Enjoy what's left of the weekend :)

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Every time I come back to the island it seems the standard of driving has got poorer. I propose ditching the highway code and replacing it with one simple rule - don't be an arse. In many situations if people just thought about what they were doing and its impact on those around them then a lot of problems would disappear.


I think congestion charges are justified on environmental grounds. But there is little environmental basis for bringing it in in Douglas. Better public transport is the answer, which is particularly relevant as lots of people have mentioned school traffic. If there was less school traffic the congestion would evaporate because it does not happen out of term time. The roads are not badly conjested at all if you discount schools.


Instead perhaps they could reward people for using biodiesel, LPG, and other means that don't pollute the environment. On a small Island you cannot really stop reliance on cars, but you could make sure that people use cleaner fuel to help the environment.


In London running LPG drops you out of the conjestion charge on the grounds that its zero emissions. That to me would seem the way to enhance the environment better than simply charging cars off the road to cut down on traffic queues.

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Biodiesel only works at 5% content at present. You still get all the CO"


LPG is mineral and produces just as much CO2. Its the other pollutatnts, no NO2, no particulates


See the biodiesel thread


You can also ad 10% water to diesel to make diesel emulsion with lower emissions if you alter your engine. Lots of buses run on it, BP sell it wholesale

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