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Major Financial Institution In Staffing Crisis....


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Is it true that one of the Island's leading financial institution is facing a staffing crisis??... rumours reaching this ear say that there is an immense difficulty retaining staff and that its heomorraging staff quicker than it can replace them..... puttting huge strain on those that are left who have to do extra work and who are being denied permission to move departments..and there's no way the equivalent of a new congregtion can be parachuted in 'cos the training required is particular to dealing offshore....

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Is it true that one of the Island's leading financial institution is facing a staffing crisis??... rumours reaching this ear say that there is an immense difficulty retaining staff and that its heomorraging staff quicker than it can replace them..... puttting huge strain on those that are left who have to do extra work and who are being denied permission to move departments..and there's no way the equivalent of a new congregtion can be parachuted in 'cos the training required is particular to dealing offshore....


More bollocks again.


What institution are you talking about? Do you know, or are you just recirculating idle uninformed banter told to you in the pub?


.. or do you work for this company, and are hoping that somone else will do your dirty work and name it for you?


.. or are you just putting 2 and 2 together and arriving at 7?


.. or are you in fact just a total idiot that feels obliged to post crap on these boards because you have bugger all else to do and can't stop listening to low level gossip from people as daft as you are.


From your description it is vitually every bank that operates here.


They have a retention problem? The whole finance sector has a retention problem. Whats new?

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Is it true that one of the Island's leading financial institution is facing a staffing crisis??... rumours reaching this ear say that there is an immense difficulty retaining staff and that its heomorraging staff quicker than it can replace them..... puttting huge strain on those that are left who have to do extra work and who are being denied permission to move departments..and there's no way the equivalent of a new congregtion can be parachuted in 'cos the training required is particular to dealing offshore....



so you recognise the institution ..who is it?



So you informed everyone of this "breaking news" and you don't even know who you're talking about? Or is your life so insignificant that the only way you can make yourself feel more important is by keeping back "information"? Well no-one really cares because not a lot (if anything) of what you say has any crediblity so you may as well log off or get a job as a manager in Macdonalds, that way you can feel important and I bet the other employees would hang on your every word.


Here are some theories for you, you rush home each night as quickly as you can manage to post crap you've heard off some other subordinate or office cleaner (no offence to office cleaners intended) because in your paranoid little world, it would be impossible for you to post such 'sensitive'* information from your workstation as 'they're watching you' and you're worried you'll be disposed of for 'knowing too much'**


And maybe manxman hasn't bothered replying again because he believes there is no point entertaining your numptyish ramblings any further than he already has.


* Utter shit

** Being a total embarrassment to humanity

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.. or are you in fact just a total idiot that feels obliged to post crap on these boards because you have bugger all else to do and can't stop listening to low level gossip from people as daft as you are.



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I now know who the firm....allegedly its Barclays....allegedly one whole department in the Victoria Street branch building is losing hugely experienced staff...four names were given to me....and I'm told there are lots of others leaving too from other departments/sections/the call-centre - apparently the bank has tried recruiting from Central Europe so as to parachute in staff but those they have brought over are just using it as a means of getting out of their own country and access to better paid jobs either here or the UK. If its not true then someone from Barclays can come on and tell us how many staff they recruited last year and how many have left/have notice pending to leave this year so far...

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There's always a turn over of staff in large financial institutions. Especially Call Centres.


Given the cost of importing staff from the UK in terms of relocation expenses, flights home, hotel in first few months, I think it is highly unlikely that they'd be recruiting in Central Europe. Also staff relocated in this manner are tied in for a period in which they can't leave without repaying the relocation costs, which gives a lie to your assertion that they are using this to get a passport.


Do you really expect anyone to reveal the numbers of staff leaving their business?

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or are you in fact just a total idiot that feels obliged to post crap on these boards because you have bugger all else to do and can't stop listening to low level gossip from people as daft as you are.


That one would of done hboy.

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