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Iom Taxi Fares And Reforms...time For A New System....


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The Taxi regulator won't back down.


The Taxi Regulator has refused to back down on his planned reforms, despite more protests by taxi drivers.


The drivers blockaded his office this afternoon to register their opposition to his planned reforms of fare structures. Unions claim the new fare system will have a devastating impact on drivers' incomes, costing the industry 1.5 million.


It includes the introduction of minimum charges set of 3.80, or 4.10 at premium times, replacing the system where fares were set by individual local authorities.


It will also see the abolition of luggage charges and a 1.50 hiring charge for pick-ups from the airport.


Up to 10 taxi drivers held a protest in Douglas ahead of the introduction of the new fare structures.


edited - original article at:-



so, what about the IOM rates??

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The Taxi Regulator has refused to back down on his planned reforms, despite more protests by taxi drivers.


The drivers blockaded his office this afternoon to register their opposition to his planned reforms of fare structures. Unions claim the new fare system will have a devastating impact on drivers' incomes, costing the industry 1.5 million.


Its a conspiracy to keep taxi plate values up and nothing else. Most of them don't even drive their own cabs anymore just take a cut and sell the plates on. Generally its crap service, high costs, and ignorant arseholes who think they are doing you a favour picking you up in the first place.

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Its a conspiracy to keep taxi plate values up and nothing else. Most of them don't even drive their own cabs anymore just take a cut and sell the plates on. Generally its crap service, high costs, and ignorant arseholes who think they are doing you a favour picking you up in the first place.


Tugger Posted Today, 09:59 PM

Does anyone have a comparison of prices vs England?


mojomonkey Posted Today, 08:17 PM


It depends where you go as I think that they are set by various different bodies. For example Transport for London or Sunderland Council fares. Can't find the set fares for the Island.


How does it feel to know that you've all been 'done' by manxchatterbox? :D

His story was from Ireland and had no relation to Manx taxis whatsoever!


Tugger... there are over 300 licensing authorities in the UK. The Isle of Man's charges - even after the magnificent rise of 2.7% in daytime rates & 0% in nighttime rates that was granted in April - rank around 150th. With many authorities yet to announce this year's rises, we'll probably be around 200th or so by the time the next rise comes around!


hboy... it sounds as if they would be doing you a favour if they picked up someone's who's such a foul-mouthed arsehole even when he's sober. If you happen to get into mine, please introduce yourself so I can tell you to f**k off and walk!

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I did some cab driving when I was suspended from the job for fixing a bad guy up with a visit to the morgue.


It was hard work - but the guy I was driving for had three people working that car in shifts. He was making three paydays for sitting on his fat ass counting the money.


That aint right. Anyone has a plate and doesn't work it personally should have it taken away. In fact every driver should have his own plate and rent a radio from the despatcher by the shift. That way, the guys who work, earn. There are no grandfather rights in the jungle - you catch my drift?

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As most people who know me off these Forums wil find that i tend not to swear " that much " really, but tonight i've had a beer or few so here goes. And I appoligise beforehand.


I know many taxi drivers who are my friends and don't begrudge them earning a wage at all. They are hard working people who put the time in and have to put up with drunken arseholes like me.


However, what really gets my goat is the lazy fat bastards who own plates and sit on their lazy fat arses and take a cut out off the hardworking guy, who puts the hrs in, whilst they do fuck all but take cash, buy and sell plates, which were initially sold for pounds, and sell them on for a big mark up.


I own a " Public Company" as such and the only thing i can say is i don't make any money untill i get someone thoruogh the door. A Cab is the same but you don't have anywhere near the amount of dedicated custom to one cab to say a Plate is worth anything bit a License to trade.


There are some good plate holders out there, but most are greedy fuckwits who go on about running costs and such but forget that us " Clients" know that you wouldn't be in it and pay the stupid price for plates, unless you made a profit.


You should have your plate prices put back to what they were, with force if needed, and learn to trade of your own backs and trading skills.


Most cabbies who own their own plates and i've asked about them, only talk shoite and try to justifly what/why they payed for them so they don't look a complete fecking arsehole for paying it in the first place.


Grow up you Numpties, you need to get out and work more hrs instead of letting some bozzo do it for you.


In the real world, if anyone needs more cash we don't send someone else out tou do it for us. We do it ourself. To to take a leaf out of honests peoples book.


Sorry if I upset anyone but plate owners really piss me off.

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This will probably stir up all sorts of sh1t but is driving a taxi really that hard? They seem to be constantly moaning about it, its just driving people around in a car (and it normally appears that you don't have to obey the highway code either :rolleyes: ). I also dislike the way that lots of them make out they are public transport.

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I dont know anything about taxis other than how to ring them when you need one...and after a few beers even thats sometimes difficult.


But anyway, can someone explain the plate thing cos the way Im reading this is that one person buys a plate (which I guess is the licence to be a taxi?) and then paying other people to do the taxi-ing bit?


Is this really such a bad thing? Isnt this how a lot of businesses work?


Who buys the car and then pays for the petrol and the maintenance of the car?

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hboy... it sounds as if they would be doing you a favour if they picked up someone's who's such a foul-mouthed arsehole even when he's sober. If you happen to get into mine, please introduce yourself so I can tell you to f**k off and walk!


Rest assured I would walk 5 miles in the pi**ing rain than give any taxi driver on this Island my custom. You included.


Its funny how a debate about plates gets people enflamed. Its a rip off and everyone knows it.

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