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Will We Ever See Ps3?

K.os Theory

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According to the Official Nintendo Magazine, Argos got that bit wrong.


It's being estimated to be a November date, although officially it's due for release on December 2nd in

Japan, so may be the same date for Europe?




Rumour is it's definately before Christmas.


well we'll find out today, the nintendo uk press conference has just started and they're announcing the release date for europe.

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I know what you mean Rich, I've been a Sony fan-boy since PS1 came out but this entire charade has completely put me off. I'm gonna hold out until the 360 price drops ( possibly for Christmas?? ) and treat myself to one.

The only games that have any appeal on the PS3 for me are : Heavenly Sword ( looks awesome ), and Metal Gear Solid 4 ( although I'm yet to see any in-game footage ). The problem is that developers for PS3 seem to be a bit backward in offering in-game footage, I've seen loads of pre-rendered stuff ( Killzone sticks out in my mind ) but nothing that screams " Next Gen "...

The console war is over, Microsoft wins!

Doubtful, my joypad wielding friend. After the initial disappointment i think its a great idea we get it after the yanks. The launch titles looked a bit pants anyway, so this way we get to see if its up to the hype, then when it does launch here we'll have the likes of Heavenly Sword and Resi'5 to get our mitts into. Its not as though the PS2's finished yet anyway, some of its greatest titles have been out of late or are in the pipeline (GodofWar2?).

I don't like the Xbox, i don't like what it looks like, i don't like its controller and i don't like the way every bummer who has one thinks its better than anything else even though its not even fully next-gen(its like gen and a half), it'll only be another 2 years before they update it again, rip-off bastards. If Microsoft win the console war, i'm getting into gardening.

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I know what you mean Rich, I've been a Sony fan-boy since PS1 came out but this entire charade has completely put me off. I'm gonna hold out until the 360 price drops ( possibly for Christmas?? ) and treat myself to one.

The only games that have any appeal on the PS3 for me are : Heavenly Sword ( looks awesome ), and Metal Gear Solid 4 ( although I'm yet to see any in-game footage ). The problem is that developers for PS3 seem to be a bit backward in offering in-game footage, I've seen loads of pre-rendered stuff ( Killzone sticks out in my mind ) but nothing that screams " Next Gen "...

The console war is over, Microsoft wins!

Doubtful, my joypad wielding friend. After the initial disappointment i think its a great idea we get it after the yanks. The launch titles looked a bit pants anyway, so this way we get to see if its up to the hype, then when it does launch here we'll have the likes of Heavenly Sword and Resi'5 to get our mitts into. Its not as though the PS2's finished yet anyway, some of its greatest titles have been out of late or are in the pipeline (GodofWar2?).

I don't like the Xbox, i don't like what it looks like, i don't like its controller and i don't like the way every bummer who has one thinks its better than anything else even though its not even fully next-gen(its like gen and a half), it'll only be another 2 years before they update it again, rip-off bastards. If Microsoft win the console war, i'm getting into gardening.


I've only seen a handful of ps3 exclusives, heavenly sword ( yep looks gorgeous ) and Resistance fall of man ( just been checkin it out on IGN - again pretty enough ) but can Sony really pull back what will amount to a 2 year headstart on Microsoft. I'm at odds with myself here but at the moment I just can't see then making up the lost ground.


Maybe in 6 months time when you can finally get ahold of one I'll change my mind, but based on what I've seen I'm picking up a eggbox 360 at the first available opportunity...Gears of War ( hmmmm....lovely ), Lost Planet ( gorgeous lookin free roaming shooter ) Halo 3, Rainbow 6 Las Vegas, GTA4 but the final nail in the coffin for Sony is the online ability that Microsoft already has. It works, perfectly they don't need to change anything...


Lets see how it pans out...

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I've only seen a handful of ps3 exclusives, heavenly sword ( yep looks gorgeous ) and Resistance fall of man ( just been checkin it out on IGN - again pretty enough ) but can Sony really pull back what will amount to a 2 year headstart on Microsoft. I'm at odds with myself here but at the moment I just can't see then making up the lost ground.


Maybe in 6 months time when you can finally get ahold of one I'll change my mind, but based on what I've seen I'm picking up a eggbox 360 at the first available opportunity...Gears of War ( hmmmm....lovely ), Lost Planet ( gorgeous lookin free roaming shooter ) Halo 3, Rainbow 6 Las Vegas, GTA4 but the final nail in the coffin for Sony is the online ability that Microsoft already has. It works, perfectly they don't need to change anything...


Lets see how it pans out...

Agreed on the 2 year head start, but when it eventually arrives, it will be the superior machine. The online will be pretty much similar, only Sony will have the benifit of being able imitate and improve on the service Microsoft offers, and it will be free, apparently. A lot of games will be out on both machines, i'm not sure bout which ones "exclusives" i'd prefer, heard good stuff bout Xbox's but not seen anything that really blends my beans. It'll be all about whether the BluRay takes off or not.

I do think its telling that MS have released 2 consoles in the lifespan of one of Sony's though, its a rip big buddy, How long before their next machine?


I've put my name down for an allotment anyway, never mind yer Halo and Lost Planet's, i'm gettin into rhubarb and spuds!


Listening in tonight matey?

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They were advertising the PS3 at the footie last night. Bit premature isn't it?



Premature??????? was it not ment to be released before last christmas............ :ph34r:


in my book sony well out of the game i too was a sony fanboy but after all that pratting about to try and get central station to work on the PS2 i took the easy option when offered a Eggbox under the counter just after last christmas, plug it in, register online, it sorts itself out and off you go shooting frenchies and yanks online yippie :):) when they DO/if release a PS3 it should of course alot better they have had a year to get their s**** together

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when they DO/if release a PS3 it should of course alot better they have had a year to get their s**** together


I'd be surprised if it is any better.


Personally think it'll be a big flop, the display at E3 2006 doesn't give me much confidence in it either.

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when they DO/if release a PS3 it should of course alot better they have had a year to get their s**** together


I'd be surprised if it is any better.


Personally think it'll be a big flop, the display at E3 2006 doesn't give me much confidence in it either.

i dont expect it to , but it should be

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