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Time To Split?


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Times Poll


Nearly three quarters of the public (73 per cent) believe that “the British Government’s foreign policy, especially its support for the invasion of Iraq and refusal to demand an immediate ceasefire by Israel in the recent war against Hezbollah in Lebanon, has significantly increased the risk of terrorist attacks on Britain”.


Three fifths (62 per cent) agree that “in order to reduce the risk of future terrorist attacks on Britain the Government should change its foreign policy, in particular by distancing itself from America, being more critical of Israel and declaring a timetable for withdrawing from Iraq”.


Just a half (52 per cent) believe that “even though there is no justification for terrorism, the British Government’s foreign policy, especially towards Iraq and the recent attacks on Lebanon by Israel, is anti-Muslim and it is understandable that many Muslims are offended by it”.


But 63 per cent believe that “Muslim extremists hate democracy and the Western way of life, and if Britain’s foreign policy were different they would find another excuse for their terrorist activities”.


Rattling Rog's cage? Who? Me?

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What's it got to do with you?


You live in a cultural vacuum which is an insular, insignificant little place run by a bunch of talentless, overpaid, un-elected little men in big hats.


Rog and I live in the real world. Where politicians are not only elected but accountable. Where people make difficult decisions and stand or fall by them. There is no "club" over here that can shield them from the breathtaking incompetance demonstrated in such wonderful scams as Mount Murray, MEA, Incinerator, IRIS, Post Offices, Tourist Grants etc etc etc etc....


You live in that mess without doing anything about it and think you can criticise others? Get real... [/rant]


The attempts to blame the current terrorist threat against the government of the day are as pathetic as The Daily Mail. They all cite Israel at some time or other. But Israel has been around for over 50 years and is not going to go away. They know it as well i.e. their campaigns of hate are not going anywhere. We can only hope it will run it's course and accept the status quo in time.

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Rog and I live in the real world. Where politicians are not only elected but accountable. Where people make difficult decisions and stand or fall by them.


Well there's plenty of that going on today. A wonderful example of good government, you and Rog must be really proud to have New Labour


There is no "club" over here that can shield them from the breathtaking incompetance demonstrated in such wonderful scams as Mount Murray, MEA, Incinerator, IRIS, Post Offices, Tourist Grants


No, you just have enquiries like Hutton, etc,etc,etc,

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Yes, we have enquiries.


How are your enquiries going over there? The last I heard was about strange but true no accounting trail left over the sale of Post Office premesis. Think that's laudable do you? Dream on...


Tin pot stuff.

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tut tut people in glass houses...how is Eutopia these days???
I have no idea how life in Eutopia is. In your haste to diss everything I post as a matter of course maybe you missed this...
Rog and I live in the real world. Where politicians are not only elected but accountable. Where people make difficult decisions and stand or fall by them. There is no "club" over here that can shield them from the breathtaking incompetance demonstrated in such wonderful scams as Mount Murray, MEA, Incinerator, IRIS, Post Offices, Tourist Grants etc etc etc etc....

So your elections are coming up. How is your vote going to have a bearing on the machinations of your decision makers known as COMIN?


Ooops, I forgot, your vote is going to have no effect on COMIN whatsoever....


I like living in a democracy. Maybe you should try it....

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