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Time To Split?


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Dear me, how obvious is that! Of course I've emigrated. I now live in the UK where they have seriously eroded the powers of the un-elected upper chamber. How are you getting on with reforming yours?


Ooops, I forgot, they all voted to maintain the status quo along with their fat paycheques coupled with no accountability for their actions.


Hmmmm... you don't suppose they voted reform down as they have no care for democracy and the ordinary Manx voter and just want to line their own pockets do you? No of course they didn't. How foolish of me to think of it even for a second....


Glass houses etc etc etc...

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Glass houses etc etc etc...


Seeing as your first post in this thread was about incompetence and scams, do you not see the above quote as hypocrisy when you consider the likes of the Millennium Dome?


Massively over budget, sucking in loads of taxpayers and lottery money.


Now it's the proposed site of a super casino, where building seems to be well under way even though it hasn't been decided where that super casino will be. The person mainly involved in it seems to be John Prescott, who enjoys the hospitality of the person behind the casino in the Dome. Prescott also shags his secretary, punches the electorate, dresses up in cowboy suits, has his responsibilities taken away from him while retaining his full pay, makes Peter Karran sound eloquent, and yet is still your Deputy Prime Minister


BTW, what's happening with your NHS IT project?

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Prescott also shags his secretary, punches the electorate, dresses up in cowboy suits, has his responsibilities taken away from him while retaining his full pay, makes Peter Karran sound eloquent, and yet is still your Deputy Prime Minister.

Absolutely. Here's a man I can trust! However I think you are stretching it a bit that the other one can be made to sound eloquent.


BTW, what's happening with your NHS IT project?

In a past life I did work with the Governments IT agency. I thought they were just awful. So to hear of another flagship gov IT project going belly up does not surprise me in the least. Of course, the way the Scribbling Service is structured ensures that all the talented people work in the dirty but lucrative commercial world.


Which very neatly brings me back to the biggest problem I have with the current situation on the IOM. I wouldn't trust COMIN with my taxes and infrastructure further than I could throw a steamroller. You know, the point you are all studiously avoiding about how they are unelected and unaccountable. How about some constructive proposals on re-introducing democracy for a change?

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Dear me, how obvious is that! Of course I've emigrated. I now live in the UK where they have seriously eroded the powers of the un-elected upper chamber. How are you getting on with reforming yours?


No... they've eroded the powers of the entire parliamentary system - or do the blinkers only work when you look over here?

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Which very neatly brings me back to the biggest problem I have with the current situation on the IOM


But why do you engage yourself with a problem in a coutry that you don't live in? It sounds like there's more than enough problems in the UK to keep you occupied with for a while


I wouldn't trust COMIN with my taxes and infrastructure further than I could throw a steamroller.


I suppose your increasingly high taxes UK are being wisely spent? How high have council charges gone now? Have the foreign businesses that control your water supply sorted their leaks out yet? Our latest water project is coming in on time and under budget.


You know, the point you are all studiously avoiding about how they are unelected and unaccountable. How about some constructive proposals on re-introducing democracy for a change?


Let's have an election?


It seems to me that every critisism you have of the IOM can be at least equally applied to the UK. You've a "whiter than white" government lead by a "pretty straight sort of guy" that is now preceived to be sleazier than your last sleazy government.


I'd love to continue this, but I have to pack for London, Brussels, Cologne, Berlin, Warsaw, Krakow, Berlin and London again. You know how insular us Manxies are, see you in October. :)

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No... they've eroded the powers of the entire parliamentary system - or do the blinkers only work when you look over here?

All MP's still have to stand for re-election every term. That has not changed nor will it. "Blinkers" have nothing to do with the facts of UK parliamentary life. If you mean they have curtailed certain civil liberties then I would agree with you.


By the way, any ideas on how to return the IOM gov back into the hands of the electorate? Because the pops on here at Blair et al all look the same from my perspective - complete denial that unelected and unaccountable COMIN run the show over there. And you call me blinkered, dear me....

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And you call me blinkered, dear me....

Your avatar - a horse that keeps running in one direction and never looks to either side - seems remarkably appropriate! ;)

Nice one.

But why do you engage yourself with a problem in a coutry that you don't live in? It sounds like there's more than enough problems in the UK to keep you occupied with for a while

Because I always wanted to go back and probably always will. But with the way things have shaped up - not a chance. Which I'm sure will prompt more than a few to post how relieved they are to hear it - even though they don't know me!

I wouldn't trust COMIN with my taxes and infrastructure further than I could throw a steamroller.

I suppose your increasingly high taxes UK are being wisely spent? How high have council charges gone now? Have the foreign businesses that control your water supply sorted their leaks out yet? Our latest water project is coming in on time and under budget.

I think that the privitisations of services brought in by Maggie were a disaster. Particularly when it's vital services like rail and water. But then she had her own agenda to appease only those who voted for her, the vast majority of the electorate could go hang. Sound familiar does it?


You know, the point you are all studiously avoiding about how they are unelected and unaccountable. How about some constructive proposals on re-introducing democracy for a change?

Let's have an election?


It seems to me that every critisism you have of the IOM can be at least equally applied to the UK. You've a "whiter than white" government lead by a "pretty straight sort of guy" that is now preceived to be sleazier than your last sleazy government.


I'd love to continue this, but I have to pack for London, Brussels, Cologne, Berlin, Warsaw, Krakow, Berlin and London again. You know how insular us Manxies are, see you in October. :)

What rubbish, the UK does not have a "whiter than white" government however I do believe Tony Blair is nothing like as bad as painted by The Telegraph, The Express (assuming they can get Princess Di off the front page), The Daily Mail etc etc etc. BUT over here at least we can vote them out.... And IMHO nothing could possibly be sleazier than the last Tory lot.


I'm Manx and I'm not insular so what makes you think we are? I can easily see how COMIN can stay as long as they like calling the shots with nothing being done about it. By the way, from your list I would put London at the bottom and Krakow at the top. Enjoy!

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